Single dogs and Peepers

The wedding in the main venue had already concluded, and the pirates were enjoying their own feast. Simultaneously, many were captivated by the spectacle of the wedding, and some impulse was born in their hearts.

According to later investigation reports, this year marked the highest marriage rate within the Beasts Pirates. Influenced by Setsuna and Zeraora, many took the opportunity to confess their feelings.

Such mysterious scenes were difficult to replicate, and countless individuals might never witness a similar spectacle in their lifetime.

Of course, this occasion also left many with a grieving heart. Confession is not a charge into battle, but a flag at the end. If you confess impulsively, it is unlikely to succeed.

Today was destined to be a sad day for many singles. The pirate community has always been skewed towards more men than women, and women who become pirates usually possess extraordinary talents.

Especially in the competitive environment of the Beasts Pirates, appearing on Onigashima as an elite already meant they possess a certain level of strength. Pursuing them was undoubtedly an arduous task.

For example, a certain pirate just encountered a setback in his life.

"Stop joking, you're too ugly, not my type."

Delia casually sat on a stool with her legs spread wide open, alcohol dripping down the corners of her mouth on her clothes, completely indifferent to the person in front of her.

"Too ugly?!"

"Ah, accept the reality, okay? It's something you can't change."

Delia patted him on the shoulder, picked up the wine jar, and walked towards King and Shayna. That side looked relatively quiet, as there was no one who dared to act impudently around the officers.

After she nonchalantly left, she left behind a disheartened pirate. However, this situation didn't last long, as he was quickly dragged away by other single pirates to join their singles army.

Kaido was having a drinking contest with others, and the people around him were visibly decreasing in number rapidly. It wasn't just about being unable to keep up with Kaido; they felt he was getting a bit too intoxicated.

Although it was the wedding venue, they didn't dare to bet on whether Kaido would go crazy from being drunk. If luck isn't on their side, they would only have to lie in the Pokémon Center for at least several months, but if things got more serious, they might end up six feet under.

Only those with powerful strength or bold enough dared to continue drinking with Kaido.

Queen continued with his impromptu dance. Whether anyone was watching was uncertain, but he was currently enjoying himself, accompanied by a group of subordinates as dance partners. A slightly intoxicated Kaido scanned the surroundings and noticed something seemed amiss.

"King, Queen, Shayna, where did Olga run off to?"

All the high-ranking officers were gathered here, but besides Zeraora, who was the groom, Olga was nowhere to be seen.

However, this question lasted less than five seconds before he redirected his interest back to the alcohol in front of him.

She was not an apprentice anymore; so she couldn't have been kidnapped on Onigashima.

Meanwhile, at this moment, Olga was crouched in a corner, keeping an eye on her father. Normally, Acier would have been dancing with Queen at this time, as they share a common interest in this regard. But not today.

The grand wedding scene didn't only affect the young; it also affected the old people. Some, like Hyogoro, reminisced about the past, while people like Acier, who were elderly and widowed, seem to be experiencing a second spring.

Having lived for over a hundred years in the dinosaur nest in Bonbori's belly, if those dinosaurs weren't a bit foolish and failed to realize he was an imposter, he would have perished in their mouths long ago.

Such a life was even more monotonous and boring than what Olga had experienced. While Olga could travel around with Elizabeth, Acier was dealing with greater dangers.

After leaving that place, they joined the Beasts Pirates, and in the time spent with Nightin, they developed a relationship of sorts.

After being single for so long, he found everything to be beautiful. Sometimes, he even found some Pokémon to be cute, such as Tsareena who takes care of Bounsweet in the dining hall.

In a certain sense, it wasn't entirely implausible. According to historical records in the Pokémon world, many humans in ancient times had married Pokémon.

Examples included Gardevoir, Tsareena, Mawile, Lopunny, and others. However, in some places, regulations were later implemented to restrict such behavior.

"Olga, what are you doing?"

"Shh, don't talk."

Grabbing Elizabeth's neck, Olga pulled her over to listen together in the corner. She had no objection to it. Her mother had passed away nearly 200 years ago, and she saw no reason for Acier to maintain the status quo. In fact, she was even a bit concerned about her father.

"Don't you have illusions? No need to be so sneaky, right?"

Elizabeth didn't understand why Olga, who had better ways of hiding, chose this most basic method.

"You don't understand, Elizabeth. You're still not familiar with humans. Although a better way exists, doing it like this adds some fun. If you do such things openly, it loses its charm."

Saying this, she adjusted the angle of the mirror in her hand and began to peep on her father. At this moment, there was more than one person who was engaging in the act of peeping. For instance, some pirates quietly appeared in Kuri, unable to contain their curiosity.

Although the wedding venue was on Onigashima, their new home was in Kuri. Right after the ceremony, the couple returned here. After a while, some people quietly followed them.

"Everyone be careful, we'll just startle Boss Zeraora a bit. They just went in; they won't be in a hurry."

If done in moderation, a little prank wouldn't anger anyone. The leader was instructing others to be mindful of their actions. If they really angered them, the consequences would be dire.

However, before they could act, a strange sound suddenly echoed in their ears, followed by several Hollows passing through their bodies.

"A maggot like me is wasting air by being alive."

"I shouldn't be on the surface; I should burrow into the soil like an earthworm."

Suddenly, they became negative. Hollows are like law-type weapons against ordinary people; they couldn't resist this Devil Fruit ability.

"Horo-horo-horo-horo-horo, this is the third batch of fools. Are you all so free? Kumashi, I'll leave it to you."

She had already promised Setsuna and Zeraora before today that she will not let unrelated people approach. She liked staying up late, and the nighttime environment made her even more lively than during the day. Moreover, she had been promised a new house which is dark, so she was working diligently.

After these people were affected by Hollows, Bewear silently approached, opened its arms, and embraced them all. Then, it threw them into the nearby river, watching them get swept away before returning to the shadows.

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