*Title Hidden*

According to the intel received, the manpower dispatched by the Beasts Pirates for external support varies. They only send someone strong enough, rather than deploying their officers for every task.

According to King, this was originally someone else's mission, but it has now been assigned to her. Plundering the spoils is her favorite thing, which also shows that the bottle of rum she bought with her last paycheck was not wasted.

"Alright, let's see where you are."

Delia's eyes sparkled with electricity as the walls of the Flower Capital palace began to turn transparent, and busy figures started appearing in her line of sight.

Hotei who was reprimanding his subordinates, the weird-faced King, and the puppet Hiyori, these figures flashed by her sight one by one. Soon, her target - Kikunojo - appeared in her sight, seemingly still in the bathhouse.

Licking her lips, Delia headed towards the palace's bathhouse.

As retainers of the Kozuki family, they enjoyed two separate bathhouses. The maids at the door saw Delia's arrival and immediately stepped aside, allowing her to go in.

Yes, Kikunojo's bathhouse sign indicated "female." This was why the three of them needed two bathhouses, and the reason for separate ones at that. Many female members of the Beasts Pirates didn't subscribe to such politically correct notions.

Delia brazenly barged in, yet the scene was surprisingly calm. One man believed himself to be a woman in his heart, while one woman's personality was more masculine than most men. Thus, their encounter in the women's bathhouse was calm.

"Kiku, it's time to go. Get ready to accompany me on a mission. Don't worry; it's just a minor task, nothing like suicide squad. Of course, if you're willing to cooperate, I can make it easier for you."

"No need. I'll get ready and join you."

Under Oden's powerful brainwashing influence, these individuals remained loyal to the Kozuki family. However, due to Kozuki Hiyori's situation, they were forced to provide combat strength to the Beasts Pirates for carrying out dangerous missions.

Nevertheless, their strength had also improved through battles. This was inevitable, as they remained true to their oath to protect the Kozuki family. To continue being by Hiyori's side, they had no choice but to resort to this.

The danger of this mission entirely depended on which member of the Beasts Pirates was leading. With those they had good relations with, they merely executed missions normally. But encountering those with nasty personalities meant risking their lives.

Due to his appearance, Kikunojo lived a relatively easier life, especially when dragged along by Delia for missions, albeit enduring a certain level of harassment.

Especially now that Delia possessed Luxray's ability, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

However, this time, Delia didn't leave immediately nor did she continue harassing him. Instead, she said, "You blockheads remain stubborn as ever."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't think you're so clever, and don't think I'm a fool. Everyone can see through your thoughts. However, Boss Kaido still has some interest in your strength. You better make some changes before he loses interest. The Kozuki will forever remain a history, whether it's Lord Kaido or Lord Arceus, you're not capable of dealing with them. As time passes, they'll only become more terrifying."

Time is impartial; everyone is growing. For Kaido, who possesses talents as terrifying as a monster, he has undergone true qualitative changes over the years.

"Although I joined the Beasts Pirates after that war, I've heard from Boss King about what happened back then. Twenty years ago, you weren't his match. Twenty years later, you'll only suffer worse defeats. That's all I have to say. You better think about it."

Saying that, Delia immediately left. She still needed to gather the subordinates to provide support for the outer islands. If Kikunojo remained stubborn, there was nothing she could do, except lament for that face.

Delia's words made Kikunojo hesitate slightly. They were well aware of the changes in Wano Country, and almost eight years had passed since the war. Many in Wano had already forgotten about the Kozuki.

It was approaching that twenty-year mark.

This was something they had been avoiding all along. Thinking about that horrible future, Kikunojo didn't dare to dwell further. He simply rose, preparing to involuntarily join the other's fight.

On the other side, Delia also arrived at the docks, where the warships belonging to the Beasts Pirates were docked. As the Vice-Captain of the All-Stars, she had her own exclusive ship.

"Long time no see, old buddy."

The size of this ship was slightly larger compared to other pirate ships, but it was considerably smaller than the Genesis and the Beasts Pirates' flagship. This ship was her original pirate ship, which had undergone a series of modifications after joining the Beasts Pirates, taking on its current appearance.

"Captain, we're ready!"

Led by her former subordinates, a support team of three hundred people was fully ready to go out. Though the number seemed small, it was sufficient in this world.

The invasion they were facing consisted of no more than several pirate crews united in an alliance. Along with the local garrison, these forces were already enough.

Moreover, Marine's large warships typically carried around 800-1000 people, a considerable number in the one piece world. From the current known information, even at its peak, the Whitebeard Pirates, including all subordinate crews, only reached a total of fifty thousand people.

However, in the support team, Delia encountered an unexpected individual.

"Amalee? What are you doing here?"

"This support mission was originally mine. Did you do this on purpose? Just as you finished paying off your debts, you swooped in to snatch this opportunity?"

"Well... I just mentioned it to Boss. I didn't know it was your mission. Don't worry, I'll split half of my share of the loot with you."

"Hmph, if your money can last three days in your hands, I'll consider it my loss. I'm not here to argue about that. Take this brat with you to let her gain some experience."

Saying so, Amalee pushed Isuka forward. King and Shayna had reached some agreement regarding the change of personnel for the mission. However, the original plan was for Amalee to bring Isuka to let her gain some experience. After spending so long familiarizing herself with her ability, she was in need of some real combat experience.

"Got it, leave it to me. I'll bring this brat back to you intact."

After some time, Kikunojo arrived wearing a demon mask. Because his appearance and demeanor were insufficient to instill fear, he would wear a terrifying demon mask in battles to address this issue.

With Kikunojo's arrival, Delia's Golden Hind ship also set sail from Onigashima. However, at the same time, another group of people was also providing support on the battlefield. Leading them was a pirate dressed in attire similar to that of the Wano Country style; his name was Izou, Kikunojo's older brother.

Chapter 518 Support and Izou

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