
Mink, as the name suggests, are animals with fur. So, in the wolf Mink girl's perception, outsiders are also Minks, with ordinary humans being monkey Mink with sparse hair.

Minks living on Zou Island are all mammals, and Blaziken has feathers on its body instead of hair, but she doesn't know this. In her eyes, the other party may be a bird Mink that doesn't exist on Zou Island.

Minks inherit the characteristics and abilities of their species. Rabbit Minks love carrots, and although normal rabbits cannot eat too many carrots, these rabbits are clearly not ordinary. Food quantity cannot limit them.

Cat Minks are attracted to cat teaser wands, and dog Minks like bones. These are all traits of Minks.

So, as a wolf Mink, she inherited the sense of smell of the wolf species. Although it was only a momentary encounter, she already remembered Shayna's scent.

The underground here is a huge prison area, and the members of the Organ Dealing Assassination Group even call it a farm, where the people inside are considered livestock in their eyes.

At specific times, they would let out the captured people from their cells and allow them to move freely. The wolf Mink girl had looked for an escape route during this time, but she failed.

But this also allowed her to understand the underground environment better than Shayna. Although she couldn't match Shayna's speed, she knew some shortcuts and managed to catch up with her by following the changes in her scent direction.

When she rushed out of the shortcut path, she just happened to see Shayna pinning a person to the wall with one foot, and flames were burning on her leg. That was Blaziken's signature move- Blaze Kick.

Shayna, who was already adept at using kicking techniques, experienced a significant increase in power with the boost provided by Blaziken's abilities, which resulted in a large hole being left in the wall.

At this moment, she sensed some movement behind her and instinctively turned around to kick, only to see the same young wolf-girl from before.

However, retracting the leg that had already been kicked out was not so easy. Although Shayna managed to withdraw the flames and most of the strength, the remaining strength was still enough to overwhelm an ordinary adult.

However, the agility of the wolf Mink girl was quite impressive. She grabbed Shayna's leg and performed a spin in the air, flipping twice before discharging the force and landing firmly on the ground.

"So cool, do all the Minks from outside know how to use fire?"

The reason why those humans cannot discharge electricity must be because their hair is too sparse, after all, even Mink children can grasp this ability.

And Shayna's flames were also considered an ability of outside Minks in her eyes, after all, no one explained to her what Devil Fruits are.

In her understanding, Shayna is a Mink from the outside world, and the world outside must be different from Zou Island.

In the beginning, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi thought there were at least five islands in the world. She had argued fiercely with them over this issue, believing that there were at least ten islands in the world.

But two years ago, those two guys secretly went out to sea without taking her with them, saying she was too young.

But she was only two years younger than them, yet they spoke to her in a patronizing tone, saying that there were no other Mink in the outside world except for humans, those monkey-like creatures with sparse hair.

After that, there was no news from them for two years, and she thought that they might have died at sea. However, she chose to sneak out to sea not to find them, but to confirm her thoughts with her own eyes.

But within a few months, she was caught and brought here. Those annoying rubber things prevented her from using her powers.

Shayna's arrival seemed to have opened up a whole new world for her.

Shayna didn't answer her question, but instead asked back.

"Weren't you supposed to hide yourselves? Why did you follow me?"

"You must be here to take down that evil manager, right? That's what the stories always say. You're really powerful, you can even bend those iron bars. Are there many Minks in the outside world who can fly?"

She seemed to have a lot of questions to ask. Life had not been kind to her during her time outside. Mink's distinguishing features were that of a wild beast, causing many to view her as a monster.

Even though this was the New World, there were still some islands that were isolated from the world, and the people on the island had never even heard of Devil Fruit users. To them, a wolf-person who could talk was a monster.

While the people from the Organ Dealing Assassination Group weren't afraid of her as they treated her as goods.

Shayna is the first person she has met who didn't discriminate against or fear her, and recognized her as a Mink from the outside world. Furthermore, Shyna also took care of those bad people and saved her.

Minks were a hospitable race and did not discriminate against any race. If they showed extreme disgust towards someone, it was only directed towards an individual's actions.

She had a lot of questions to ask Shayna, but Shayna wasn't interested in that. She didn't mind helping the people here in passing, but that wasn't her main goal.

"Listen, little girl, I don't have time to take care of you. What you need to do now is to hide. The fighting here will be over soon, and then you can go wherever you want."

After Shayna finished speaking, she didn't pay attention to her anymore. The route here was too complicated, and she had not been able to find the person in charge of this place or the thing she was looking for.

"That evil manager is the leader here. I know where he is. I can smell his scent. You bird Minks seem to have a weak sense of smell."

"And I'm not a little girl. I will definitely become the next Duke of Zou Island. I want to be the first female Duke of Zou Island!"

Zou Island's ruler is called the Duke, and the current Duke of Zou Island was Duke Hitsugisukan. As for the succession mechanism of Zou Island's throne, it was also very special, with no clear successor.

As long as one could gain the recognition of the residents of the Mokomo Dukedom and the current Duke, and had enough strength to defeat all challengers, they could become the new Duke.

Shayna was not interested in the Duke of Zou Island, but when she heard the wolf Mink girl say that she knew where the person in charge was, she became interested.

"How do you know where he is?"

"I remember his scent, but it seems he has already run away."

"Lead the way."

Shayna immediately carried her in her arms and asked her to show her the way.

"Garchu~" The wolf Mink girl leaned up and rubbed her face against Shayna. This is how Mink greet each other, expressing friendliness by saying "Garchu" while touching faces.

She thought Shayna carrying her in her arms was also a friendly gesture, even though she didn't say "Garchu". However, it is normal for Mink from different regions to have some differences.

Then she sniffed the air and began to point out directions to Shayna.

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