Normal Teenage Fun

Author's note: IM BACK, BITCHES! If you follow my other shit, you know I've been dealing with finals. Big oof. So I'm sorry for those of you who haven't heard from me in a while. On the bright side I'll be updating everything rather frequently over break. Then again, I'm graduating with a double major in the spring so it'll get busy again lol. Just know that it might be slow going, but it's still happening. TBH I could have updated faster, but I ended up adding to the series. I'm sorry ? I couldn't help it. I'll probably still keep adding, too. There will still be a my hero academia, walking dead, and marvel story in the works. So more content, but since I update in cycles, I'll probably be pissing y'all off (laughs nervously) Anyway, as a peace offering, I'll be uploading the next chapter of this before going on to my next fics, so expect the season one finale to finish in chapter 15, and expect it soon. Thank you guys so much for your understanding and patience, and as always, check out the rest of the series, and leave a comment. BYEEEEEE!XXXXXXXXXX

Isaac opens the door for me, and I step out of the car, taking the offered hand, bemused at the gentlemanly behavior, but content to play the roll and allow him the full experience. He beams tugging me into a quick hug, before zipping off to greet the others. I huff, leaning down into the driver side window to grin at Derek. We had all come in various cars, but Derek volunteered to drive Isaac and I, the Softywolf.

"Call me when you want to be picked up, " I laugh softly, recognizing the command for what it is, but abruptly stop when I catch a vibe, my breath hitching wildly. Derek straightens in the camero's driver seat, immediately alert. "What?"

"I… I don't know. Something bad." I flinch and back up when Derek suddenly opens his car door nudging me back with it, before slamming it shut and pulling me to him, frowning as he rubs warm hands down my arms and spine. Isaac appears, worry echoing in his bond as he tucks himself into our sides. I fist my hands unconsciously in both of their shirts. "The bad feeling has been growing for weeks, but it just spiked. I don't know what to do."

Derek rumbles a soothing growl, glancing about. I can feel the attention of our other pack mates, but none approach, not wanting our non-pack friends getting close to what was obviously not a mundane talk. Scott and Stiles were both carefully distracting Allison and Lydia, and Boyd had cleverly steered Erica to them as well even though they hadn't been dates like the others. Derek slips a hand around the back of both Isaac's and I's necks, and squeezes gently, a wolf offering of comfort, and says, "Hey, listen. This isn't new, you said it yourself. Let's not let it ruin your night when we don't even know what will make it worse or better. You guys… you deserve to have fun. To be normal whenever you can. Go. Go dance and drink spiked punch and send me embarasssing pictures of the pack doing stupid shit and Scott being sappy with the little Argent. Go!" He huffs, pulling us close for a moment before pushing us towards the dance. "I'll be nearby if something happens. I'll protect you guys. No matter what."

I bite my cheek, clutching at Isaac's arm, my…little brother, (yes, that's right. That feels right,), holding me warily against his side. Derek's right, of course. The truth is I have no idea how to prepare for something when I don't even know what something is, and I feel like we have to be here even as my stomach drops. I glance at Isaac, catching his nervous expression, and instantly feel guilty. I turn back to Derek and nod hesitantly. We can have one night, right? We need this.

Derek waves as he drives away, and I try to force away the dread, even as I take Isaac's hand and lead him inside. "Layla?" He pulls me to a stop, ducking his head to my level, uncertainty in his face and aura.

"I'm sorry," I tell him, shoulders slumping. "I didn't mean to taint or ruin your experience. I-"

"Stop. Stop. Layla," Isaac sets his hands on my shoulders, suddenly fierce, "You could never taint or ruin anything, at least not for me, not when you're the reason I have so much good in my life at all. An-and we can hardly fault you for trying to protect us. You know, we don't have to do this-"

"No! No. Derek's right. You- We deserve it. Come on," I smile, my stress easing under the warmth of my newest family member. Isaac was so utterly good that it still took me off guard sometimes. I push all the darkness away as I darw him into my arms, squeezing the boy that had quickly become so precious to me in such a short time. He squeezes back, just as tight, slouching almost comically just to set his chin on my head, the height difference making us both snicker.

