Feigning death

Shayna didn't really know what "Garchu" meant, but she could understand based on her behavior. Lunarians were also a minority race, and they had their own way of communicating, such as greeting each other by colliding their wings.

Just keep rubbing then, it doesn't matter much anyway.

After a while, she caught up, but all she saw was King and a pile of corpses.

"You dealt with him?"

"No, that guy got away, but everything that needed to be dealt with has been dealt with."

King pointed to the ashes on the side, and the strange pattern next to it was the sacrificial pattern of the Lunarian clan. Shayna waved her wings, and the ashes and patterns on the ground disappeared without a trace.

It was clear that King had found the pair of wings and completely burned them down.

"What's with these people?"

"The boss of this place, the person known as the Manager, was never here from the beginning. These people who were moving his collection, and the ones we encountered before, were all decoys."

King summarized what he had encountered along the way. As for how he got the information, it wasn't difficult to extract some information from those people's mouths.

"What about this Mink?"

"I saved her on the way, she was also captured by them. She said she knew where the Manager was, so I brought her along."

Shayna paused. Didn't this Mink girl claim that she could smell the manager's location, but King said that the manager wasn't here. Then, what smell had they been chasing after?

"Kid, are you sure you weren't mistaken about the smell?"

"No, I'm not wrong. It's him, the smell is of that body."

King followed the direction where her finger was pointing and saw the guy who gave him the crucial information. At this time, King also felt that something was off, as the wolf Mink girl sounded quite confident in her claim.

When he interrogated for information, he naturally wouldn't leave only one person behind. The common point among those people's information was that Manager wasn't here.

Earlier, he had kicked the other person in the chest, which normally would have been fatal. However, just to be safe, King walked over to check again.

When he touched the guy's corpse, he finally understood what the problem was. Although there was nothing wrong with his aura and he also wasn't breathing, the corpse's muscles were stiff, the joints were difficult to bend, and the body temperature had dropped. These were indeed signs of death, but it had happened too quickly. Rigor mortis could not have set in to this degree in such a short time.

He had been tricked! This person was pretending to be dead, and he had almost fallen for it.

King swung a fist towards his head. He wanted to see when his head was gone, how could this person continue to feign death?

However, the moment his fist was about to hit, the person surprisingly twisted away and his body also underwent a transformation. His whole body was covered in gray fur, which was the reason he was able to successfully feign death.

Zoan-type - Rat Rat Fruit - Model: Opossum.

King had used less strength because he hadn't accounted for him to have a Zoan's physique, so he wasn't able to kill him with one blow. Opossum's talent for feigning death allowed him to fool King temporarily, as King was very confident in his own strength and did not think that an ordinary person could withstand his attack.

In addition, everyone was his loyal follower and did not reveal his whereabouts. Furthermore, when King was interrogating him for information about 'his' disappearance, he deliberately gave King false information. Later, when King was going to eliminate him, he chose to feign death without hesitation.

From the outside, it really looked like he was dead, which led to this situation.

As the Manager of this organization, he had always hidden his strength. In the underworld, one could not climb to such a high position based solely on management skills and intelligence. A certain level of strength was also necessary.

"Damn Mink brat, I should have just killed you back then!"

He didn't expect the reason he was exposed was because of his own goods.

"He turned into a Rat Mink!"

"That's the power of the Devil Fruit, you helped a lot this time."

Shayna rubbed her head and put her down. Originally, King wouldn't have wasted time checking his target again after attacking them, and his follow-up plan was probably to set fire to the place, which would give the manager a good chance of escaping.

Moreover, he might have seen King sending off the departed's belongings just now. If they were to be exposed because of it, it would be a loss that outweighs the gain. Unfortunately, now he no longer has the option of feigning death.

"King, your close-combat skills are still lacking."

"I didn't expect it, that's all. A rat that can feign death is still a rat. I won't give him another chance."

Four huge rocks appeared out of nowhere and locked the manager in place, making him unable to move. It was Rock Tomb, a control-type technique that King now frequently uses.

King then drew out the long sword from his waist, flames licking at its blade. As he swung the blade, fiery dragons flew out from it, causing the temperature in the passage to rise suddenly. The young wolf Mink girl felt very uncomfortable as Mink hates hot weather the most.

The fur on their body makes their heat dissipation ability much worse than that of ordinary humans.

"No wonder you could fake your death. Your vitality is really tenacious," King said expressionlessly, walking up to the manager who was still alive despite his entire body being charred black.

The tailor who made his mask was quite attentive. Not only is the fabric highly breathable and elastic, but it can also reflect changes in his facial expressions, at least enough to reveal the degree of movement of his mouth.

"Wait, why do you have to be so ruthless? We've never offended you, have we?"

"Dead people don't need to know so much. You committed an unforgivable crime."

King cut off the manager's head with his sword, then burned his body and head to ashes. He didn't believe that the man could survive after this.

After taking care of everything, scattered footsteps were heard behind them. The ordinary members of the Beasts Pirates had broken through to the lower level, which also meant that the battle above was over.

"Let's go."

Even if they weren't interested in this island, they still had to take the spoils of war back after winning. They had also found a large amount of gold here. Although Berry has held its value well over the years, major forces would still convert the money they obtained into gold, since it was convenient for storage and value preservation.

In addition to gold and some art pieces, the most valuable spoils of war were the "people," those who had been captured by the Organ Dealing Assassination Group.

This time, Kaido played the role of a good guy and sent them to a nearby island. It wasn't that he wanted to be a nice guy, but he wanted to use them to spread the word about what had happened. For pirates, destroying the headquarters of an organization was something worth boasting about.

Beasts Pirates naturally couldn't send them all back home. They just put them on nearby peaceful islands and left. However, not everyone chose to leave. The wolf Mink girl seemed to have latched onto them.

She had been clinging to Shayna's thigh like a 'pendant' and had stubbornly followed them all the way back.

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