

"Okay, now we let the dough set for awhile," I state, covering up the dough and scrubbing my hands.

"I didn't realize bread took so long to make," Isaac murmurs, handing me a towel. Feenie bounces around, floating flour and other ingredients that ended up everywhere into the trash bin, and generally tidying up what would have taken me like an hour to clean.

"Not all breads. Special breads," Feenie corrects. I've been teaching them how to make some North African specialties. This morning, I had taken Dany's family's vows, formally giving them permission to stay in the territory. It was more or less the same as Angelique's with a bit of wording changed. So now, I can request Dany's hacking services without remorse, although I would have ended up doing so regardless. Oddly enough, Isaac seems to dislike Dany. It's subtle, but it doesn't seem like he's particularly hiding it, either. Since Feenie, who is an amazing cook with food from many different cultures, but hasn't had much experience with North Africa, had already asked to cook with me, I invited him to join us. It seems to have brightened his mood a bit.

Scott and Stiles are off shopping with Derek for the dance, and that makes me nervous, but I know I'm starting to get clingy, so I say nothing. I've been having a weird feeling for days, but I can't figure it out. Sunny is drawing on the dining table, but has opted out of cooking with us today.

I fill myself up a cup of coffee, bumbling my hip into Isaac's as I pass, just to feel the little uptick of happiness in his aura. He's been doing really well, and his court hearing is coming up. It's a hearing to finalize his emancipation, and so long as his dad doesn't show, he'll be home free. He's nervous of course, but I made it very clear his dad won't be showing up. He took one look at my face and grinned, saying that I had a lot of murder vibes for someone so small.

The alpha's been quiet. I haven't Seen or Felt anything and it's made me very fucking aware of how dependent I've gotten on my abilities. Mama Mel said he tried to approach her at the hospital, even flirting with her, but she shut him down ASAP since she knew who he was. I guess he hadn't realized we'd already brought our parents in, and I can't bear to think about what could have happened if we hadn't.

Feenie checks on lunch while Isaac, Sunny, and I relocate to the Den. Isaac settles on his side, his head on my lap, Sunya leaning on the curve of his belly with headphones in as she watches Netflix, a position we seem to be making a habit of. I wonder if being a part of a wolf pack is what makes us so physically affectionate, or if it's just learned behavior. I was pretty touchy before all this started... "Are we going to the formal?" Isaac asks suddenly.

I blink, "Uh, do you want to?" I take a sip of my mug, before setting it down, and leaning forward to better see him face to face.

He hesitates, "My dad never let me go to that kinda thing." I nod, tugging on his curls. "I would end up going alone, though, and that seems lame as hell."

I shrug. "Wanna go with me?"

His eyes go big. "I thought you wouldn't wanna go."

"I don't care much either way, but for you, sure.I'll be happy if your happy." He tackles me squeezing tight, but I just snicker patting his back. Isaac was too sweet to deny. "I'll get a dress this week."


The formal's coming up fast, but the timer that sounds like a bomb in the back of my mind just seems to keep counting down. I'm passing by a class during my free period, on my way to the library when I feel it: Magic, just the barest brush across my senses.

Curious, but not scared, I follow it, ducking inside to find the class empty, except for one person. I gawk. He gawks back. Instinctually, I flash silver eyes. Coach Bobby fucking Finstock, with a yowl likes a surprised cat, flashes his own back, but I'm too blind to tell what color they are.

"YOU!" We both yell at the same time, fingers pointed at each other, Coach actually tripping on a desk chair in his surprise. After a moment of thinking about it, I start laughing.

"You know what? I didn't see it coming, but I'm not really surprised now that I think of it," I confess, shrugging. "What are you?"

"A pooka," he says, lips pulling into a wide, almost inhumanly so, smile. I snort, facepalming, immediately recognizing it from a 3 hour long discussion with Stiles a month ago.

"A trickster spirit. That sounds about right." He cackles, and the sound makes me laugh too. "Supernats are popping up everywhere. Is anyone in this town human? Ah, whatever. Listen I know you probably want to give your vows," he nods here, suddenly serious, "but im currently dealing with a lot, including hunters and a rogue alpha werewolf, so we're gonna have to put a hold on all the formal stuff."

"I take it you, Scott, and Stiles got bit, Royal Brat?" I laugh, because that's quintessential Coach right there.