"I should've put on heels," I say ruefully. He just laughs, pulling me to our friends. But, even as I pray nothing goes wrong, I don't really think I'll get that lucky.


I spend the first few dances improvising some semblance of formal dance and teaching it to Isaac, because while I can dance decently, it's not this kind of dancing, and I didn't actually think to look it up. It goes surprisingly well, though, and I have Isaac breathless with laughter as I twirl us wildly about, much to the amusement of several passersby.

Kissing my new sibling's cheeks, I drag him to find our other packmates. We find Boyd and Erica shyly talking in the corner, and I shove Isaac at Erica before dragging Boyd out into our own turn around the floor. I yelp, descending into near hysterical laughter as Boyd, mischief burning bright, scoops me a solid foot off the ground and twirls me in the air, not the slightest bit deterred by my weight. I am pretty small, true, but while I didn't particularly mind my curves, even mostly liked them, I was definitely a bit chubbier than Allison and Lydia, who could easily be models. I was honestly rather impressed, giggling as my feet swayed above the ground. Arm wrapped around my shoulders, he guides me back to Erica and Isaac who have also finished dancing. I feel light as I spot both Scott and Stiles happily dancing with their respective dates.

When we reach our friends again, I feel my own flare of mischief, and rather than take the hand Isaac holds out to me, I huff haughtily, nose in the air, and reach past him to grab Erica's and drag her against me. Hearing her bright laughter, I carefully tighten my hold on her before suddenly dipping her sharply and then whipping the taller girl back to my chest. I flip my hair over my shoulder, smug, guiding my friend out to the dance floor to the sound of hilarity from Boyd and Isaac, Erica's beaming smile and sparkling eyes soothing my soul as I spin her around the room.

After that, I take a turn with both Scotty and Stiles, the happiness and excitement coming from them infectious, before pulling away to get a drink. I pretend not to hear the whispers around me, rolling my eyes. Isn't this a bit much? I might usually prefer to wear hoodies and jeans to school, but that's just because I can't bear to put in effort for this soul sucking dungeon. They act like I got a whole new face rather than put on mascara. I snort as I hear a girl mumble jealousy about my eyelashes.

"….Layla?" I turn, blinking at the shock and, ew, attraction from Jackson of all people. "Wow, that is you. You weren't ugly, but who knew…"

I give him an exasperated look. "Devastatingly charming as always, Jackass." He shrugs smirking, and ignoring the angry blonde hanging off him and trying to murder me with her baby blues. I stare so blandly at her that she actually gets uncomfortable and leaves, to both Jackson and my amusement. I raise my eyebrows at him but he just shrugs.

"She was clingy. Anyways, I came here to ask some questions. Something weird has been going on around here and I know you're attached at the hip to those two losers, unfortunately, so you know what it is. Tell me."

I stare boredly. "That's not a question."

The spike of irritation is funny to watch, and I blink lazily as I take a noisy ass sip of punch that is hella spiked with vodka, just to be obnoxious. "Damnit, don't pretend like you don't know!"

I stare some more until he starts to fidget himself, before sighing, and deciding to throw him a bone. "Look, whatever you think this is, trust me, it's not worth it. Don't ruin your life looking for some magic cure to fix it all. It doesn't exist, and you'll hurt yourself trying," I pause, suddenly hit with a vision.

A black SUV crashes into Derek's Camaro, trying to drive him off the road. Shots ring out as he runs through the woods, scared and frantic. A laugh rings pierces the air, and there is Kate fucking Argent, smile wide and crazy as she fires shots into the dark preserve after my packmate- I gasp yanking myself out of the vision that will start soon, all the horror and worry back ten fold.

