Historians and Omanyte's news

"Ugh, everything on this Prehistoric Island is so huge. That said, this is West Blue, why does it also have a Prehistoric Island?"

Watching the enormous lion, Olga couldn't help but comment.

Although the islands in the Grand Line have diverse environments, Four Seas are relatively more stable, so it is rare to encounter a Prehistoric Island in the Four Seas.

"Boss, who can understand things on the sea? Anyway, can you please deal with that lion first? It's charging towards us!"

Unlike Olga's calm demeanor, her subordinates were different. The sheer size of the lion was a tremendous deterrent to ordinary people, and that monster-like lion was a big trouble in their eyes.

However, being natives of the New World, they knew that this kind of creature couldn't stop Olga. That's why they didn't scatter and run away.

"Don't worry, this creature should be the ruler of this island, right? Hopefully, it will make things easier for us."

The ferocious beasts living on Prehistoric Island were troublesome for them. They had to explore the entire island, and the simplest way to make things easier was to tame the ruler of the island.

In the animal society, as long as you defeat the strongest one, the rest will most likely become obedient.

Olga leaped into the air and unleashed a Dark Pulse towards the lion. The lion, which relied solely on its size to dominate the island, didn't expect these creatures that looked like snacks to resist.

It had been using its size to bully others on the island, but after being hit by the Dark Pulse and Scary Face, the lion immediately became obedient.

This also made everyone who had been chased by it come to a halt.

"Phew, we're saved. Thank you."

These people seemed to have good stamina. It was impressive that they were able to run away from the chasing lion for so long.

Leading them was a white-haired woman named Nico Olvia, hailing from Ohara, the renowned "Island of Knowledge" in West Blue. Ohara is a world-famous holy land of archaeology, and the Tree of Knowledge on the island contained countless precious texts.

Almost all the world's archaeologists were gathered on the island to study history, and when it comes to history, it was impossible to avoid Poneglyphs. The information recorded on them held great allure for those studying history.

Six years ago, Olvia began leading an exploration team from Ohara to search for Poneglyphs. Initially, the Poneglyphs were scattered all over the world, and they also existed in West Blue.

Ohara's exploration ship discovered one ruin after another, eventually following a map found within one of the ruin to arrive at this unknown Prehistoric Island.

Since then, they had encountered the greatest dangers during their exploration, including prehistoric creatures and exaggeratedly sized beasts.

However, Olga ignored their presence as she was more interested in the lion now.

"Elizabeth! What is it saying?"

"It says... it refuses to submit."

After that, Olga began training the lion, and after being beaten to a pulp, the lion finally lost its will to resist. It gave up its defiant behavior and obediently lay down on the side.

During this time, Ohara's exploration team could only wait on the side. They were a genuine exploration team, carrying at most two machetes, not for self-defense, but to clear paths in the forests.

In their view, they were not pirates but archaeologists. Four Seas were mainly under the management of the World Government, and there was no need to carry too many weapons.

It would be difficult to explain if they were found with a large number of weapons when encountered by Marine search teams.

However, Olga's crew was different. Despite being archaeologists, they were still pirates, and were armed to the teeth with various weapons.

"Who are you guys?"

"We are Ohara's exploration team. I'm Nico Olvia, the leader of this team. And you?"

"We? We're also here for archaeology. In fact, we are from the same profession. By the way, have you ever seen this type of plant before?"

Although each country had its own identification documents, nobody would write their profession on them. Generally, as long as you didn't announce yourself as a pirate on the streets and weren't recognized, no one would care.

Olga didn't want to attract trouble. In this regard, she agreed with Mandrell that it was better to complete the mission simply and without causing trouble.

So she directly brought out the target she had been searching for.

"Aren't these plants... already extinct?"

After receiving Olga's drawings, Olvia passed them to a person beside her. Although Ohara was a holy land of archaeology, all-around scientists were still relatively rare.

Prehistoric life forms, ancient writing, ancient politics.

Everyone has their own field of expertise. This person specializes in the study of ancient plants. With just one glance, he already knew that some of the plants were already extinct according to his information. One could say he is an authority in this area.

"It's precisely because they're already extinct that we came to Prehistoric Island to find them."

"We have just arrived on the island and didn't pay attention to these things."

"Well, forget about it. Hey, you guys, haven't you opened the door to the ruins yet?"

Originally, it had been their goal to find it on their own, and now that they had come across someone, it was only natural to ask them about it. Then, she looked at the pirates who were busy exploring around the ruins.

"No, boss. This damn door is too heavy. Should we just blow it up?"

Those words seemed to touch a nerve with the archaeologists, and they all looked at him with an incredulous look in their eyes.

"Are you crazy? These ruins were left behind who knows how many years ago. How can you use bombs?"

"Who are you?"

They were pirates, and they wouldn't obey the orders of strangers. Even if these people wanted to stop them, if Olga gave the order to blow it up, they would still do it.

"Boss, what should we do?"

"Can you open this door? We'll have to resort to violence otherwise."

At this point, Olvia and the others could naturally tell that these people were not archaeologists, or at least not pure archaeologists. Archaeologists wouldn't simply destroy ruins like this.

"We can, but please don't damage anything inside. The treasures and such are all yours. We just want to explore history."

She was well aware that her small group wouldn't be able to stop the other party. Instead of causing further destruction, it would be better to lend them a hand and minimize the damage to the ruins. In Olvia's eyes, Olga was akin to a treasure hunter.

Meanwhile, while Olga was still conducting her archaeology work, Wano's Omanyte suddenly awakened. It discovered a highly significant piece of news.

"Queen! Big news, big news! Quickly prepare to record!"

"What is it this time? I haven't finished my research yet, so the matters concerning CP0 can wait."

"No, it's not CP0. It's a Buster Call!"

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