Dad, Save me!

Ever since Omanyte defected in gratitude for being saved, it had diligently collected information from its Den Den Mushi relatives.

By engaging in casual conversations with fellow members of its species over the years, it has managed to establish a small network of relationships.

Den Den Mushis that weren't being used for work would still communicate information amongst themselves. To them, it was like a family meeting. And in this meeting, the term "Buster Call" holds great significance.

That's because initiating a Buster Call was closely tied to two types of Den Den Mushis: Golden Den Den Mushi and Silver Den Den Mushi.

The Golden Den Den Mushi is a specialized signal transmitter used to initiate a Buster Call. It is a highly valuable type among Den Den Mushis, and even ordinary Den Den Mushis discuss matters related to them on a regular basis.

On the other hand, the Silver Den Den Mushi could only receive the electromagnetic waves emitted by Golden Den Den Mushi and sound the alarm. It is a type of Den Den Mushi that is quite old in age, considered an elder within the Den Den Mushi community.

Whenever a topic related to the Buster Call arises, these two types of Den Den Mushi cannot be bypassed. Although they aren't used for communication, they are still checked whether they are functioning properly.

For Den Den Mushi, these signals are like beacons in the dark night, incredibly bright.

Therefore, Omanyte keenly caught onto this information and successfully eavesdropped on the Den Den Mushi of that government branch.

During Bullet's previous Buster Call, there was no communication; it was launched directly, so it didn't detect the news.

But this time was different. World Government had repeatedly discussed whether or not to initiate Buster Call, and that's how it got wind of this news from one of its relatives.

After all, a Buster Call requires a formidable force of ten warships and five Marine Vice Admirals. So, some matters need to be approached with careful consideration.

[Ohara Buster Call. Destroy everything. Must not be exposed.]

The Den Den Mushi relayed the information it had gathered to Queen one by one.

"This is truly a big news!"

On Onigashima, Yamato was still engaged in various ball sports battles, such as tennis, volleyball and soccer. Now, it had upgraded to dodgeball, and the difficulty had increased as well.

"Yamato, the rules of the game will change now. You must judge whether the ball will hit you or not and then dodge accordingly. If you dodged a ball that isn't going to hit you, you know the consequence."

However, as soon as Kaido threw the ball, Queen rushed in.

"Boss Kaido, Lord Arceus, World Government is going to make a big move. Aargh!"

What welcomed him was the rubber ball thrown by Kaido. As it hit his face, he experienced a pleasantly tingling sensation.

"Big news? What are they up to now?"

"It's a Buster Call. They seem to be planning to wipe out Ohara Island in West Blue."

Queen covered his nose and handed over the information obtained through Omanyte's eavesdropping. Kaido had thrown the ball with the strength to hurt Yamato, but it only caused slight soreness when it hit Queen. A little nosebleed was nothing to the great Plague Calamity like him.

"Ohara? What is that place?"

Kaido wasn't familiar with this name. With countless islands in the Four Seas and Grand Line, he couldn't remember the names of all the islands. Even if Ohara was a renowned historical holy land, Kaido has no interest in history.

"Ohara, the Island of History. If you want to decipher the information on those Poneglyphs, Ohara will play a crucial role. I almost forgot about this important matter."

Between managing the Beasts Pirates' internal affairs, the expansion of Pokémon, teaching the children, and looking for plates, some unimportant things naturally slipped his mind. But he didn't forget about this matter. Just mentioning certain keywords triggered his memory.

The text on Poneglyph isn't widely circulated. Even for Olga and Acier, they were ancient texts. Only two types of people could translate the Poneglyphs.

The direct descendants of the Kozuki family and the scholars from Ohara. The Kozuki family was naturally out of the question. Those stubborn people wouldn't help translate the Poneglyphs. So the only means left was the scholars of Ohara.

Usually, these scholars might not accept the invitation of pirates. But now, it is different. Buster Call means annihilation by the government as these scholars have violated a grave taboo of the World Government.

If they want to continue studying the history they hold dear, then the Beasts Pirates were their only chance. Either they would disappear with their documents forever or leave with the Beasts Pirates. There was no third option.

There weren't many who had the ability to eavesdrop on World Government's secrets, and even fewer who could rescue people from a Buster Call.

They might not fear death, but their deaths meant the loss of many things. For those who want to record history, this was an unbearable situation.

"Have they started moving?"

"Not yet. It's still in the planning stage. It'll be at least another half month before they take action. Olga happens to be in West Blue. What should we do?"

"She is powerful enough, but she can't handle this alone. Kaido, I'll go to West Blue."

Ten warships, five Vice Admirals. That was something Olga couldn't deal with. Although he didn't plan to confront the Buster Call head-on, he still needs to make a contingency plan.

The goal of going there was to rescue people, not to involve his own people.

"You are going? How about I go instead? Flying there would be faster."

"No need. It won't take long to cross the Calm Belt, and I don't want to see headlines like[Kaido Clashes with Buster Call and Abducts Criminal Scholars]in future newspapers."

If Kaido went there, that kind of news would likely make the front page of newspapers in the future.

Moreover, those people studying history might have a lot of knowledge about ancient ruins. There might also be new discoveries. This trip wouldn't be for nothing.

"Then I'll leave it to you. It's a perfect time to give Yamato some extra training in these few days."

While they were talking, Kaido noticed that Yamato had disappeared. He found her lying on the ground, clutching onto Arceus' leg.

"Dad, take me with you, Dad! If you leave me here alone, you won't be able to see me again!"

She had just poked the ball that hit Queen's face and realized it was a solid rubber ball. Even when a hollow volleyball hit her, she felt like she had lost half her life. If this solid ball hit her...

Moreover, with Arceus present, Kaido's training would be somewhat moderate and it would be nothing more than devil's training, but without Arceus, the training difficulty would be like a purgatory of death.

She heard Queen mention half a month. That means the round trip would take a month. She feels like she would definitely die at Kaido's hands in this one month.

And the only thing that could save her on the entire Onigashima is Arceus. Before this lifeline leaves, she has to seize this last opportunity.

"Dad, you don't want to come back and never see me again, right? Father's training intensity would surely kill someone, definitely!"

"What nonsense are you spouting? At most, I'll just beat you half to death. Don't be afraid, you won't die."

"Dad, you heard it. I don't want that. Save me!"

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