"-yla. Layla! Are you even listening to me?!" I clumsily set my cup on the table behind me, definitely knocking something over, as I force back the fear brought on by my current bout of blindness. I flinch, forcibly pushing down rising magic as a hand settles on my arm, but ignore it in favor of tugging frantically at every bond I have, even Sunny and Suhel's. The others draw near as I stagger, my panic rising as I feel the fucking alpha's disturbing aura slip into range. "Whoa! What the hell's wrong?"

"Layla!" Stiles is pulling me into his arms, the others slipping forcefully between Jackson and I, shielding me from view as I try to get my bearings amongst the loud music and the emotions of most of the school population, all suddenly seemingly dialed up with my sight gone. "Talk to me, Midnight."

I'm overwhelmed as I frantically try to figure out a solution to the sudden shitshow about to start, my hands reaching for Suhel's crown, using the warmth to center myself more firmly to the now. Fuck, think Layla! We need… to get outside. There are too many people around. If Peter follows us inside, it could be a massacre. We'll try to get to Derek from there.

I shudder, my chest aching from the panic trying to claw out and I clamp down harder on the magic roiling beneath my skin. "We need to go to the stadium. Peter's here."

Soft swearing rises up around me as hands start to drag me outside, unintentionally running me into a few sets of dancers that I do my best to dodge using my aura sensing and intuition. Jackson, however, isn't ready to let anything go as I feel him step in front of us, blocking the path. "What the fuck is happening? Why the fuck is she like that?" I wonder what I'm "like" that has alarm, and dare I say concern rising in him.

"Move." Stiles's snarl is low and deadly, and so vicious that Jackson recoils, (God, we've spending too much time with wolves), but I don't miss the little bit of arousal spiking through Jackson, and I'm suddenly wondering if he doesn't pick on Stiles because he's cute. The intrusive thought makes me twitch in horrified mirth, and I shove it away, reaching out with my magic and trying to pick up any hint on how to get out of this mess without any of my pack dead.

"What's going on?" comes Allison's worried voice from behind me, and a distressed noise escapes my throat as I urge Stiles forward. Oh god, I can feel Peter creeping closer.

"We need to go. Stay here!" Scott says, his own anxiety clear, but we're soon forcing our way past the others and through the crowd, leaving our friends behind and bolting through the halls. I grit my teeth, forging through the darkness around me with only my pack to guide me through winding halls I can't see. I'm so caught up in the future that I make a mistake. A deadly one.

I ignore the present. I don't notice Jackson, Allison, Erica, and Lydia following us.


We manage to snatch weapons from the Jeep before we bolt towards the stadium, even as we call Derek and the parents. I pant, doing my best to keep up with the long legged athletes dragging me on. "Derek, it's too late. Hunters are coming to run you off the road."

"WHAT!" is the response of everyone.

"LISTEN!" I snap, the fear thick around me. "You won't make it here. Park. Run. Try to lose them in the forest or Hale House, and if you do, get to Suhel, he'll protect you," My nemeton bond flares bright in agreement. "Parents, go help him. I'm sending wisps to guide you."

"NO! Melissa and Noah should-" Derek starts.

"FUCKING DENIED!" I fire back, just as fierce, "You will not die alone in the woods because of your own stubbornness. The five of us can handle this, I promise. NOW! Hurry! Stiles, hang up." And he does, because he trusts me, and the thought makes my sightless eyes ache with suppressed tears.

I feel the ground shift to grass under me, and I brace myself as I'm pulled to a stop. I turn to track the prowling wolf as Scott snarls low and angry to my right. Our fear hangs dense in the air and at a weird repetitive noise, Stiles hisses to me that the alpha is turning on the stadium lights, trying to blind us. I breathe in sharply, gripping the magic in my chest and form an orb, a wisp to guide our parents to Derek, feeling it shoot off even as the rest of my magic begins to vibrate more aggressively in my very bones, the humming loud, letting my eyes bleed silver, but holding the rest back.

