Talks in the underworld

In the different islands of the New World, the heads of various underground industries walked into their prepared rooms. As the appointed time arrived, they simultaneously picked up their Den Den Mushi and multiple screens quickly materialized before them.

One by one, slightly blurry figures appeared on the screens; they were the emperors of various fields in the New World's underworld. In recent years, the underworld has also undergone a major reshuffle, and they are the winners of those open and covert battles.

No matter what place the Organ Dealing Assassination Group held in the underworld, the sudden destruction of its headquarters naturally caused a stir in the underworld and drew the attention of these industry giants.

Each person had five screens in front of them, encompassing most of the underworld's businesses:

Loan Shark King- Du Feld

He was currently only a middle-aged man, but signs of obesity were already evident. His main business is lending money at high interest rates, and he controlled the flow of currency in the dark world. His shadow could be found behind New World's exchange market, and his influence was also widespread in the casinos.

"Big News" Morgans is the president of the World Economy News Paper and the ability user of Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Albatross. His main business was to investigate various news and publish newspapers. He controlled all kinds of information in the New World and loved to create big news.

He has always appeared in his albatross form, to the point where some people suspected that he had eaten the Human-Human Fruit instead of the Albatross Fruit.

Stussy, Queen of the Pleasure District, is the only woman among them, whose real age is a mystery. No one knew how old this woman really was. She was the controller of New World's red-light district, with some legitimate entertainment industries also related to her.

However, her identity was not simple; she was also a secret agent of the World Government. Much of the World Government's information was obtained from her.

Pirates of many ships would easily disclose some information as many of them were her female subordinates' lovers.

Shipping King, "Deep Ocean Current" Umit still doesn't have a big beard yet and looked quite spirited. Among New World's underworld businesses, he controls the ocean transportation industry and has the widest distribution of business.

Almost all of the New World's pirates could not do without his business. He controls several secret sea currents that could safely deliver goods to their destination, although the fees were not cheap.

Warehouse Kingpin, "The Concealer" Giberson's mustache was still black. He has a close business relationship with Umit - one stores goods while the other transports them. Most of the commodities stored in his warehouse are illegal, making up a part of the smuggling industry.

Even some of the things Kaido had previously purchased were found using his business.

"Major Undertaker" Drug Peclo is a young assassin who has just recently entered the business. The profession of an assassin is very special; he couldn't be too famous because it would alert his enemies, but he couldn't be without reputation either because then he wouldn't be able to find any business.

However, he has now switched to doing business and although he always carries his scythe, he rarely goes out personally.

He is the biggest beneficiary of the disappearance of the Organ Dealing Assassination Group. The medical equipment company affiliated with the World Government took over the organ transplant business, while he took over the assassination business.

Not long ago, he also saw a big order, which was a mission to assassinate Kaido released by the remnants of the Organ Dealing Assassination Group.

Although their headquarters was destroyed, they still have other strongholds outside. The organization has not disappeared completely, and still exists in other places. However, without their leaders and original protective umbrella, they can no longer make any impact.

They didn't understand why Kaido would attack the Organ Dealing Assassination Group. But, if today he could attack the Organ Dealing Assassination Group, then tomorrow he could also attack other forces.

Even if they have protective forces behind them, it doesn't mean the other party won't attack them. Even if they avenge them for the sake of their reputation after their death, what is the use of revenge if they are already dead?

If these people united, although they could not pose a direct threat to a powerful pirate, they could certainly cause a lot of trouble.

Each pirate has their own territory. If they don't want frequent conflicts, finding middlemen like them is the best way.

If they worked together, they could cut off the supply route of an island in the New World. After all, pirates cannot use official business channels.

However, that would not benefit these businessmen in any way. Unless they are in a desperate situation, they would not resort to this.

"Morgans, why did Kaido do it? Do you really not know anything?"

They are all old foxes, so there's no need to play any games. They knew Morgans' character well. Although the news was quite sensational, they did not believe a word except for the names.

But he must have some real information in his hands, and since they were all sitting here in a meeting, there was no need to hide it.

"What if I say this news is true?"

This is not a joking matter," Peclo changed his posture. If the Beasts Pirates really destroyed the organization's headquarters for such a ridiculous reason, then his business, which is very similar to theirs, could be the next target.

Kaido is not a veteran pirate in the New World. He has not been in the New World for long, and can be considered a "newcomer" among the New World's pirates. However, this newcomer has already demonstrated tremendous strength, whether it is his own or the officers under him.

The price of a typical pirate crew's pet is generally not more than 1000 Berries, but even the Beasts Pirates' pet is worth 5000 Berries. This is what Peclo thought.

However, if this thought were to be spread, he might really end up on the Beasts Pirates' next hit list.

"It's a pity but I really don't know why Kaido did this."

"Morgans, you…!" Seeing Morgans take a deep breath, but utter that he didn't know, Peclo had an urge to break his hair.

"Don't be so impatient, haven't you received the news from Lingling?" At this time, the only female among them spoke as Stussy said leisurely.

"What news?"

"The news of the tea party. If you haven't received it yet, you should be getting it soon." She has a good relationship with Charlotte Linlin and received the news earlier.

The tea party hosted by Charlotte Linlin was held irregularly every year, and they were the main invitees as the underworld's leaders. They had even attended several of Big Mom's weddings.

"Is she marrying again?"

"No, this time it's related to Kaido that you guys are concerned about. Beasts Pirates are also on the invitation list."

At this point, Stussy's tone became more serious, as understanding the purpose of this tea party was one of her missions.