"Not Stiles, but yeah. Right before break ended. Now, I'm the Gaurdian." Coach scowls, arms crossed. "Until I deal with that, and establish my Alpha, not the one who bit me, please stay safe. Hunters are pouring in, so everyone should be cautious right now. Let me know if you hear anything. Tell your contacts the same and spread the world."

"Understood, Your Majesty." This time, he's utterly sincere his words, and I smile, but as insane as Coach is, he feels trustworthy, and that's a fucking relief to have at school.

"By the way, Stiles, our emissary, will be coming by. We need to build our beastiary, so any information you can share on anything, Pooka or otherwise, would be appreciated," I say as I head to the door.

"WHAT! HIM? You gonna set him on me? I won't be able to get rid of him!" I beam, waving cheerfully as I completely ignore his loud complaining. Sorry not sorry, Coach.

At lunch, I'm blessed with the hysterical view of Stiles chasing a running Coach Finstock across the field while shouting questions and typing furiously on his phone. Somehow his clumsiness is completely gone despite the fact that he literally can't pass a sobriety test stone cold sober because he's unable to walk straight in a straight line. Coach was pissed when he hunted me down afterwards, declaring that Stiles could have beat out Jackson for captain if he had been that motivated. He almost gives me detention because I'm laughing so hard.


"Give me ten. I'm going to the bathroom, but I'll meet you at the car." I tell Lydia and Allison, waving them off. We're going dress shopping now that school is over. I am fully aware I should have kept my mouth shut about needing a dress because this will most certainly end up with me playing Barbie for them, but I suppose it was gonna happen eventually. Don't get me wrong, I like shopping, but I prefer online shopping, or just grabbing what I need, and getting the hell out. Spending time with them will be nice, though.

I'm washing my hands when I sense someone enter. Looking up, I see Erica Reyes dart into a stall, muffled sobs reaching my ears. "Wha-Erica!" I hurry over tapping softly on the door, "Erica, it's Layla. Come on girl, let me in. We don't have to talk about it, but you don't have to handle whatever this is on your own." I frown, pressing my hand to Suhel's crown, today made of bright sunflowers and azalea, silently thanking him through our bond for mufling Erica's pain and despair. I'm not sure I could have withstood the hopelessness and frustration she was giving off without it.

"Layla?" She lets out a wet, bitter chuckle. "I guess I got lucky for once. Out of everyone in this shithole, my fellow defect is the best person to find me like this." I wince at the sudden jab. It's true in a fucked up, cynical kinda way, and normally I would have owned that bit of dark humor, but I wasn't mentally prepared for it. I brush it off quickly, ignoring the sting.

"Now, now, Erica. We're not defective. The universe just thought it would have to do something so we wouldn't be so utterly perfect. Something about mortals needing flaws." I scoff theatrically, and my efforts are rewarded with a huff, and then a click as the stall unlocks.

I crack the door open and lean in the frame, not wanting to enter and crowd her. She leans against the opposite wall, her palms pressing into her eyes. Her hair is messy, her breaths gasping, and I can see her shaking faintly. "I'd like to say that I'm happy to see you out of the hospital, but you don't look like you wanna be here…."

Erica snorts, hands dropping to show red skin under her eyes and a flush on her pale skin that even I can see. "I just found out I'm gonna have to repeat the year."

"Fuck, I'm so sorry," I tell her, my heart aching for her. Her epilepsy gets her sent to the hospital so often, and she had a few really bad seizures this year that kept her out for a long time. It would have been impossible to keep up, let alone spend enough time in school to go on to the next year.

She shakes her head, shoulders slumping in defeat. She gives me a weak thing that's probably supposed to be a smile. "Thanks for sending the flowers, though. They were beautiful."

I grimace, guilt eating at me. "I should have visited more. Some shit… happened, but I should have still checked up on you more."

She huffs, "You're already one of the few that acknowledges me. How could I ask for more?" Ash and burnt wood, a once roaring fire reduced to the faintest embers. A dying light. I brush my flower crown again, using it to push aside the pain and defeat coming off of her.

Erica Reyes and I have known each other for a long time. I considered her a friend even if we never really spent time together, especially outside of school, considering she was a grade above me. I had never really thought about it, but I've never really seen her with someone that looked like a close friend. Did she have someone at all? The thought makes my guilt worse, and my eyes burn.

