The special seat at the ship's bow

Some things may not be effective when spoken out, but they can't be left completely unsaid, like the situation with Kaido.

As someone who can't be happy without alcohol, no one can control him after Arceus leaves. However, as long as he didn't drink too much and go to Flower Capital to cause trouble by spewing fire, it wouldn't be a big deal.

The sudden change in the destination kept some pirates busy for most of the night, replenishing more supplies, adjusting the course, and planning new sea charts. At first, they had no idea where Jaya was.

But they weren't like the people of Wano Country who are closed off to the outside world. They quickly figured out the new route based on the sea chart. Although they don't have the Eternal Pose for Jaya, they have the Eternal Pose for some famous islands in the first half of the Grand Line.

Randomly leaving in search for the plates was quite common among the Beasts Pirates, and having the Eternal Pose for iconic locations was essential. They would arrive near those places first and then readjust their course.

For this voyage, he only brought along Zeraora, Setsuna and Mandrell. Since Setsuna lacks real combat experience, she needed to go out more. As for Mandrell, he was there for convenience.

Mandrell has become more proficient in the scout profession, and he has also nearly explored the underwater ruins beneath Wano Country's inland sea, so it's just the right time for him to find something else to do.

The pirates preparing the supplies for departure were not the same group as those setting sail tomorrow. Those people were already resting in order to prepare themselves. However, there were still some who couldn't fall asleep.

Yamato, for example, was tossing and turning in her room, unable to sleep. She was excited because this was her first voyage that she could remember.

Although she had went out once when she was younger, she had no memory of that trip.


Unable to sleep, she was about to check if Maria was asleep, but as soon as she lifted the blanket, she was met with the gaze of four Chansey.

"I can't sleep, so I'll just go see what Maria and the others are doing. I'll be back soon."

Naturally, her request was not granted, and the next moment, a soft singing voice resonated in her ears.

To make an overly active little one fall asleep on time, the four Chansey have become proficient in the hypnotic technique of "singing." Amidst the hypnotic voice, in the end, Yamato couldn't achieve her goal.

The next day, a pirate ship set sail from Onigashima, resembling more of a picnic group than a pirate crew.

Besides Yamato, Maria and Jack, four Chansey, a Miltank, and Riko were also on board.

By age, they had already weaned, but Miltank's milk was suitable for all ages, from newborns to the elderly, providing the necessary nutrients for growth.

Riko chose to accompany them because she was concerned about Maria being alone for such a long time. After White's death, Maria had become her emotional support.

That was also Kaido's intention. If they stayed on Onigashima all the time, they wouldn't grow up.

Even in the original timeline, except for Yamato, they didn't stay on Onigashima. Otherwise, the Marines wouldn't have bounties on all of them.

With someone suitable leading the group, they set out on the trip much earlier. The world-renowned powerful individuals had already demonstrated their superhuman talents from a young age.

So there was nothing wrong with letting them witness the beauty of the sea ahead of time.

In Mogura Port, the Genesis ship sailed out from the waterfall. The helmsmen of the Beasts Pirates were accustomed to the complex and ever-changing currents in the area. Even the turbulent currents didn't affect their navigation.

"Wow, such a big carp! Jack, what are they saying?"

"I don't know. I'm a fishman, not a mermaid."

As Mermaids consider fish as companions, they could understand the ordinary fish's language. They also don't eat fish or sea beasts but consume clams and other shellfish.

However, fishmen were different. Fish and sea beasts were part of their diet, and most fishmen couldn't understand the language of fish. Only a few kind-hearted fishmen have the ability to communicate with fish.

Although those enormous Magikarp, as big as small boats, were surrounding the Genesis ship and occasionally jumped with Splash, as if saying something, Jack couldn't understand the meaning behind what the Magikarp were trying to convey.

"These creatures are created by Lord Sacred Beast. When the Genesis ship sets sail, they will guide the ship out of the waters of Wano Country. You'll get used to it after a few more times," Mandrell explained to Yamato and Jack while standing nearby. In terms of fighting strength, he wasn't the strongest among the Beasts Pirates, but when it came to social skills, he probably understood them the best.

He was well aware of the relationships among the various high-ranking officers. Of course, the biggest contradiction among them is Queen's possibility of taking a beating, which was no longer a big deal in the Beasts Pirates nowadays.

Some members of the pirate crew didn't like children, but in Mandrell's opinion, those people were fools. The future belonged to the young, and these young individuals who were valued by Kaido and Arceus would undoubtedly go further.

If one doesn't take the opportunity to establish good relationships with them when they are young, then when they are grown up, they will have no choice but to risk their lives to gain military achievements.

Yamato was extremely excited as they set sail. She was interested in everything about the outside world, and even the passing News Coo nearby fascinated her. However, the height of the ship's railings hindered her from observing the outside.

But she found a good spot. After the ship left the dangerous waters of Wano Country, she took advantage of the moment when the Chansey hadn't reacted yet and climbed directly to the bow of the ship.

The best vantage point on the ship was undoubtedly the lookout tower on the mast, but she definitely couldn't go there. So, she set her sights on the bow, which has the most panoramic view of the horizon.

Usually, the bow of a ship has a distinctive item that indicates the ownership of the vessel. In the case of the Genesis ship, after some modifications, the bow now had a horizontal variant of the Thousand Arms, resembling an elongated cross.

The crossed position in the middle had enough platform for her.

Looking down, she saw the turbulent ocean, but she didn't feel afraid.

"It's decided! From now on, this will be my seat! Is it okay, Dad?"

The bow was built with collision in mind, so it was quite sturdy. Even several adults sitting on it couldn't break it, let alone a child like Yamato.

If it were a child from an ordinary family, such a dangerous request would be immediately rejected. But in this world, it wasn't considered a big deal at all.

"Sure. That will be your special seat from now on. Setsuna, keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't fall off."

Even though he said so, letting her stay there alone was definitely not possible. Even if Yamato has Kaido's bloodline, she is still too young. It was better to have someone watch over her for peace of mind.

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