A Forgotten Council


Two girls sat next to each other, whispering between themselves.

"No one ever mentions us, you know?"

One of the two had dark blue hair and gray eyes, while the other had brown hair and eyes.

"What do you mean? You're like the most popular girl in the academy."

"That's not what I was talking about…"

The girl paused for a moment and then pointed at the stands next to them.

"Look! Everyone's going to our neighbors… We didn't even get a single applicant yet!" 

A sigh resounded as the second girl put her right leg over the other.

"Screaming wouldn't help."


"No buts Olivia ALEXANDER, I told you that it'd be hard, but you persisted."

"Whaaat? Stop being so mean… And don't bring my dad into this."

She, who opposed Sofia's older sister, tilted her head.

"Mean? Me? I'm the nicest one you know."

"Yes, Ms. Devil's Sister."

"Oh c'mon! It's not my fault he's so scary!"