"I'm so sick of this," she whispers, voice breaking as she starts to cry again. Having your own body betray you is…unbearable. I would know.

Carefully reaching out, I pull the taller girl into a hug. She sobs weakly as I rub her back, worried she'll have a seizure if she stays this distressed. I feel a wave of protectiveness rise in me, a sudden determination to make Erica's life better, at least by being her friend. "Hey. Are you going to the formal?"

She pulls back, confused and incredulous. "Who the hell would go with me?"

I give her a fierce look, "You deserve to live your life. You deserve to have fun. I'm going with a friend and you can join us."

I feel the tiniest feeling of hope spark in her. A tiny flame flickers to life. "But, I-I don't have a dress."

I beam. "What a coincidence, I'm going shopping right now!"


Allison and Lydia accept Erica without batting an eye, and I'm so fucking grateful, although it seems I might have accidentally sacrificed her to their mad makeover tendencies. She's a bit overwhelmed, but also happy and excited, so I leave them to it. It seems the stuff I spoke to Allison about resonated with her because she and Scotty are going together, which is great because we were worried about his grades there for a moment. Having a full pack and his mom knowing seems to have been enough support for him to bring his grades up, though. Somehow, Lydia and Stiles are going together as well. I was dumbstruck, but Lydia assured me it wasn't some cruel prank or anything, and considering her history, I think my concern was valid. Stiles also affirmed that it was just as friends, and that he wouldn't be catching feels, which, admittedly, had been something else I was worried about. Boyd said he would see if he could get off work to come too, so essentially, that was the whole pack minus the adults, and Derek, who didn't really count as an adult by his own admission.

I'm searching through a rack of dresses when I feel him, all my hair rising and warning crawling up my spine. I adjust the flower crown to sit straighter on my head. "Hello, Peter."

I turn to look at the alpha who stalks up at me. He rests his arms on the rack near me. "Hello, Layla. The jewel tone will look especially excellent on your skin."

I snort, not scared or angry, just sad and tired of this whole situation. "Almost everyone looks good in jewel tones." He chuckles, low and soft, deadly like the start of an earthquake. "Did you come just to let me know how awesome my fashion sense is?"

"No, of course not. I came to remind you of your duty," he drawls. I tilt my head, eyebrows raised, as I shuffle around some dresses, holding one up to my torso. "Not that one, you can do better." I shrug, and put it back, agreeing. "Your duties as a Guardian, I mean. Since you were introduced to our world rather…abruptly, you might not know, but your job is ruling and protecting the territory."

I frown, and move around the rack to keep it between us as he tries to stalk closer. I'm not scared, but I'm not stupid either. My intuition makes me brave, but I'm not gonna put myself in arms reach. He huffs, like I'm being ridiculous, but stops his prowl. "I'm not the bad guy here. All I'm doing is exterminating the rats that have infiltrated our home. I'm just bringing justice to my family. You can't think that's wrong, can you? No way you would have been chosen as a Guardian if you were so weak, soft, and naive as to think killing scum is wrong." He sneers disdainfully at the last bit and I watch him blankly.

"Your right, I suppose, at least partially," I state mildly, pulling another dress off the rack and holding it up for his inspection. His sharp nod has me putting it in the try-on pile. "I'm very aware that the supernatural can't work like the regular one without police and jail and other things that could reveal our presence. I don't even think killing the murderers is wrong, nor seeking justice. But I can't let you stay alpha."

He hisses, rage flowing forth like wildfire where before there were only embers. "Why not?"

"Because you aren't looking for justice, you're seeking revenge. The insurance guy is a scumbag, but all he did was commit fraud. He hardly deserved being mauled to death. Allison Argent is a completely innocent child, and you've threatened her multiple times already. Kate Argent? I would be more pissed if you let her live. But, that's not what this is about. Peter, you aren't well."

He scoffs, adjusting his sleeve cuffs, feigning nonchalance even as I feel anger and denial rising in his aura. "I'm all healed up, Little Queen."

"That just proves my point. Peter, you're killing people violently, and openly, and signaling every hunter everywhere that there is a rogue in Beacon Hills. How do you think this is gonna end?"