"He's here, " I tell them solemnly, turning to face him again. Fire and ash, pain, blood, loneliness, grief, rage- I grip Suhel's crown and pull myself out before I'm carried away. Out of the dark creeps the monster made by humans.

"Well, well, don't you all look lovely. Especially you, Little Queen. Stunning," he purrs, and Scott is snarling protectively, but smartly refrains from slipping in front of me.

I sigh, the weariness and sadness in my bones almost burying the fear for the moment. One fucking night. "What do you want, Peter?"

"Hmm, how bout a pack? My rightful position as Alpha recognized? Ooh, or how about MY FUCKING FAMILY BACK FROM THE ASHES!" his roar shakes the ground and has us huddling together and shrinking away, terror coiling through the pack bonds at the obviously unhinged display. We scramble to shift and track him as he begins to circle us, prowling. I bite my lip as my vision starts to come back, bright lights leaking through the endless darkness. Fuck, I'm literally going to be fighting this asshole mostly blind, oh god- "I suppose I could do with a nice cappuccino, as well."

I do my best to stop the trembling in my limbs even as the collective horror has us silenced. Well, almost all of us. Fucking Stiles. "There is a fantastic little cafe south of here," Stiles spits, fear and rage warring. His hand is clenched tightly on mine, his beautiful, too quick mind resulting in his inability to filter his crazy ass mouth. "But I don't think they let in filthy, flea bitten-"

Peter laughs coldly, and the genuine amusement is underplayed by the barest hint of rage, "I kind of wish I'd taken a bite out of you when I had the chance. You would have made an excellent wolf, Stiles." Scott snarls again. I straighten my shoulders and tighten my hold on the bonds, the others following our lead.

And then, somehow, everything gets worse.


"Guys! What the hell?!" I whip my head around, eyes bulging at the sight of our friends jogging toward us. Even worse, Peter has managed to place himself between them, and us. Taking the hungry, gleeful gleam of the monster's eyes, I already know we're fucked even as I open my mouth to scream.

"RUN! GET OUT OF HERE!" The panic in my voice is enough to grind them to a halt, but it's already too late. Peter whirls around and lunges with an ecstatic, insane cackle, even as Scotty goes for his back. Peter's eyes glow like fire, and I raise my gun leveling it at his back and fire.

See, I'm a sheriff's kid. Dad taught me how to shoot when I was young, and we still go out to the range every once and a while to keep those skills sharp. Admittedly, in my formative years, it was more BB ranges, but still, I am a damn good shot, always have been. While none of us can legally carry real guns since we'd be fucked if someone found them in the Jeep, Layla and I came up with a solution.

I aim and fire the bright orange paint ball gun, four wolfsbane pellets slamming and soaking into the alpha's flank, his furious roar music to my ears. I lower the gun, not willing to risk hitting Scotty, but it's a moot point when the Alpha spins, the motion so fast it blurs, grabs the beta by the throat and throws him several feet behind the rest of the pack as we run for our friends.

"NO!" I yell desperately as Allison is thrown into Erica, and Jackson and Lydia are pinned under the monster that used to be Peter Hale. I hear a sharp gasping breath, and even now, I can't stop from turning to look at Layla, heart hammering in my chest.

The next moment feels like it happens in slow motion.

Layla lunges forward at my side, (where she always is), and then, like magma from under the earth, her skin lights up, mercury spilling into her hair and markings appearing like war paint, and it still takes my breath away every time I see it. Even as I hear the others screaming and Isaac and Boyd firing tasers and paintball guns, my ADHD helpfully points out that Layla, dressed in green leaves and gold flowers, looks like some vengeful goddess of nature, glowing palms rising to bring down her wrath upon the unrighteous. Her eyes blazing with desperate, pained furry, a bolt of fucking lightning shoots out of her outstretched hands and slams into Peter, sending him flying off the teens cowering underneath him and crashing ass over end a solid ten yards away.

