Can I get an advance on my salary?

Kojiro was the first leader of the Shinsengumi, gaining trust and respect. However, unable to bear the burden, he chose to resign, leaving the position vacant for a period, with Kojiro merely being a nominal leader.

After some time, Hotei secured this position.

Among the samurai who surrendered, his strength could be considered above average, but not top-notch. However, for this organization, strength was not the most crucial factor.

Though the Shinsengumi was composed of samurais from Wano Country, they were at best an internal armed police force. Beasts Pirates has always relied on their own forces, and these samurais, while not weak overall, were outmatched in terms of high-end strength by the Beasts Pirates.

No matter who became the leader, they couldn't possibly be the match of the officers of the Beasts Pirates, let alone the senior officers. Currently, in Wano Country, perhaps only Hyogoro could contend against the senior officers.

Currently, his physique was still robust, able to contend against the single-digit Numbers who are at the end.

Because they were inevitably inferior in strength, when selecting the leader of the Shinsengumi, the importance of strength has begun to decline. What the Beasts Pirates needed was someone more loyal.

In this environment, several competitors emerged. Naturally, their choice to surrender was for higher status and better benefits.

Due to Wano Country's long isolation, many things domestically had fallen behind. With the influx of foreign goods, many people have become decadent.

Since they had already surrendered, why not climb higher? Among these people, Hotei ultimately emerged victorious, mainly because he bootlick others quite well.

Rather than someone stubborn and defiant, it was more comforting to have someone in this position who would flatter their superiors and carry out orders thoroughly. So, with Queen's suggestion and King's agreement, Hotei successfully became the new leader of the Shinsengumi.

Although King appeared terrifying, his mask concealed his emotions, but Hotei still managed to discover his preferences. Even King found him to be someone who spoke very persuasively.

If even King felt this way, then forget about Queen. With the approval of two All-Stars, he naturally secured this position.

As an exemplar of a bootlicker's rise, he fully utilized his talent for bootlicking. Not only did he avoid offending the All-Stars, but he was also unwilling to offend even ordinary members of the Beasts Pirates. He consistently maintains a humble attitude, only appearing arrogant and domineering towards his own people

This also led to some local Wano Country residents disliking him. However, this contradiction was precisely what the Beasts Pirates needed; those opposing voices actually solidified his position as leader.

Even now, he hadn't stopped this behavior.

"Miss Delia, you've arrived."

As King's Vice-Captain, Delia can freely come and go from the Flower Capital's Palace on ordinary days. Moreover, the palace, which was destroyed during the battle, has been rebuilt after the war.

The most significant difference compared to the original Flower Capital's Palace is the addition of an extra top floor, which serves as the residence and office for King and others. Ordinary people do not know about this.

Even those who know about it cannot help but see it as a metaphor for the Beasts Pirates' domination.

As King's Vice-Captain, Delia frequently entered and exited this place. Many administrative bodies within Wano Country remained in their original state, built near the palace, which was why Hotei often encountered these people.

Among the Beasts Pirates' people stationed in the Flower Capital, his attitude towards Delia was the most respectful. It wasn't because he had any particular thoughts about her; Delia's demeanor, more manly than most men, simply didn't pique his interest.

The main reason he behaved this way was because Delia always treated him with an easy-going attitude, just like this time.

"Oh, you're still here. Where's Boss King?

"King-san is on the top floor. Take care, and by the way, Kikunojo-san is also here today."

"Oh, is that so? Well then, goodbye."

Watching Delia disappear from view, Hotei left to continue with his own tasks. As an unofficial member of the Beasts Pirates, he had a certain understanding of the situation in Wano Country.

As retainers of the Kozuki family, Kikunojo and a few others held high nominal positions. Even his position as the leader of the Shinsengumi was slightly lower. However, within the palace, their actual authority, combined, couldn't match his own.

Delia ascended the palace stairs carrying a bottle of rum. Her attitude towards Hotei wasn't due to anything else but because she treated everyone, except her superiors, in the same manner.

Whether they were good people or bad people, enemies or allies, made no difference to her. The only difference was whether she would attack suddenly. Her former subordinates described her as someone who could smile while chopping off an enemy's head.

Finding her way to where King was located, she then witnessed King performing the art of expressions*. [TN: Making exaggerated expressions where character's face is abnormally distorted or even deformed.]

Despite his mask covering his face, King was a handsome young man. Yet, he had the peculiar habit of messing with his own face.

Not only did he refrain from using his hands while eating, opting instead to ingest food through his ability-altered mouth, but he even developed a bizarre technique "Imperial Deep Pride Stake" during battles.

Although it has powerful destructive power, it didn't change the fact that he was essentially using his own face as a slingshot.

"Boss, are you messing with your face again?"

"What are you here for?"

The people who can become Vice-Captain are generally well acquainted with those above them. A few jokes here and there were nothing to be concerned about.

"I'm here for an advance on my salary, Boss. Please, help me out and release next month's payment early."

The Beasts Pirates aren't just a small adventure team of a dozen people, relying solely on passion to adventure together. Not counting affiliated pirate crews, their own members alone exceed ten thousand. These people need money to live.

Even small pirate crews provide pocket money, let alone the Beasts Pirates who had their own rules. Making these pirates follow rules meant that having necessary funds was significant.

"Wasn't payday yesterday?"

"I spent it all. After paying off debts, there wasn't much left. Plus..."

"Get lost."

"Are you really so heartless, Boss? Do you want to see me starve to death?"

"Meals in the dining hall are free. No matter how much you are paid in advance, you won't have anything left by the next day. But lately, there's been some turmoil in the eastern territories. Take some men and handle it."

Aside from their regular wages, their money comes from a share of the spoils of war. As the leader of the expedition team, pirates can get a larger share of the loot, which is also an extra earning opportunity that King left for Delia.

"Boss, can I take Okiku with me?"

"Up to you. But, Delia, remember your place."

"Don't worry, Boss. I know my limits. Here's some rum for you."

With that, she placed the rum she brought on the side and left to prepare the support team.

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