He freezes, and I can feel the moment his actions finally register, because Peter Hale is crazy, not stupid. "…War. It'll be at war in Beacon Hills."

"You are endangering my territory. I can't allow you to stay as alpha, not when you don't care about anything but spilling blood, not with your mind ravaged like this." I say softly, honestly pitying him.

"I only did it like this to get that bitch back here. We can take the rest of the hunters, even if I hadn't anticipated them! Let them come, we can kill them all!" Peter insists, almost desperate, his eyes glowing. I shake my head and start to walk away.

"If you weren't crazy, you would know how wrong you are."


Peter disappears and I do my best to pretend the whole incident didn't happen at all, but the sick feeling in my gut is only getting stronger as more time passes. I did find a dress for the formal, though, a deep green thing with a corset top, a high low skirt that was to mid thigh in the front, and kissed the ground in the back, and embroidered mesh that covered my arms, back, and up my neck. The whole thing was embroidered in dark green vines and gold flowers. It was lovely and I got some ribbon, lace up flats to match the vibe. It was nothing like the very modern dresses my friends were rocking, but that was fine. Not that I didn't like short and slinky when the mood strikes. Erica found something she liked as well, and her smile was brighter than I'd ever seen it, and it's the only thing that gave me relief.

The dance is tonight, and I'm mostly ready. The other girls were getting ready together, but I'm so damn anxious, I'd decided to stay with the pack. The boys were downstairs, looking to Derek as some authority on hotness, which was honestly fair. Boyd had made it after all, so that was good. Now, if only I can get the nausea to go away. I'm just putting in the last of my gold jewelry and magiking my crown to have gold roses when I hear a knock, and when I open it, it's to see Derek freeze in my doorway, eyes blazing blue for a second.

Concerned, I tug him in, closing the door behind him. "Hey, you okay?" I reach up to cup his face in my hands, and his hands close on my wrists, his head bowed and eyes closed for a moment. He takes a deep breath, eyes showing a beautiful green again.

"I'm okay. You're beautiful." I blink, startled by the sudden shift in conversation, before I grin softly, wrapping my arms around him.

"Thanks, Der." I deliberately ignore the part of my brain that points out he said I am beautiful, not that I looked beautiful. "Was there something you wanted to talk about?"

He tucks his head into my neck for a second, and I clench my teeth, trying to hide the shiver it sends down my spine. Judging by the barest hint of embarrassment and smugness, I feel from Derek, it didn't quite work.

"I'm…I'm building a pack house for us. For when I'm Alpha." My eyes go big, and my jaw hits the ground. "It's just in the design stage, but we'll need one. I want…I want to make a safe place where we can protect our territory from, where we can help people,…where we can all be together. Like Hale house used to be."

I pull him into a hug, desperately clenching my eyes shut and forcing away the tears, because holy fuck, this is huge step for him, and probably really painful. "Really proud of you," I choke out, blinking back the blurriness trying to ruin my makeup. He grips me tightly, a rumble in his chest, pleased and hopeful.

He pulls back flashing bunny teeth in a precious smile, bumbling our foreheads gently. "There is something else." I tilt my head, silently telling him to continue. "I'd like your help with the designs, and I wanted to know if, when it's done, you wanted to move in." My mind goes blank.

He must misread whatever is on my face because I feel his pack bond slam shut, jarring me out of my shock, his face closing down. I clench my hands on his leather beneath my hands, not letting him pull away. "Hey, just…hold on, okay?" he nods, stiffly, face and bond guarded, but the hurt and rejection is glaring through my abilities. "I'd love to help with the house and to live with the pack in it. But, I probably won't be able to."

He relaxes a bit, bond opening again, and leaning close. "Why?"

"I can't leave Sunny. My mom might not let me move out until I'm 18, and she won't let me take Sunya with me to live in a giant house with a bunch of people she doesn't know. It sounds like a cult." He snorts, nodding, a hand low and warm on my back. "Even if I waited till I was 18, I…can't leave Sunya alone. She'd probably have to leave the country to go with Mom, and that's like, zero stability for the rest of her childhood. I couldn't do that to her, and I can't leave her…like our mother left us. It's all gonna depend on if I can convince her or not."

Derek's brows furrowed. "No one's ever mentioned it. Where exactly is your mother, and how long have you guys been without her?"

