Another Family Meeting

Emir took his seat at the dining table, facing his mother, with Lily to his left and Lyra to his right. 

Lily had a reaction similar to, or even more intense than his mother's upon his return. 

Letting out a chuckle, he carefully set down his spoon, as a pang of nostalgia surged within him. 

It had been a long time since he had allowed himself the luxury of a complete meal. 

During his training and trial on that planet, he had forsaken even a single morsel of food or a sip of water. But now, the taste of his mother's cooking rekindled a deep longing within him.

With a gentle smile, he gathered the used dishes and proceeded to the sink, his family maintaining a hushed silence, their anticipation palpable as they waited on his words.

After a few minutes, he returned to the table, his presence a soothing one amidst the expectant atmosphere. 

In a voice as tranquil as the gentlest of waves, he delivered his news: