House Mudd (Edited)

[Basic Information:]

- House Head: Erlend Mudd.

- House Heir: Edmund Mudd.

- Status (Official): The Crown.

- Status (Defunct): Formerly Exiled Royal House, Exiled Greater Nobility of Yi Ti, and Great House of the Riverlands.

- Titles (Official): King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. Lord Protector of the Sunset Kingdoms, and Lord Paramount of the Vale.

- Titles (Defunct): Captain-General of the Banners, King of the Rivers and the Hills (Formerly), Lord of Firmridge (Formerly), and Guardian of High Heart (Formerly).

- Seats: Firmridge, Dragonstone, and Twilight Isles.

- Members: John Mudd (Deceased), Lorimas Mudd (Living), Erlend Mudd (Living) and Edmund Mudd (Living).

- Notable Ancestors: Aryan 'the Dragonslayer', Edger 'the Spirited', Tristifer 'the Hammer', and Lucifer 'the Unsuccesful'.

- Religion: Old Gods and the New.

- Words: The True Blood Rules.

- Historic Vassals: House Mallister ((Vassalized) and Kin by Marriage), House Blackwood (Vassalized), House Bracken (Vassalized), House Darry (Vassalized), House Mooton (Vassalized), House Strong (Vassalized), House Ryger (Vassalized), and House Piper (Vassalized).

- Great House Vassals: House Tyrell, House Martell, House Lannister, House Durrandon and House Stark.

- Historic Rivals: House Hoare (Extinct), House Durrandon (Restored and Reconciled), House Arryn (Reconciled and Assimilated), House Greyiron (Extinct), House Blackfyre (Unknown), Golden Company (Commercial), House Vypren (Extinct through the Male Line), and House Vance (Extinct through the Male Line).


The Mudds once ruled as Kings of the Rivers and the Hills from a castle along the Blue Fork whose ruins are now called Oldstones. They were the last of the First Men to rule the Trident, reigning for "a thousand years". The Mudds, the most powerful and expansive of the First Men River king dynasties, claimed the land as far south as the mouth of the Blackwater Rush.

[Edited Note (26/06/2024:]

I'll try and keep this up-to-date as much as possible, cheers.

House Frey has been removed from 'Historic Vassals', seeing as they appeared long after the Mudds were exiled.

As for the Arryns, they will now be considered a 'Cadet Branch' of House Mudd, once Erlend pops out a kid by Lysa. Though they will be regarded as a 'Great House' despite that, similar to the Baratheons in a way. Think of the Bourbons and Valois and their ties to the Capets as an example.