*Title Hidden*

There are many craftsmen in Wano Country. While they excel in building wooden structures, they are equally proficient in working with bricks, tiles, and reinforced steel. However, given the specific considerations for this hospital's construction, they made arrangements to have their own personnel handle the project.

Primarily, the decision was made for the sake of speed. The construction team was originally located on Industrial island, they are equipped with various large-scale machinery that can significantly speed up the process compared to relying solely on manual labor.

When the hospital was under construction, the Kentaro family in the Kuri region was also excited.

"Kentaro, slow down!"

"Hurry up, Grandpa! Moomoo is going to have a baby!"

The "Moomoo" he was referring to is the Miltank he usually milks. Several years have passed, and he has grown into a young boy. He has also become familiar with Miltank. Most of the people living in Paradise Farm are like this.

Miltank doesn't have males, and Tauros doesn't have females. So these two bovine Pokémon can mate, and the offspring's species is determined by a 50% random chance.

If it's male, it will be Tauros, and if it's female, it will be Miltank.

It is easy to determine if Miltank is pregnant. The taste of milk from a pregnant or lactating Miltank becomes better. If the taste of a Miltank's milk suddenly improves, it means it is pregnant.

Miltank is different from regular cows in that it can communicate its thoughts, which is why Kentaro knew it was about to give birth.

For farmers, a cow's pregnancy is a big event, whether it's a work ox or a dairy cow, it is worthy of great attention.

"Don't worry, Kentaro. It's not very dangerous for a cow to give birth, and there is no one better in all of Kuri at delivering calves than me. Moomoo will be fine."

When they reached the usual grazing pasture, he became even more convinced of his belief that this Miltank would soon have a smooth delivery. However, what happened next completely shattered his worldview.

Because what Miltank gave birth to wasn't a calf but an egg.

"Grandpa, didn't you say cows give birth to calves?"

"Yes, I did."

"But Moomoo gave birth to an egg."

"Yes, that's right."

"So, cows actually hatch from eggs?"

"No, that's not right! This cow is different. Well, it's not an ordinary cow to begin with, so it's normal for it to be different. Yes, it must be like that."

The fact that cows lay eggs dealt him a significant blow, completely shattering a belief that had been formed over several decades.

This is the most basic breeding method of Pokémon—egg laying. However, eggs can vary in size.

Magikarp's eggs are much smaller, after all, the offspring's size should also be taken into account.

However, the Wagyu beef produced through the breeding of Tauros and regular cattle is viviparous, just like normal cattle. Only pure Pokémon species are oviparous.

Although Kentaro's grandfather claimed to have taken care of countless calves, he had never taken care of a cow laying eggs before. And that Miltank didn't seem to have any intention of incubating the egg, leaving them unsure of what to do.

Coincidentally, a pirate from Beasts Pirates passed by and, upon seeing the egg, took it to the Pokémon Center where Chansey was skilled in such matters.

During the New Year celebration, Year 1500 had already arrived. On the first day of the year, Ace, the posthumous son of Roger, was born. However, due to the prolonged pregnancy, Rouge died directly after giving birth.

After all, humans are one of the few species that give birth prematurely to protect the mother's body. Ace was taken away by Garp and subsequently entrusted to the upbringing of the mountain bandit, Dadan, in his hometown.

Beasts Pirates continued their work of searching for plates and materials that could create Pure Gold on the Prehistoric island after resting and recuperating.

Most of the officers are now capable of acting independently, and Olga also possesses the ability to lead. Although she had to escape, her escape from the pursuit of Sakazuki and Tsuru demonstrated her ability.

According to some information, Olga's Shadow Fox ship appeared on a Prehistoric Island in West Blue. It is easier to travel from the New World to the West Blue and North Blue, as long as one crosses the Calm Belt, they can directly reach their destination.

Crossing the Calm Belt is a dangerous task, and without sufficient strength, it's a gamble.

However, this was not difficult for the Beasts Pirates. By embedding Seastone into the bottom of their ship, they can avoid Sea Kings. This information was already conveyed to Kaido by Arceus long ago.

Since Wano Country has a large Seastone deposit, Beasts Pirates, who occupy Wano Country, are not lacking in Seastone. So, the hulls of the officers' ships have long been embedded with Seastone, making it easy for the Beasts Pirates to travel to West Blue and North Blue.

Most of the Beasts Pirates' territories in the New World have already been explored. Now, this is their new exploration direction.

Olga's ship also serves as the Beasts Pirates' archaeological team. She and Acier are living ancient people, and they are undoubtedly the most familiar with matters of ancient times.

As for Acier himself, he's just a trash with 5 Battle Power*, who even Kaido cannot save. Currently, he is only slightly stronger than that of a grunt soldier, so this task was entrusted to Olga. [*Dragon Ball reference.]

Exploring ruins is a dangerous activity. Not only is there a risk of encountering dangers on the way, but the poisonous insects and fierce beasts on the islands, as well as the mechanisms inside the ruins, are also significant problems.

Once they passed through the Calm Belt, the Log Pose was no longer necessary. They were able to rely on the sea chart to reach their destination. After sailing for a period of time, they arrived at the island and began their exploration.

They encountered no major troubles along the way. In the New World, the Beasts Pirates' flag helped them avoid many unnecessary battles. After reaching West Blue, Olga ordered her subordinates to take down the pirate flag and replace it with a regular sail.

Four Seas are much calmer compared to the Grand Line, and there are very few knowledgeable individuals. Even if they were to fly a flag, it's unlikely that people would recognize it.

Moreover, hanging a pirate flag everywhere would only invite trouble. To prevent the Marines from knocking on their door, Olga changed the flag once they reached West Blue.

Ships are the primary means of transportation in this world, and even if the Marines have patrol ships, it's impossible for them to inspect every vessel they encounter.

After dealing with a Tyrannosaurus Rex, a building resembling an ancient ruin appeared before her.

"Boss Olga, is this our target this time?"

"It should be here. Elizabeth, is there anything dangerous inside?"

Inteleon's eyes can see things that most humans can't. Elizabeth is Olga's most reliable observer.

"There's nothing inside the ruins, but over there..."

Elizabeth pointed to the forest on the other side. She could clearly sense the tree branches swaying, and then a dozen or so people ran out, followed by a lion three stories tall.

"Why would there be a lion in the forest?"

"Why is the lion so big?"

Seeing that lion, they weren't afraid and had the leisure to discuss, but it was different for the people being chased.

Those people were also archaeologists, part of the exploration team from Ohara led by Nico Olvia.

Chapter 231 The egg of a cow and Nico Olvia

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