Morgans' sensational headline

He even let others cut him twice. Although it left behind some scars, it still did not break his defense. This means that his safety in the lower-level battles has risen sharply, and the attacks of ordinary pirates can no longer hurt him.

Although the long-range attack of firearms can be painful, it can also be blocked. With this ability, he can conduct reconnaissance underwater, and with the combination of water flow and this layer of scales, even normal firearms are ineffective against him.

Moreover, with the ability to go under water, he can now effectively avoid most ability users. As long as he doesn't do anything reckless, his path of growth is already much safer than others.

Even if it's the most ordinary Magikarp, the abilities he received were enough to make others envious. The banquet had not yet ended, but everyone was approaching him with alcohol glasses in hand. He won't be leaving here standing upright today.

"Ah woo~ What are those people doing? Do they have grudges? Why are they giving him so much nasty stuff to drink?"

Setsuna filled her stomach with two roasted chickens, three grilled fish, and a large piece of sea monster meat. She looked on with confusion as the pirates continued to force Mandrell to drink.

"No, I think it's just their way of showing that they have a good relationship."

"Is it? The outside world is really interesting. People can even turn into fish."

"That's the power of Lord Arceus. Don't you want to become stronger? Then you should work hard and you will also have a chance."

"I don't want to turn into a fish."

"There are many different abilities. He just had bad luck." According to the law of conservation, a person's luck has a certain total value. He had already exhausted his luck earlier, so the final round of the draw did not go very well for him.

"Is that so? Can I become a stronger wolf?" Setsuna licked the oil on her paw and seemed to be expecting something. Nekomamushi and Inuarashi left Zou Island two years before her, which caused a sensation when the people of Zou Island found out they both had run away.

She also wanted to become the focus of attention in the same way, so becoming the new duke of Zou Island became her dream.

"Probably, but it's too early for you to think about this…Where are you going?"

"I want to thank Lord Arceus and maybe he can teach me how to control Sulong form. The people of Zou Island said I was too young and not yet ready to learn."

Zou Island's tradition involves teaching the younger generations how to control Sulong form by those who have already mastered it. Since Arceus can subdue the berserk state of her Sulong form, he likely also knows how she can harness this power and teach her.

Controlling Sulong form is the fastest way for Minks to increase their strength. Although there is a time limit, becoming very strong for one day of each month is still quite good.

"Don't worry, I will take you there after the banquet is over."

As a lifeform created by Arceus, he possesses his own comprehension of various matters. In Mink customs, the traditional way of greeting is through 'Garchu.' However, if Setsuna chooses to greet Arceus in this way, it may be seen as a sign of great disrespect.

However, this is a part of Mink's customs, and it would not be good to publicly refute her. Zeraora intends to go back and let her gradually adapt to the customs of the outside world.

"By the way, Zeraora, can you use Sulong form?"

"No, I can't."

"You don't know either? I was hoping you could teach me. Then, we will learn it together."

Due to the fact that previous ability bestowal ceremonies have always lasted for three days, the banquet of Beasts Pirates typically lasts for three days as well. Mandrell was repeatedly forced to drink by others and eventually had to be carried away by his roommates. While everyone else had sobered up, he remained unconscious.

Moreover, he had to be tied up when he was carried away. Although he was drunk, he seemed to have actually turned into a Magikarp in his dreams, jumping around continuously.

Meanwhile, Zeraora went to look for Arceus with Setsuna. He had already mentioned this issue beforehand, and Arceus agreed to it. Although he didn't know anything about Sulong form, he still knew how to control it.

With his Heal Bell, Setsuna wouldn't completely lose control. Practice makes perfect, and trying a few more times will allow her to master the Sulong form.

It's more or less similar to Zou Island's method.

Kaido was still missing, but his Vivre Card was full of life and since there was no news of his arrest in the newspapers, he should be doing well.

However, during these past few days, news of the complete destruction of the Organ Dealing Assassination Group's headquarters had already spread. The news mainly came from those who were released by the Beasts Pirates.

They didn't know why the Beasts Pirates attacked this organization, but it didn't matter. Beasts Pirates saved them, so their words contained a great deal of admiration and gratitude towards them.

Morgans did some artistic polishing on this and wrote an article that even the Beasts Pirates themselves wouldn't believe. He actually gave them a label of "Justice".

Because there were too many news reports of pirates burning, killing and looting, unless they destroyed a country, they wouldn't attract anyone's attention. At this time, a pirate crew that carried out "Justice" appeared, and an article about it is more eye-catching.

The result was still the same—the Organ Dealing Assassination Group's headquarters was destroyed, but the writer Morgans hired imagined many reasons and processes for the Beasts Pirates' actions.

That could make a novel if written out, but overall the sales of that issue of the newspaper were pretty good.

Beasts Pirates' territory

"Didn't we go to steal treasures? How did it end up like this?"

"I don't know, I remember Boss Queen said it was a revenge mission. Whatever, it's all over now."

Marine Headquarters, Akainu looked at the headline in the newspaper with an angry expression. Even though he had only joined the Marines for a little over a year, and had just left Zephyr's new military camp, in his opinion, pirates were not deserving of this title no matter what they did.

Morgans' newspaper sparked different reactions among various groups, but the biggest debate took place in the meeting room of the World Government. These were the officials who held the central power in the World Government, and not all issues had to be resolved by the Five Elders. These government institutions were the main force.

The two sides debating can be divided into two camps.

One side believed that the irrational attack by the Beasts Pirates was a huge threat to the world and should be eradicated as soon as possible, as he was the one who was involved with the Organ Dealing Assassination Group.

He had boasted to the Celestial Dragons about what the Organ Dealing Assassination Group could provide, but the actions of the Beasts Pirates ruined it all, causing him to suffer huge losses.

While the other side was the beneficiary as a significant portion of their income came from artificial organs and prosthetics. With the disappearance of the Organ Dealing Assassination Group, a vacuum was created in the market that they have quickly occupied.

The two camps were already at odds due to their interests. Although he has no connection with Kaido, he wants to see the other camp suffer a setback.

In the end, the proposal of the former did not pass, but in the underworld, the actions of the Beasts Pirates had already caused a huge uproar.