Magikarp covered in bones

If he had drawn the fruit modification method, he would have entered a waiting period, until the Beasts Pirates found a suitable devil fruit. But he is lucky that he drew direct modification.

Although this means he wouldn't have to fear sea water, his ability would only be limited to the five plates' attributes, and the red carp is naturally the well-known Magikarp.

They could be found in various water bodies, and although they are weak among aquatic species and could even be swept away by strong currents, they have strong vitality and can adapt to various aquatic environments.

Whether it is freshwater, saltwater, lakes, rivers or oceans, their presence can be found, and a trained Magikarp can even become strong and is capable of swimming upstream and climbing waterfalls.

Although he cannot evolve into Gyarados on his own, Magikarp's ability is still an ability. At least, after entering the Human-Beast form, he can breathe and survive underwater, which is like getting Fishman's ability for free.

Individual differences always exist, and Magikarp can also become stronger through training, although the process is more challenging.

However, he had obtained Magikarp's ability, and not transformed into Magikarp, so it still depended on him where he could go with this ability.

As for whether this ability would cause any trouble…

No one would care about the addition of an ordinary ability user in the Beasts Pirates, even if their ability is somewhat peculiar.

No one knows how many ability users there are among those who sail on the sea, and Mandrell's Magikarp ability may cause him to be mistaken for having a Fishman bloodline.

Various abilities come from Devil Fruits, and devil fruit users cannot swim. This concept is deeply rooted in the World Government's eyes.

The fact that Arceus can give others abilities will eventually be exposed over time. So, when Arceus gives the abilities, he does not do it secretly, but rather publicly, to motivate his subordinates to work harder.

Currently, these people are trusted followers, but as the Beasts Pirates grow in size, government spies will probably come here.

This ability may arouse the World Government's interest, but it's unlikely that they would mobilize all their forces. Most probably, they would send out a few secret agents to handle the matter.

Not everyone could draw a Water-type ability, let alone one that has been personally modified. Mandrell's luck cannot be replicated for everyone, which means that the number of ability users who can swim will always be limited.

Moreover, abilities can vary in strength, but the ability user is also crucial. The extent to which a devil fruit's power can be developed depends on the user's innate talent.

In the eyes of the World Government, only those who intend to topple the world order are real enemies, such as World who escaped from prison in the original timeline and Zephyr who became Z after leaving the Marines, or Rocks who kidnapped Celestial Dragons in God Valley, and the Revolutionary Army's Dragon.

Kaido is seen as a powerful pirate, but he is not considered a true threat, or else the World Government would not have traded with him and sold him Numbers.

And Shanks could even directly meet the Five Elders. No one knows what the World Government is doing behind the scenes.

Compared to Magikarp's ability, the true identities of King and Shayna are more likely to arouse the interest of the government.

The race can be disguised, but the abilities given cannot be hidden, unless all those who receive abilities stay indoors and never leave.

But doing so would also cause the purpose of giving the abilities to lose. Although they can be ordered to keep their mouths shut when they are outside, it can only delay the exposure.

However, there is no need to worry too much, as the frequency of ability users appearing now is not particularly unusual.

Given the World Government's laid-back management style, anything other than the assassination of Celestial Dragons or toppling the regime of allied-kingdoms is considered a trivial matter.

The problem of the regime of the allied-kingdoms have to be brought to the surface, otherwise no one will care about it.

When they see a threat is when they handle it. This is the attitude of the World Government towards most things. Anyway, every once in a while, their Im-sama will carry out a purge and that person is the true ruler of the World Government.

Arceus injected the power into Mandrell's body, and this time it didn't take days. The effect was immediate as Mandrell felt the power pouring into his body.

"Hey! Mandrell, why are you staring blankly? What did you get?"

"Yeah, why was it so fast this time? Are you unable to handle it?"

Seeing him staring blankly on stage, the people below immediately began to jeer. These people all loved to watch a commotion, no matter how serious the situation was.

"Don't just stare blankly. What ability did you get? Show us!"

"Shut up, all of you! I'll show you my power right now!" he said, and began to manipulate the energy within his body using his mind.

Red scales began to appear on the surface of his body and two golden whiskers extended from the corners of his mouth. At first glance, it looked a bit similar to Kaido's transformation.

"Impossible, could it be that this guy has obtained..."

"It's similar to Boss Kaido's transformation. Haha! No…wait, what kind of ability is this?!"

The pirates below went from shocked to stunned, then from stunned to bursting out in laughter. At first, the transformation was really impressive, but as the transformation ended and Magikarp's true form was fully revealed, everything changed completely.

It was indeed the Fish-Fish Fruit, but his Fish-Fish Fruit power was actually turning him into a real fish.

"Why are you all laughing?! Do you have this kind of power?!"

"No, we know you have obtained power, but we can't help but laugh. Have you turned into a Fishman? Can you go into water?"

If he could go into water, then his position as a scout would be completely secure, and he would probably be second only to Elizabeth.

"Yes, and much more than that."

Mandrell jumped into the nearby fountain and did not feel his body getting weak. He was able to float easily.

Then, as he continued to explore the depths of his newfound abilities and tenacious vitality, he realized that his previous Splash ability was somehow connected to this new power. He felt that he could jump higher now and his body had become more resilient.

With a powerful leap into the water, as expected, his jumping ability had gotten several times stronger than before.

He patted the scales on his body and finally drew the small knife from his waist, stabbing himself with it. However, the blade did not pierce through the scales but slid off, leaving no trace of injury on the scales.

This was also an additional ability.

After all, Magikarp has almost no flesh, and except for internal organs, it was all scales and bones. In his Human-Beast form, he appeared to have gained an armor-like layer of scales and bones that was extremely tough.