Wedding Finale

Bang! Bang! Bang!

This wasn't the sound of gunfire. Nowadays, no one has the ability to invade Onigashima without anyone noticing. Even if someone did cause trouble on this joyous day, if that person was able to see the sun tomorrow, it would be a dereliction of duty by all members of the Beasts Pirates.

It was the sound of confetti bombs going off. Colorful ribbons fluttered down, creating a beautiful scene with the starlight butterflies dancing in the air.

Queen had even replaced the flamethrowers in his mechanical arm, and as the emcee of the wedding, he was launching confetti from his arm as well.

Although Arceus created a unique wedding hall for Zeraora, he did not appear in person. Kaido was the same, simply sitting in the back drinking heavily. If they had gone out, they would have inevitably stolen the spotlight from the bride and groom.

The main characters of the wedding were Setsuna and Zeraora, and they did not need to go out and attract attention.

"Hurry up, Brother Zeraora, the bride is waiting for you!"

"Yeah, don't keep her waiting!"

Occasional urging voices from the spectators around could be heard. No one had ill intentions, but they didn't mind adding a bit more excitement to the wedding.

"Sister, sister, you look so beautiful today."

Behind Setsuna were Perona and Wanda, holding the wedding dress behind her, taking on the roles of flower girls.

Occasionally, the sound of shutters could be heard from above – Rotom, flying in the air, was capturing the photos of the wedding for them to cherish as memories.

The path made of flowers wasn't long, but it was the longest path Zeraora had ever walked. Being bestowed with the name Thunderclap meant he could encircle Onigashima in no time, yet his steps now felt somewhat heavy.

It made him feel more pressured than fighting against the Marines. Urging voices from the surroundings occasionally rang out. If it weren't for the fur covering his face, he might have turned into a red cat by now.

With each step forward Zeraora and Setsuna took, the flowers behind them would float in the air. As they arrived together, the path of flowers behind them disappeared, and the scattered petals in the air formed a giant heart.

One by one, the starlight butterflies in the sky shattered, and diamond-like stardust scattered down, enveloping them in a starlight waterfall.

Coming up next wasn't Queen but Misu. She was the only serious religious figure within the Beasts Pirates. Although a priest would be more appropriate for this role, a nun could fulfill the duty just as well.

In her hands, she held a book with a white cover, featuring the intersecting patterns of the Thousand Arms. Of course, they don't believe in God here and even though wedding vows were slightly Western-style, they were from the Arceus Cult.

The participants in the wedding weren't just pirates; there were also people from Wano Country, such as Musashi and Kojiro. Hyogoro and his wife were also invited, but the members of the Kozuki family didn't have that privilege.

Beasts Pirates considered themselves Shogun, and in such a time, there was no need to invite a puppet Shogun. Placing her in any position would be inappropriate.

"Great, look at these youngsters. I feel like I'm twenty years younger just by watching them."

"Not enough, it has to be at least thirty years. That's when we just got married."

Recalling their past experiences, Hyogoro revealed a happy expression. This kind of wedding here was something they had never witnessed before; it was vastly different from the traditional weddings in Wano Country.

In fact, they had actually considered conducting the wedding in Wano Country style, but it was eventually rejected as they found it not quite suitable.

Ohara Scholars from Sky Island, doctors from various places, core employees of Beasts Fruits; people from all walks of life were witnessing the final moments.

"Zeraora, in the name of Lord Arceus.

Are you willing to take Setsuna as your wife?"

"Are you willing to adhere to the marriage oath, to love her, comfort her, respect her, and protect her, whether in poverty or wealth, sickness or health, beauty or is plain, in good times and in bad? And willing to be forever loyal to her?"

"I do!"

"Setsuna, in the name of Lord Arceus, are you willing to marry Zeraora as your husband?"

"In the sacred marriage together for life, are you willing to love him, to comfort him, to respect him, and protect him, whether in poverty or wealth, sickness or health, beauty or is plain, in good times and in bad? And willing to be forever loyal to him?"

"I do!"

Without hesitation, the two gave their answers, marking the end of their several years of love journey. However, after they gave their answers, no one presented a ring.

Whether it was the spirits formed by moonlight or the scattered starlight, they began to converge to a single point, and finally, a pair of rings appeared before them.

"Now you can exchange rings, and of course, you can kiss the bride."

A kiss under the moonlight signified the end of the wedding and the beginning of the banquet. Amidst the cheers below, Queen once again took the microphone.

"All right, everyone, the newlyweds are off to do their thing! Now it's time to party. The banquet begins! Wine, meat, take whatever you want!"


As the wedding protagonists exited, the pirates began their own party. The toasting segment of the bride and groom was skipped, and they only gathered with those close to them. Kaido, on the other hand, became the one who took the toast.

Queen, enjoying himself and competing in drinking games with his subordinates, showcased his dancing skills, although not many paid attention.

King, in a somewhat "elegant" manner, ate his food while enduring Shayna's teasing.

"King, do you really need to eat like that?"

Shayna's mask only covered half of her face, leaving her mouth exposed, making eating less cumbersome. While King's mask didn't hinder his eating, his method of eating was peculiar.

He didn't use his hands, but instead transformed his head into Beast-Form, using the long mouth of Aerodactyl to eat from the plate, creating a rather peculiar sight.

"I've gotten used to it, and sometimes it's even better this way."

"Etiquette, ah! Don't just throw them all away."

Meanwhile, at the children's table during the wedding banquet, a noisy day began.

"Pay-tan, Pay-tan? What are you looking at?"

"Looking at the stars, they're so beautiful, I also..!"

"You don't! I won't let any other woman snatch you away. Men are even more out of the question!"

Saying this, she glanced at Jack and emphasized the latter part of her words. Nevertheless, Ulti also admitted that this scene was indeed beautiful.

This table had a lot of little girls, and many were interested in it. Even those with different aesthetics from the norm were the same.

However, Yamato didn't show any envy because she was contemplating whether to ask Arceus to show her a similar scene again.

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