Not So Empty Empty Marble



Arthur sat still for a while, even after Emir had long left the classroom.

'The rumors made me think that it'd be a bad class, but…'

Chatter resounded all around him, but he remained quiet, staring at the system in front of him.


His eyes scrolled through the objectives, and two of them showed the very methods Emir spoke of as rewards. 

'Though… I don't really need to listen. With those two, I'll be stronger than him in no time!'

He pumped his fist in excitement at his bright future. He, Arthur, the bearer of fortune, would look down on them all soon enough.

"Hey! You impure bastard!"


But it wasn't time yet…

[The bullies are finally here~.]

[That they are… But don't worry, Arthur! I, your master, will teach you how to beat them!]

[Bah! We'd be better off blackmailing them and getting some credits.]

He would need to suffer a bit more until then.
