Don't tarnish my reputation!

While he may not be able to defeat Shayna, King, Zeraora, or even Setsuna in her fully buffed explosive state, not to mention Kaido and Arceus, he refused to believe he can't defeat Judge.

After all, the beatings over these years haven't been in vain. If he can't win, he needs to find a way to resist. To avoid getting beaten too badly, to have a bit more breathing room during Kaido's training, Queen has put in efforts that ordinary people couldn't even think of.

"Queen? Why did a useless piece of trash like you appear here? Wasn't the lesson I taught you back then enough?"

"Lesson? Spare me your nonsense, Judge. Your war is doomed to fail. For the sake of our old friendship, how about you surrender now and I'll only have you mine for fifty years?"

Their relationship was not friendly. Even though they were both members of MADS in the past, they often looked down on each other. Judge applied Lineage Factor technology to equipment, while Queen applied it to himself. This was their biggest difference and the source of their research disagreement.

In their respective fields, they were both considered geniuses, so they naturally looked down on each other's technology. And nobody could convince the other. Also, due to trivial matters, their conflicts gradually accumulated, and mutual dislike has become a norm.

"You are just a pirate, where do you get the confidence to stop me? And when did you, of all people, become so fond of peace?"

While Judge spoke to Queen, he gestured to the soldiers beside him, hinting them to prepare some anti-air weapons. As the supreme commander of Germa 66, Judge was the strongest person within Germa 66.

But he had no intention of personally making a move. Among all the members of MADS, Vegapunk and Caesar Clown are currently associated with the World Government's Science Unit, and Queen joined the Beasts Pirates. They all have someone above them who could command them.

But Judge was different. After returning to North Blue, he picked up the foundation of the Vinsmoke family and ruled over Germa 66 as the King of Germa Kingdom. He was not just a supreme commander but also a king, and a king wouldn't easily make a move.

"Fond of peace? Ba*tard, if you hadn't attacked this place, do you think I would be here? Do you have any idea how much time it took me to get here?!"

Queen's sudden roar left Judge bewildered. He couldn't understand what his attacking a non-affiliated nation had to do with Queen.

This was the result of Queen's selective amnesia. If it weren't for him accepting that mission without checking the address, he wouldn't have had to go through this. But he would never admit his mistake in front of Judge even if he was killed, so he directly shifted the blame on Judge.

Then, Queen didn't say anything more. A round of simple insults was enough of a greeting with Judge. He knew very well that Judge wouldn't retreat just because of a few words from him, so he showered him with a large number of plant bullets.

Although Bullet Seed isn't the strongest in his moveset, it's the easiest one for Queen to use. He was accustomed to using this move to clear out the cannon fodder.


Facing Queen's attack, Judge didn't dodge but spat out a word. He wasn't a devil fruit user, so this so-called "wall" was actually a human wall.

Several tall Germa soldiers immediately formed a row in front of him. Upon closer look, one would notice that these people looked exactly alike; this is how Judge uses the cloned soldiers.

Compared to dodging, which is beneath his dignity, he chose to use these artificial humans as a barrier.

Seed Machine Gun's penetrating power isn't strong, and the human body was considered the strongest barrier in the one piece world. Those bullets couldn't pierce through them, but they still claimed the lives of a group of modified people.

"What do you take the lives of your subordinates as?!"

For Queen, this kind of thing was nothing. He knew they were clones, and even if they weren't, he wouldn't care. Although he had become much more restrained now, he still wouldn't care about the lives of ordinary people; he just wouldn't engage in indiscriminate attacks.

But Yamato was different. Although she had witnessed the cruelty of Flevance and the inhumanity of Sabaody Archipelago, this was the first time she had seen someone so indifferent to the lives and safety of their subordinates, using them as human shields.

"Queen, is that your creation? Having too much emotion is not a good thing. You really are a useless piece of trash. Allowing your own creation to care about something that you yourself don't care about?"

Yamato was currently standing on Queen's back. Judge knew Queen well enough to understand he wouldn't accept such a thing.

Although he didn't know what modifications Queen had made to himself to gain the ability to fly, having someone stand on him didn't fit his character unless that person was his creation.

Even though everyone's technology may have different development directions, they all originate from the same source. So, it's not surprising for Queen to create a modified soldier.

Moreover, Yamato was a secret to the outside world. Before this incident, the outside world didn't know that Kaido has a daughter like her; she has been hidden very well, which led to Judge's misunderstanding.

Judge's response caused Queen's forehead to break out into sweat and he quickly retorted, "Don't talk nonsense. I'm not the kind of scum who disregards the lives of my subordinates. Only someone like you would do such a thing!"

He had the future successor of the Beasts Pirates standing on his back. He knew very well what his fate would be if the future boss didn't like him.

Sasaki is a case in point. While Arceus doesn't care about him, and Kaido, the person he admires, doesn't dislike him, he has managed to offend quite a few other officers, as evidenced by how his life has been made difficult.

At least Yamato's feelings toward him weren't disgust for now. But if Judge ruined that, it would be troublesome.

However, what happened next proved that Queen's concerns were unnecessary. Their goal was originally to "send Judge flying," and Judge's actions have caused Yamato's opinion of him to plummet. Therefore, at this moment, she was solely focused on sending Judge flying.

Before Queen even landed, she had already jumped down with her Takeru.

"Thunder Bagua!"

This height wasn't dangerous for her. While there were no technological parts in her body, she is still a different kind of "modified human," specially modified into a "superman" with Arceus' power.

Combined with the monstrous physique inherited from Kaido, she was much stronger than the perfect creations in Judge's mind.

With the momentum of her descent, she aimed Thunder Bagua at Judge's head. Seeing the gradually approaching figure, Judge felt a serious sense of crisis in his heart, and he quickly released a powerful airflow from his boots, propelling himself backward.

Although the attack didn't hit Judge, it left a large crater on the ground. However, Yamato then found herself surrounded by a group of modified soldiers.

"Is someone like him worth sacrificing your lives for?!"

However, none of the clone soldiers paid her any attention. The biggest difference between these clone soldiers and robots is that they are more likely to die. They basically have no emotions to speak of.

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