I fall to my knees in between Jackson and Lydia, nauseous at the bloody bite marks, but relieved at the lack of mauling and serious injuries. Oh shit, this is bad but at least their throats aren't torn out. They could still survive. Both are wide eyed and awake, albeit crying and shaking, but not bleeding too heavily. I pull off my suit jacket, tearing off strips of cloth and folding it before pressing them firmly to the sluggishly dripping bites, trying to ignore the damp warmth on my palms.

Layla has stepped forward in front of the group with Isaac and Boyd leveling their weapons as the alpha starts climbing to his feet, his chilling laughter ringing out breathlessly. Scott reappears in all his furry glory, distress pulsing through him even as he drags a semi resistant Allison and Erica behind the rest of our pack. Fuck, Erica!

Turning to Jackson, who seems the most aware, I grasp his jaw, bringing his wide blue eyes to mine, and for the first time, I don't see the asshole who goes out of his way to mess with me, but just another teen who was thrown head first into a hell they didn't deserve. "Hey! Focus! Put pressure on these. I'm checking on Erica."

I grab his hands pressing them down on his shoulder and Lydia's side, before darting over to a violently trembling Erica. "Hey! Hey, I need you to calm down, okay. Deep breathes. We're gonna protect you guys, so relax." I grip her gently, praying to any gods out there that she doesn't fall into a seizure right now. She nods, frantically gripping me back, but follows my lead, trying to slow her breathing down.

The manic laughter grows louder, "You think you can protect them from me? Sure, you've proven you can land some hits, but so have I. Do you really think that you'll be able to keep me completely away? All it takes," he purrs, sharp claws sliding out of his hands, "is a single misstep, and one of your little humans will find themselves lacking a few vital organs."

This time, the growl that rends the air comes from Layla of all people, her wrath vibrating through her bonds. "What will it fucking take to make you go away?" She hisses, as always, far more angry on behalf of others than herself.

Peter's face, which had been boasting a wide, crazed grin, suddenly goes completely flat, like an actor that finished their scene, and it sends a shiver down my spine. It's at this point that I'm reminded that Layla still can't see from having a vision, and that the only way she could have hit him is by fucking aiming her magic at his aura, that crazy badasss. I grit my teeth, stroking Erica's head and shielding her from seeing Peter or vice versa. Fuck, this isn't how we wanted to face the Alpha. We aren't ready! We need Derek to fight him and take the spark. Now we have people in the crossfire, and my mountain ash circles won't be fast enough to trap him or protect us! Layla is trying to end this before more people get dragged into this, but-

"It's simple," Peter's voice is still horribly empty, even as his face twists into something that should be charming. "You, Little Queen, come with me to talk to my wayward nephew. I promise if you do, I'll leave your little humans, and pack alone."

The world freezes around me along with the blood in my veins, because I know Layla. I know exactly what she'll do after practically sharing brain cells with her for years, and despite it, there is one way I've always thought we were vastly different, even if she didn't agree.

She's so much braver and selfless than I could ever be.

"No, NO! Lay-" but she is already darting forward, too quick for Boyd and Isaac to even register and then the alpha was there, arms wrapping around her tiny, delicate frame and it's like my world is falling apart. She turns, glassy, unseeing eyes somehow meeting mine, silver intent nearly crushing me with the message I read in them. Screams rip through the air before I can even comprehend it, but between one blink and another they're gone, the soft thump of a golden flower crown hitting the ground left in their wake.

Someone's still screaming and it's only when Isaac presses into my side that I realize it's me. I gasp raggedly, jaw clenched to hold back the howls I can feel clawing up my throat. I think of my best friend, alone with a monster, and I force my pack bonds closed, and the panic away. Fucking think, Stules. What do I do?

"Stiles?" Scott is cradling Allison, eyes tear damp as the girl sobs into his chest. "What's the plan?"

