*Title Hidden*

Regardless of whether it's bestowed abilities or modified devil fruits, they're things ordinary members can only dream of. Holding the devil fruit and a manual, Shayna arrived at the training ground, where she could see a figure still training hard.

That was Isuka, who had just celebrated her 12th birthday not long ago. Her training method was quite unique. Although it was just ordinary obstacle running, the obstacles included special things like fire rings.

If one didn't know better, they might mistake this place for a zoo. In fact, this is Isuka trying to overcome her fear. She has been afraid of fire ever since she came here.

Whenever she sees sights of huge flames burning, images of that night's inferno would flash through her mind. It was the night she lost everything, and the memory of it would always send her spiraling into fear.

Facing fear is one way to overcome it, but sometimes fear isn't so easily conquered.

Shayna watched as Isuka slipped due to exhaustion and fear, her face on the verge of being burned by fire. But Shayna didn't move a muscle. Before Isuka could get burned, a tail had already swept over.

Human bodies fear ordinary flames, but Pokémon do not.

"If you're afraid of fire, then stay away from it. Do you really have to undergo this kind of training?!"

Ulti's unsympathetic tone came from the side. According to their age, Isuka was three years older than her, but it was hard to tell.

"I don't have talent like yours. All I can do is work hard. This was just an accident."

After doing this training for such a long time, she wasn't so paralyzed by seeing fire that she couldn't move, but after expending her energy, that strange feeling returned.

"Suit yourself. Pay-tan, let's go!"

She was just passing by, but she could see from Isuka's footsteps that something was about to happen. Kaido's training wasn't in vain.

Apart from risking her life, the improvements it brought were tangible. Moreover, she also saw Shayna. Since that was the case, she might as well go and play with Page One.

However, as they left, Page One questioned Ulti.

"Sis, weren't you concerned about her? Why didn't you talk to her properly?"

"Why would I be concerned about her? Even if she burns herself, it's none of my concern."

Apart from being stubborn and enjoying teasing Page One, Ulti was alright in other aspects. Like how she feels Kaido is an idiot but still wants him to become the new Pirate King. Though her stubbornness is basically incurable.

If Shayna had been more ruthless back then, perhaps Ulti could have been completely corrected, but after Shayna corrected Ulti's attitude towards Arceus, she didn't care much about other things.

If Ulti didn't have something important to attend to, Page One probably wouldn't have been able to contain himself earlier, even though he now prefers to be alone.

On the other side, Shayna picked up the fallen fire ring. The scorched iron ring had no effect on her; her skin could easily withstand such high temperatures.

"Isuka, it's good to work hard, but you also need to prioritize your safety."


"I'm not blaming you. This was given to me by Lord Sacred Beast. Human talents have limits. Ordinary people can't change, but we are different."

As she spoke, she placed the devil fruit in Isuka's hand, her meaning clear.

"What's wrong? You are working hard because you want to gain more power. There's nothing wrong with a little external help. Most people here are Ability users. With this, you can better achieve your goals."

The devil fruit vanished, leaving only the sound of Isuka retching in the empty training ground. Only Yamato has enjoyed a Devil Fruit whose defects have been removed.

At this moment, Isuka couldn't find the right words to describe this strange taste, but the changes were evident. In just a few minutes, Isuka's appearance underwent a tremendous transformation.

The clothes on her back began to swell, followed by a crimson exoskeleton popping out, with two sets of transparent insect wings emerging from it. It was evident that the exoskeleton was meant to protect the wings.

However, compared to ordinary exoskeletons, the structure on Isuka's body resembles steel more. The transformation continued as crimson iron armor gradually enveloped her body.

One of the top representatives of the Bug type - Scizor.

It has strong attributes itself, and its current development direction is very similar to Isuka's, both aiming for swift attacks. But in a sense, it had a peculiar compatibility with Isuka; one was fearful of fire due to its type, while the other harbored an aversion to large fires deep within.

"Can you feel it? This is the power of Lord Sacred Beast. In this world, only he can bestow the power of Mythical Zoan upon people according to his mood. This is vastly different from ordinary praying mantis."

Shayna patted Isuka's shoulder. Isuka could feel the changes in her body. Compared to her previous self, her strength and physique had undergone a qualitative change.

Scizor had a body as hard as steel, not just its external exoskeleton but even its muscles were made of a special metal.

These metallic muscles endowed Scizor with unparalleled explosive power and formidable defense, making it impervious to ordinary attacks.

And these steel muscles were the reason for its incredible attacking power despite its slender body.

Compared to Charlotte Linlin, also known as the Iron Balloon, Scizor was truly made of steel. However, in terms of strength, Charlotte Linlin was still superior; her iron was merely an adjective.

Isuka's hands had now transformed into two large pincers, which are Scizor's most powerful weapons. And the giant pincers that had evolved from stainless steel could crush almost anything they caught.

These pincers account for one-third of the body's weight, which was why it possessed such astonishing strength. And because of this weight, Scizor does not necessarily have to use its pincers; it can also choose to smash its opponents.

The patterns on the massive pincers served as its camouflage. During high-speed movement, these pincers could deceive enemies, thus better protecting its head.

Clang, clang, the pincers collided, producing crisp metallic sounds. Watching the two pairs of insect wings behind her, Isuka flapped them in an attempt to fly, but to no avail.

"No need to try. Your ability is called Scizor. Its wings aren't used like that."

From the note left by Arceus, Shayna learned some of Scizor's characteristics.

In a sense, Scizor shared the same fate as Groudon. Although it had two pairs of wings, Scizor couldn't fly because those wings couldn't lift its metallic body.

For Scizor, these two pairs of wings weren't used for flying; rather they were used to vent body heat.

Chapter 508 Steel Muscles - Scizor

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