I wince. "She and my step dad travel for business. They haven't been around for a while." Derek gives me a look that screams suspicion, so I sigh, and give in. "It's been around three years."

Derek chokes. "Three-THREE YEARS?!" He gapes, and I wonder what the hell he thought was the reason he could come over whenever the hell he wanted. "Layla, what the fuck. Isn't that just neglect?"

I flinch, not liking that pointed at me, even if I won't argue it. "It's complicated. We've had nannies and stuff, but it's gotten less necessary as we've gotten older."

"Why would Noah and Melissa-" I cut off.

"My mother asked them to look after me, and with the nanny and the money coming in, well, we've been well enough that proving neglect wouldn't be easy. On top of that, the boys and I have lied several times, making it seem like my mother has come back often to see us." He's still gawking, so I continue. "Both the sheriff and Mel work jobs that are obligated to report shit like this to child services, so this gives them plausible deniability, although I'm sure they've long since figured it out. The truth is that if child services catch wind, they could take Sunya away. Derek, they could separate us."

He inhales, and pulls me into a hug. "Okay. Okay, we'll figure it out." I lean in, trying to force back the anxiety that the conversation brought right to the surface, realizing that I'm breathing a bit to hard. This time, it's Derek that cups my face between his hands, and I let the warmth of it smoothe away the chips and cracks to my demeanor.

"Together, as a pack?" I mumble.

He sighs a laugh, warm and almost sweet. "Yeah. As a pack." I can't stop myself from turning my head to kiss his palm, and he growls low, head bumping mine, green eyes to brown.

I examine them, trying to memorize the details I can see, feeling him do the same. I'm very aware that I adore him. He's pack, of course I do. I'm also aware that I'm pretty attracted to him. But, frankly, I don't want to do anything about it, especially not now. Derek is pack, and that's all I need for him. Or, at least, that's what I keep reminding myself.

We pull apart, and Derek tugs on one of the little braids in my hair. "You really are beautiful." I huff, shoving him, feeling oddly shy and bashful, but allowing him to escort me downstairs.


"You look like a fairy. Will you let me take pictures to paint it afterwards?" My date asks, bouncing on his feet. I laugh, pulling Isaac into a hug. Fuck, Isaac is so adorable.

"Sure. But I want some pictures with you, too. I've got a pack album to fill," I say with a grin. He laughs, herding me out the door to make me play model by a giant tree in the yard. After several photos, Mama Mel and Derek taking them for, and with us, Scott and Stiles come out. I call out to them, ready to be a good best friend and flatter the hell out of them. "Look at you guys."

I bounce over, grinning wide. "Scotty, you look like a snack." Lowering my voice so his mom can't hear, I whisper. "Allison will try to eat you whole." He flames in embarrassment and shoves me into Stiles, sputtering and stomping away, ignoring the laughter from Derek and Isaac. Snickering , I glance up to see intense amber eyes gazing down at me.

I examine him, taking in the sleek suit lines enhancing his tall, but strong frame, and artfully messy hair, and I smirk. "You look hot as hell."

From my position leaning against his chest, I'm close enough to see the flush on his cheeks, and I have to mentally beat down the attraction to another one of my closest friends. Fucking get together, Layla. Derek sidles up, arm slipping around Stiles shoulders and the other settling on my lower back again. Stiles rolls his eyes, mumbling, "I look decent."

Both Derek and I share a scowl, because, fuck, sometimes I really wanted to beat the shit out of the people who have messed with Stiles's self esteem. Derek huffs, smacking his head lightly. "She's right you look good."

"Sexy," I add.

"Nice shoulders," Derek murmurs.

"Good hair," I drawl.

"Kissable lips," Derek purrs, and goddamn, he's going for it.

"Delectable moles."

"Lovely neck."

"And his ass-"

"OKAY!" Stiles squeaks. "God, you two are fucking menaces. Layla, you're corrupting our Sourwolf."

"But we weren't lying," I point out, grinning. He huffs, cute dimples appearing, as he bashfully peaks out from beneath his lashes. Derek chuckles, a low rumble that's all fondness and warmth.

"I love you idiots," he huffs. "And you look ethereal, Midnight." I beam.

"Alright! Let's kill it tonight!" I cheer, dancing over to Isaac and dragging him over for group photos.

For the record, I hadn't meant it literally.