I breathe deep, taking in the group around me, and exhale. That's right. Without her or Derek, leadership falls to me. It's up to me to figure out how to save everyone. I think of the absolute faith in those silver eyes. Layla left it to me.

"Stiles?" Scott whimpers, gold staring into my soul. I feel a fire begin to burn in my chest as my spine straightens.

I turn to my brother, the fear disappearing under a tsunami of rage. "Call Coach and Danny."


"What the hell have you gremlins been up to?! I saw you numb skulls 20 minutes ago!" Coach settles his hand on a still trembling Erica while Danny drops to the knees next to his bloody best friends.

"These two were bitten, and all of them are officially traumatized. We're leaving them to you guys. Isaac, and Boyd will be staying behind to help you with damage control," I tell them, cutting off our packmates that go to protest with a sharp look. "No! I need you two to watch over the freshly bitten and be there to explain things and run interference at the hospital-"

"Hospital! There will be no hospital visits, are you insane?!" Coach hisses, eyes glowing…purple?

"What, exactly, are gonna do with the two partially mauled teens on the ground then?" Scott snarls quietly, eyes still blazing in stress.

"Idiots! Where is Layla? She usually holds all the common sense between the three of you!" Coach waves his arms wildly in emphasis, hair looking even crazier than normal.

The words knock the air from my lungs, my heart aching under the strain, (My best friend, my pack, gone, gone, gone, nonono, not her, please, god no-) I clench my fists and force the panic away, the only thing keeping me together is the fact I know she's counting on me, and her warm bond in my chest pulsing comfort even as I can feel the fear. I saw it in her eyes right as she left, (He TOOK her, HOW FUCKING DARE-), and I won't let her down, won't stop, until she's right back we're she belongs. Home with us, (Please, no, god, there is no home without Layla, we need her, I need her, please, please, please-).

Boyd is the only one of us strong enough to answer, and even his voice breaks from the devastation. "Layla's… gone. Left with the Alpha to protect us." Danny gasps and Coach swears, and runs his fingers almost violently through his hair, pacing.

"Alright. Here's what we'll do. We'll take these newbs to a safe place to observe and hopefully they won't reject the bite. Jackson, you'll need to lie and make up an alibi for you and Lydia, since she's clearly not coherent right now. No, you can't go to a hospital and they won't know how to help you anyway. I know Aunt Angie took her vows already and she may be able to help make the process easier so I'll call her, too."

I nod tightly, before realization hits me like a ton of bricks. "Boyd, Isaac, take them to Layla's. The den has stuff to help heal and care for them,… and chains, just in case. Plus,… Sunya."

"Fuck," Isaac croaks, and I feel panic flood me from his bond. Both Isaac and Boyd have been doing great, but the truth is, as the newest pack members, they have the least amount of control and practice when it comes to using the bonds, and they aren't holding it together as well as Scott and I, not that we're really doing well either.

"It's okay, Feenie will be there, too." I reassure them, feeling myself settle into a hyper focused state now that this issue can be handed off. "Scott and I need to go. Our parents and Derek are still facing Kate and her hunters, and as soon as the alpha gets there, it's going to get really bloody." I slide the paint gun strap over my shoulder and take Boyd's offered up wolfsbane and mountain ash infused bat.

"Kate. My aunt." I blink, turning to look at an ashen faced Allison, honestly having forgotten she was here at all. "That's what everything's been about isn't it? This is that big secret everyone's been keeping. That you guys–That there are…"

"That what? What? That we're monsters?" I bare my teeth, suddenly irrationally furious with her, too terrified over the very real possibility that several of my pack members could die tonight to care about her feelings, even when I know it's not her fault. "Is that what you were going to say?"

"Stiles!" Scott snaps, reaching for my shoulder but I brush him off.

