
Amelie and her team approached the balaclava men's stronghold with caution, nestled among the daunting peaks of the rocky Alps. The structure loomed in front of them, wrapped in mystery and danger. As they moved deeper inside the stronghold, their senses became more acute, alert for any hint of danger. Their footsteps were muffled against the cold, hard floorboards as the operatives advanced in a tight formation. The air was thick with excitement, each breath carrying the weight of the unknown.

Their first discovery sent a chill down their spines. They came across a room filled with high-tech surveillance devices. Screens flickered with live feeds, capturing images from around the world. It became evident that the balaclava men possessed a sophisticated intelligence-gathering network, their eyes reaching far beyond the walls of their hidden stronghold.

Amelie's voice broke the silence, her words laced with determination. "These men have their fingers on the pulse of global affairs. We need to figure out who they are and what they are up to."

Moving deeper into the facility, the operatives stumbled upon a chamber that held encrypted files and an assortment of data storage devices. As they ventured forth, their path intersected with the men who guarded the stronghold. The operatives engaged them, seeking to extract vital details that could shed light on the larger puzzle they found themselves entangled in.

Amelie's voice carried a mix of urgency and determination. "Tell us everything you know. Who are you working for? What is the purpose of this stronghold?"

One of the men, his face etched with defiance, retorted, "I won't betray my loyalty."

Kelly stepped forward, her gaze unwavering. "We need answers. Lives are on the line. You're either with us or against us."

"And you're willing to let innocent lives suffer because of your fight for an unknown cause?" Kelly pressed, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and determination.

"You are the one who is killing innocent people in this place," the man replied defiantly. "You have no idea what is going on."

The dialogue echoed through the corridors, mingling with the sound of gunfire and the clamor of combat. Emotions ran high as the operatives fought their way through the stronghold, seeking answers and justice amidst the chaos.

As they delved deeper, they encountered more resistance. The operatives engaged in intense battles, exchanging gunfire and engaging in close-quarters combat with the armed guards who stood as the last line of defense for the stronghold. Each encounter brought them closer to the truth, but also tested their skills and resilience.

Andorra's voice echoed through the chaos. "There's no escape. Tell us what you know!"

The operatives were forced to the outskirts of town as they fought their way through the fortress. It was there that they caught sight of a menacing jeep, its mounted 50 Cal machine gun spraying bullets in their direction. The loud sound of gunfire pierced the air, and the impact of the shots wreaked devastation, scattering dust and debris.

The operatives took cover, their movements calculated and precise, seeking refuge from the relentless onslaught. Some of their team members were injured, their grit and determination keeping them in the fight despite the pain. The enemy forces displayed their elite tactics, strategically maneuvering through the chaotic battlefield, making it increasingly difficult for the operatives to gain the upper hand.

Amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope caught their eyes. They spotted a mortar not far from their position. Without hesitation, they rallied their forces and quickly seized control of the weapon.

The operatives loaded the mortar with precision, their training guiding their every move. The deafening blast of the mortar echoed through the air as the explosive shell soared towards its target. The impact reverberated through the enemy ranks, causing a wave of confusion and disarray.

As the dust settled, the enemy forces appeared weakened, their once formidable presence now faltering. With renewed determination, the operatives continued their relentless push, exploiting the chaos they had created to their advantage.

Finally, the battleground was cleared, and the operatives moved forward through the aftermath of their own destructive wake. The silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the distant sounds of the town slowly regaining its composure. They cautiously made their way towards a second building, nestled within the heart of the enemy outpost.

As the operatives walked through the aftermath of the chaotic battle, the scene unfolded before their eyes like a grim tableau. Smoke billowed from the charred remnants of buildings, their walls scorched and crumbling. Debris littered the ground, a testament to the destructive force that had been unleashed upon the stronghold. Broken glass and twisted metal shards glistened under the harsh sunlight, reflecting the devastation that had unfolded.

Amidst the chaos, wounded and disoriented civilians emerged from the shadows, their expressions filled with a mixture of fear and anxiety. Some of the civilians and the enemies even had burned to death. Some enemies are still alive but later died by the amount of smoke that suffocated their lungs. Buildings stood partially demolished, their structure compromised by the fury of the mortar strikes. The collateral damage was a bitter reminder of the cost of their mission. The operatives moved forward, their footsteps accompanied by the eerie silence that followed the storm of violence.

