Muk and Praying Mantis Fruit

Amber Lead Syndrome is heavy metal poisoning, and heavy metal poisoning is not the same as regular poisoning. That's why Muk was chosen initially. If Alolan Muk can handle this situation, there is no need to try other methods.

Shayna isn't a Pokémon Professor; she doesn't have a Pokédex in her head. So this is the only way she could think of to deal with the sequelae in Lami's body.

Most people do not have the privilege of actively choosing their abilities, nor do they know exactly how many abilities there are. Moreover, for the vast majority of people, they do not have the qualification to select their ability.

They would already be very fortunate if they can obtain Zoan's body augmentation or Mythical Zoan's ability. The changes in appearance are not as significant in comparison. For example, Scotch's appearance after transformation looks quite bizarre, but he still likes it.

Moreover, Alolan Muk is also very special. Its body is like mud, so the manifestation of its ability is different from other Pokémon. Compared to Zoan-types, its manifestation is more like Logia-types.

It can even be regarded as a poisonous Swamp-Swamp Fruit. The body can enter a toxic mud state at any time, immune to physical attacks while releasing deadly poison.

Countless toxins in Muk's body have already reached a mutated state. Apart from specially made Berry antidotes, there are no specific medicines in the outside world for these toxins.

Moreover, Alolan Muk is different from regular Muk; it doesn't emit a repugnant odor.

At Shayna's request, Arceus agreed to this demand.

"Bring them in. They've waited outside long enough."

The auras of two living beings couldn't escape him. But for some reason, he felt something off about Misu's appearance.

Although she hadn't created any embarrassing doctrines, the behavior of this fanatical believer was quite different from Shayna's; sometimes he could not understand the thinking of this kind of religious people.

And Misu, who came here, had already made her intentions clear to Shayna. She wanted to witness the process of Arceus granting abilities firsthand and then preserve it in the form of paintings as murals for the future church.

Compared to the rudimentary monastery back then, the present monastery was undergoing reconstruction, and the blueprints were submitted by Misu herself. It wasn't until that day that Shayna realized Misu was actually a well-known architect and painter in the original church.

Now, the new monastery has already been mostly built, and all that remained were these decorations. Although Misu had drawn a lot based on descriptions and her observations in Wano Country, such as the *Myriad Pokémon Deities and the World Destroying Holy Fire, there was still some content lacking to showcase its glory. [TN: *I used Eight Million Pokémon Deities before in chapter 436 title, I am changing it to Myriad Pokémon Deities. Eight Million here means Yaoyorozu in shinto religion used to describe the many gods that are believed to exist in almost anything. As for World Destroying Holy Fire, I don't know what the author here is talking about. So I am just literally translating it. Will change it in future if there is any context in later chapters.]

Undoubtedly, the bestowing of abilities is the best way to embody all of this.

The process of Arceus bestowing abilities was not a secret; almost all members of the Beasts Pirates had witnessed that moment, which was also their goal to strive for. So Shayna didn't report this minor matter separately to Arceus.

Under Misu's guidance, Lami came here and performed a slightly complicated set of rituals based on the arrangements within the Arceus Cult. Lami's movements were not at all unfamiliar; it was evident that she had memorized this set of actions.

For the amnesiac her, Misu claimed to be her biological mother. Her original intention was for Lami to forget everything about Flevance. However, as a fanatical believer, she naturally had a certain bias in teaching.

At this point, Lami didn't have the large white patches on her body like Law, but there were some freckle-like spots visible.

"Lord, your glory spreads across the oceans, and your loyal followers crave your mercy. May you bestow Lami the power to cure her disease. I will continue to strive to spread your gospel."

"Stop. Shayna has already informed me. You did a good job, so Lami can obtain that power."

He was already used to being addressed with honorifics, but he couldn't get used to hearing these words like reciting the Bible. If it weren't for the fact that the spread of this faith was advantageous to the search for the Plates, he might have been the first to reform this cult.

But it wasn't without its benefits. Although he wasn't used to some of the prayers, as a professional religious person, she was much more professional than Shayna in spreading the faith.

As Shayna requested, the ability chosen was Model: Alolan Muk. The process of bestowing it went smoothly, but Arceus always felt Misu's eyes were shining. If there were special effects, her eyes would have already turned into star shapes.

"Let her stay in the Ability transformation state everyday for a while, and the things inside her body will soon be broken down and digested."

Zoan-type transformation had always been the most basic ability; even those not specialized in combat could master it. Moreover, Lami wasn't someone powerless; she was Law's biological sister, with the same blood flowing in her veins.

Although bloodline isn't absolute – for instance, Oden's daughter didn't possess much talent – there's at least a certain possibility. Misu didn't let Lami be idle; instead, she nurtured her towards a specific direction. If possible, she might become a member of the Inquisition.

However, the current Arceus Cult doesn't have such an institution; at most, it's just a Knight of the Holy See.

After her transformation, Lami's appearance wasn't bizarre like Scotch; instead, she looked more like someone from a fairy tale-like, which actually resembles the Big Mom Pirates more than the Beasts Pirates.

While her pupils and the inside of her mouth took on different colors, her body didn't change much. It was just that her hair appeared slightly melted, and her sleeves and skirt trailed down on the ground as if melting, with colorful stripes on them.

And those poison crystals were distributed on her body like pendants, and she had already learned how to use this ability. Following that she also recited prayers similar to Misu's, and then left with Misu.

"Shayna, I've kept the things you asked for earlier. You can take care of the rest yourself. I'm going out for a while."

"Understood, do you need me to accompany you?"

"No need. Just focus on your own tasks."

It was still the familiar journey to search for Plates. The Genesis ship continued to advance toward unfamiliar seas, while Shayna also received the thing mentioned by Arceus.

It was the modified Devil Fruit i.e the Insect-Insect Fruit - Model: Praying Mantis that was found back then, and this fruit is the one she requested on behalf of Isuka.

There was a significant difference between modified fruits and bestowed abilities. For example, there was no need to bestow them face-to-face; they could be stored in advance, and they could quickly familiarize themselves with the power or develop the fruit.

The power brought by Mega and Dynamax was equally formidable, but they still had some differences from awakening. Fruit awakening also had its own advantages; it was not without its merits.

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