Just send them flying, right?

At the peak of Mt. Fuji, it is still that mysterious space, where the willpower of Reshiram and Zekrom becomes increasingly perfected. Once their physical forms are constructed, they will be able to appear in this world.

Each of them has a trace of consciousness within Yamato's body. Even though their bodies have not yet been born, as their power gradually perfects, they can also temporarily "descend."

Yamato, who has not yet been acknowledged, cannot wield their power, but due to Arceus' command, they can serve as bodyguards.

In other words, although Arceus did not accompany them, he has left a dual safeguard within Yamato's body. Even though the duration of the erupting power may not be long, it should be enough to bring Yamato to a safe place.

Not long ago, Vinsmoke Judge made his decision to attack the non-affiliated nation, Cozia Kingdom, in East Blue. The current Germa Kingdom is still a special nation with the right to participate in the Levely.

So, they cannot attack affiliated nations and can only choose non-affiliated nations ignored by the World Government.

Even the Marines cannot directly cross the Red Line; they must change ships at the port. But the Vinsmoke family is different as they crossed the Red Line in three weeks. For these special snails, even vertical cliffs are as easy to climb as walking on flat ground.

Although Cozia is located in East Blue, it is still a kingdom and not so easily conquered in a matter of days. However, from the current situation of the battle, their defeat seems to be only a matter of time.

Because they were facing a group of fearless special forces.

Initially, MADS' main research topic was Lineage Factor, and regarding Lineage Factor, everyone has their own expertise.

Judge and his team cloned and modified soldiers using the Lineage Factor of several outstanding soldiers, turning them into obedient and exceptional "machines" of flesh and blood.

They fear neither life nor death, only obey orders, and do not require parents to nurture them while bearing hardship. With sufficient nutrients, a qualified soldier can be cultivated in five years.

There are different models depending on the situation; some cloned soldiers are faster, some are stronger, and so on.

Cloned soldiers have been treated as consumables since the day they appeared, even though they themselves are unaware that they are clones.

Queen was leading the team to test Genesects, and Judge's actions were also to test his clone army.

"Supreme Commander, the basic tests are complete. Fearless and completely loyal, these clone soldiers are perfect warriors."

A bespectacled doctor briefed Judge on the specifics.

"In addition, Lord Ichiji, Lord Niji, Lord Yonji, and Lady Reiju all performed exceptionally well in the battle."

Compared to ordinary clone soldiers, Judge has also made modifications to his children. Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji are fearless machines, sacrificing emotions for more powerful bodies.

Although Reiju retains some emotions, she cannot refuse Judge's orders. His children are more like tools to him.

As for the only exception, Sanji, Judge abandoned him as soon as they arrived here, citing that as a father, he couldn't bring himself to kill his son personally, so he let him go to fend for himself.

"Commence the final assault, and end this battle as soon as possible."

"Yes, Supreme Commander!"

Meanwhile, facing increasingly fierce attacks from the Germa, Cozia Kingdom also found it difficult to hold on. The city gates were soon breached, and the kingdom's army had to retreat to the inner city.

"Where are the reinforcements? Didn't they agree? Why haven't they arrived yet?!"

The king paced anxiously in circles, his lips continuously murmuring complaints. Although he had heard about Judge's slaying of four kings in the North Blue, he knew very well that with Judge's character, surrendering might not guarantee his survival, which is why he issued a plea for help, offering a hefty sum.

Facing his inquiries, no one answered him because these ministers didn't know what to do either.

As time passed, the king grew increasingly nervous. To him, the ticking of the clock was a countdown to his own death. But just as his mental pressure was about to reach its limit, he finally received some good news: reinforcements had arrived!

However, as he looked at Queen and Yamato, the king's expression didn't relax.

"Where is the army? Are you the commanders of the army?" he asked.

"That's not your concern. Since we've taken on this mission, we will handle it. But could you please settle the payment first?"

Queen, cigar in mouth, began to demand payment. It was the Beasts Pirates' rule: money first. Only after the payment is settled will they be considered as clients. Otherwise, whether this kingdom gets destroyed or not, it has nothing to do with him.

If the amount hadn't been so tempting, Queen wouldn't have accepted the mission while ignoring the address.

Afterwards, someone whispered a few words in the king's ear, and after that, the way he looked at Queen changed. He quickly produced the treasures from the national treasury, and during this process, Queen vaguely heard something about one billion.

Outside the royal city, Genesects had already charged into the enemy ranks, unleashing massacre. On one side were emotionless clone soldiers, and on the other were ruthless killing machines. The battlefield immediately turned into a silent scene of carnage.

The Germa's clone soldiers charged fearlessly at Genesects, while the enlarged Genesects kept swinging their claws, sending numerous soldiers flying with each swipe.

At the same time, the beam cannons on their back kept firing, quickly easing the tense situation.

"What's going on? Where did those monsters come from?" Judge put down his binoculars, watching the massacre with a serious expression. He had seen the number on Genesect's chest.

Cozia Kingdom didn't have such things; otherwise, they would have sent them out earlier. Their appearance now indicated that a third party had intervened.

At the same time, he heard a somewhat familiar voice.

"Muhahaha, Judge, you haven't forgotten about me, have you, you ba*tard?"

Yamato and Queen didn't participate in the fight against the clone soldiers. Queen knew these things have no emotions; only dealing with the Supreme Commander would suffice. So, he chose Genesects to deal with the foot soldiers, while he came to deal with Judge.

"Miss Yamato, do you remember what I told you?" Before the battle began, Queen asked Yamato, but her answer made Queen feel like something got stuck in his throat.

"I forgot, but it doesn't matter. As long as I send those guys flying, it's all good, right?"


At this point, he doesn't have time to repeat the plan. Anyway, Yamato's words were not wrong. As long as they defeat Judge, everything should be resolved.

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