"Guess what, Allison? One of those monsters just potentially sacrificed her life to save all of ours. Meanwhile, you're supposedly human bitch Aunt Kate is hunting through the woods trying to murder Derek, and not for the first time might I add! It's

just her trying to finish what she started when she slaughtered his entire family six years ago!" I spit, shaking and panting, even as I feel both Boyd and Isaac pull me away and carefully between them, pressing close in a futile attempt to comfort me. Ah, fuck, she's been gone less than an hour and I'm already falling apart. Pathetic.

Scott is hovering by Alison, a canine whine just barely audible as he'd holds himself back from reaching out to his distraught girlfriend. I don't have it in me to feel guilty even as tears run down Allison's face as she hugs herself, a mask of horrified realization in place of her normal sunny smile. I take a deep breath, forcing past the lump in my throat as I exhale, shuddering as I use my packbonds to ground myself again. "Get moving everyone, quickly. Scott, let's go."

I turn to my last two packmates, placing my palm on the back of their necks and drawing them close for a brief hug, still vaguely wondering if the tactile behavior is due to the magic of pack bonds or simply habit considering we are already fairly tactile before the night Layla and Scott got bit. Can't say I don't love this part of being pack, though, I think, tucking my face into Isaac's shoulder where, even to me, he smells like the pack den. Like Layla.

"W-waIt. I'm coming," I pause, turning around slowly to look at the girl behind me, incredulous. "If-if what you say is true, I need to know! I-I can't just stand by!" Her pale face is desperate and pained, even as determination burns in her brown eyes, and I forcibly shove the guilt rising up again into a locked box in the deepest, darkest part of my mind.

"Ha, cute. You think you have a say in any of this," I mock, raising my gun and leveling at her head. I ignore Scott's alarmed protests and take comfort in the support of my other pack members, feeling it trickle through the bonds. "Tell me something. Why would I ever fucking let you near my supernatural family, currently fighting for their lives against your psycho one, so that you can turn around and stab one of us in the back?"

She flinches, but, to my reluctant admiration, she seems to gather herself, chin lifting, meeting my eyes once again. "Layla told me that when the time came, I would need to hear both sides of the story. I already know you, Scott, and Layla aren't monsters, I saw that tonight when you protected us, but I need to know what my family is mixed up in. Please." Her face is set fiercely, but the pleading is still visible. "Let me try to keep the bloodshed down. Maybe no one has to get hurt!" I scoff, bitterly, even as I start to lower the paintball gun. "Let me try, Stiles! Put your trust in me, just this once. I promise that no matter what, I won't betray it."

I study her, looking for any hint of lie in her face and body language before flicking my eyes to Scott, who nods rapidly, but as much as it pains me, I don't know if I can trust his input here. He might be too blinded by love to hear a lie. He might not want to hear it. I glance back at Allison, trying to figure out what Layla would do.

She wanted to turn Allison, bring her over. She said it was possible, so I'll put my faith in her plans and make a move for her. Let's show Allison who the real monsters are. I make my decision, nodding, "I'll hold you to it, then. Let's go."

And into the dark we ran, racing time and chasing desperate hopes and dreams, unknowing of what lay on the path ahead.


I can feel the rapid shift in emotions from the teen pack members, their fear and horror, rapidly shifting and spiking as I bolt towards the trees, the sound of hunters closing in the distance. Mel and Noah aren't in range yet, and the only thing keeping me from losing it is the fact that I can't feel any physical pain.

Not yet.

The devastation that hits through the packbonds out of nowhere has me falling to my knees, a whine ripping through my throat that turns into a relieved sob as I don't feel the expected agony of a packbonds breaking. Just sorrow and guilt and distress of varying levels, and oddly enough, Layla's resignation and reassurance.

None of it bodes well.

Digging my claws into my palms, I drag myself to my feet, and run faster towards Hale House, knowing that the quicker I lose the hunters, the quicker I can be reunited with my pack.

"They better be fine," I growl into the night, holding onto the bonds in a death grip, as though that could stop them from breaking. From dying.

I already know it can't.