Mock Town

First half of the Grand Line, Jaya. This is an island with a shape similar to a skull, but a large portion of its eye area was clearly missing.

And the missing part happens to be Arceus' destination. If we talk about places with a lot of gold, the one that left the deepest impression on him is Skypiea above Jaya Island.

The ancient city known as Shandora, which was once called the City of Gold, used to be located here. Shandora symbolized a magnificent city, and it can truly be described as a city adorned with gold.

However, Jaya Island encountered an accident nearly four hundred years ago.

A Knock Up Stream happened to erupt beneath Jaya Island, causing a large portion of the island, including Shandora, to be propelled thousands of meters into the sky.

Instead of falling back down, it landed perfectly on the Island clouds in the sky, thus becoming a part of Skypiea.

Sky Islands are scattered throughout the world. There are various Sky Islands, such as the small Sky Island where the Millennial Dragons used to live, the Sky Island where Kaido would enjoy skydiving several decades later according to the original timeline, and the scattered Sky Islands formed by Island Clouds that can be found throughout the sky.

However, due to the limited distribution of Sea Clouds that can be navigated by ships, not all Sky Islands are necessarily connected. Therefore, there is not much connection between Sky Islands.

Small sky islands can even be blown away by the wind, while only large sky islands remain fixed in one place.

There are also some controlled small Sky Islands, such as Weatheria, where a group of meteorologists resides.

Even now, there are still many such islands because the Golden Lion is still active outside. Despite losing more than half of his fleet and having a ship's helm embedded in his head, he is still a powerful pirate with his own hegemony in the New World.

Although a part of Jaya Island was sent soaring to a height of ten thousand meters, the remaining parts still exist in the Blue Sea and have gradually become pirates' island.

Since navigating the Grand Line requires relying on Log Pose, which only points to the next island after storing information on the particular island, the pirates who arrived here had their Log Pose pointing to the sky due to Shandora shooting up into the sky.

Without an Eternal Pose and unaware of the way to Skypiea, they were trapped here, facing a dilemma.

Eventually, a special town was formed on the island, a town composed of pirates—Mock Town.

And this place became the landmark that Arceus needed to locate Skypiea.

Two months later, the nearby sea area of Jaya Island. Genesis ship had already arrived, and the Log Pose began pointing towards the sky.

"Dad, Dad, are there really islands in the sky?"

"Of course, there could be islands in the sky, the deep sea, and even in the starry sky. This world is much larger than you can imagine."

She might not have understood the rest of his words, but Arceus' words made her understand one thing: there really are islands in the sky.

She had not yet seen Fishman Island in the deep sea. When they crossed the Red Line, Arceus used Magnet Rise to lift the entire ship and flew over from the sky.

And after crossing that area, they just descended back to the sea surface. He had no intention of floating in the sky with the ship all the time. This voyage also had an educational purpose.

"Lord Arceus, we're almost there. What should we do now?"

"How are the supplies on the ship?"

"We have enough food, but we need to replenish fresh water."

"Then let's dock at the island ahead and rest for a while. The next stop is Skypiea." To save time, the ship hadn't stopped for the past two months, and even when replenishing supplies, it was only a brief stop.

Before the official operation, they should take a good rest. Being exhausted from altitude sickness and collapsing wouldn't be good for anyone, especially at a ten-thousand-meter altitude.

As for the children on the ship, Maria and Jack showed signs of fatigue on their faces. Much of the excitement of their first voyage had faded after two months, but Yamato still maintained the same excitement as when they first set sail.

Although Mock Town was a town formed by pirates, it was not necessarily a lawless place, rather it was not much different from ordinary towns.

The supplies here relied on passing merchant ships. If it became a lawless place and caused other ships to bypass it, the people here would also struggle to survive. Therefore, there were still some rules in the town.

After the Genesis ship docked, the pirates began to replenish the ship's needed supplies and inspect for any damages to the hull. Meanwhile, some people entered the town. Just as Arceus said, this was their resting time.

Pirates don't simply rest in bed when they need to recover. Going to a tavern on land for a drink is the most basic way to unwind during their voyages. Almost every island has its own specialty drinks and food, which also serve as a form of entertainment for pirates.

However, there always needs to be someone left on the ship, so the crew members take turns staying behind. Those who didn't disembark during the last stop will be the first to leave this time.

"Jack, Maria, let's go together. We've been on the ship for so long."

The two of them seemed tempted, but they didn't give an answer. Instead, they looked towards Arceus, as they didn't have as many privileges as Yamato.

"If you want to go, then go. It's just Paradise, after all. Mandrell, Zeraora, keep an eye on the three of them and make sure nothing happens."

Since they have already set sail with others, he had no intention of treating them like fragile goods. However, it is still necessary to provide them with some protection.

He couldn't let something absurd happen, like what had occurred with the Kuja Pirates, where their pirate crew's children were kidnapped by human traffickers.

"Understood, you can rest assured."

Mandrell has a trait that even when he was out relaxing, he never touched alcohol, let alone women. Among the officers, he is the one who could be trusted the most.

And with Zeraora, Arceus didn't think there would be anything on Jaya Island that could threaten them.

Thus, a strange formation appeared within the group of pirates who went ashore—three children accompanied by four Chansey. As for Riko, she had never left Wano Country before and was currently feeling a bit unwell, so she was resting on the ship.

Two female pirates were also with her. Although the number of female pirates was relatively low, the Beasts Pirates now had quite a few among their ranks.

Mock Town's Pub.

It was not a bustling town, so this was the only establishment available.

It also served as a restaurant, providing the only choice for people on the island seeking drinks or food.

The pirates, as well as the Mock Town residents who had left their pirate identities behind, are gathered here. They would boast about their past adventures and discuss the latest news every day.

And when newcomers arrived, it would provide new topics of conversation to them.

And on this day, a group of individuals with peculiar appearances walked in.

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