The operatives froze when they saw the child they had been searching for for so long. Time seemed to stop as the youngster, their once innocent eyes now tainted with grief and rage, pointed a gun at them. The environment was tense, a delicate balance between uncertainty and the gravity of their mission.

The tension in the room was suffocating as the operatives stood face to face with the child they had tirelessly sought. The air crackled with a mix of anger, desperation, and betrayal. The child's trembling voice echoed through the space, their eyes filled with a haunting mix of pain and anger.

"What the hell have you've done?" the young boy spat, their finger tightening around the grip of the gun they held.

Amelie's voice remained steady as she tried to bridge the divide. "Put the gun down kid, we're... we're trying to save innocent lives here."

The child's anger surged, their gaze darting between the operatives who surrounded them. They fired a shot towards the metal piping nearby, causing a burst of steam that separated Amelie's core team from the supporting operatives. The atmosphere became even more charged as the child's tears mingled with their rage.

"Innocent lives? Look around you!" the child exclaimed, gesturing at the wreckage. "This place is in ruins because of you. You think you're the heroes? You've destroyed everything!"

Amelie and her team, their guns rendered useless, maintained their defensive stance, their eyes fixed on the child. The weight of the situation bore heavily upon them as they tried to make the child understand the larger threat they were combating. But their words fell on deaf ears.

"You are the threat here," the child retorted, their voice filled with anguish. "After two years of you, all of you, forsaking me, I have never seen this much betrayal. This is how Heinrich responded?"

Madison, attempting to interject, was met with a swift rebuke from the child. Emotions ran high as the child questioned Amelie's leadership and of a past operation.

An automatic steel door closed, separating Amelie's team from the rest of the operatives, intensifying the tension in the room. "You're insane, kid!" Enkoth exclaimed, unable to contain her disbelief.

"Maybe I am," the child conceded, their voice laced with defiance.

Amelie and her team readied themselves with their rifles. But the child's next move shocked them. He had somehow nullified their weapons. He holstered his pistol and raised his fist.

"I'd say, you're the only team that hasn't been beaten up by me yet, right?" the child declared, a glimmer of twisted satisfaction in their eyes.

Stella's accusation cut through the charged atmosphere, implicating the child in their current predicament. Amelie's team, undeterred, drew their tactical knives, their resolve unyielding.

"We've come prepared," Andorra stated, her voice brimming with determination.

Enkoth, her expression hardened, issued a challenge. "Let's see how long you can stand, kid."

The operatives, armed with their sharp knives, carefully encircled the young boy, their focus sharp and their movements precise. They knew they were facing a formidable opponent, but their training and skills gave them confidence. It was a 5 against 1 situation, and they were determined to bring the boy down.

Andorra made the first move, lunging forward with her knife aimed at the boy's body. But he effortlessly dodged her attack, swiftly countering with a sweep kick that knocked her off balance. Before she could recover, he landed a powerful punch that rendered her unconscious.

Ami saw an opening and tried to strike, but the boy skillfully evaded her blade. He swiftly struck her chest with a palm strike, momentarily incapacitating her.

The remaining three operatives launched a coordinated assault, their blades flashing in a flurry of attacks. However, the boy's defensive skills were remarkable. He evaded their strikes, using their own momentum against them. He disarmed them and employed joint locks to immobilize their limbs, showing mastery over his techniques.

Despite their training, the operatives struggled to land a significant blow on the boy. His technique was superior, and they realized they were outmatched. One by one, they fell, unable to overcome his agility and precision. The room fell into silence as the boy stood amidst his disarmed opponents.

Finally, he trapped Enkoth in a tight lock, choking her and restricting her movements. With his arm around her neck and his hand on her ear, he slowly suffocated her, using his elbow to apply pressure. Enkoth's strength waned as the boy's hold tightened, leaving her helpless and gasping for air.

As Enkoth struggled in the boy's tight grip, her vision began to blur, and her teammates watched in horror, fearing the worst. Just as despair settled in, Amelie, driven by a desperate desire for a peaceful resolution, stepped forward, her voice trembling with sincerity.

"Stop! Please, let her go. We don't want anyone else to get hurt," she pleaded, her eyes filled with a mixture of determination and remorse.

The boy hesitated, his grip on Enkoth loosening slightly. His eyes flickered with conflicting emotions—anger, pain, and vulnerability all warring within him.

"You think I'd trust you after everyone you've killed?" he retorted, his voice tinged with bitterness.

Amelie's words carried a hint of regret as she responded, "We're sorry for the chaos we've caused."

The tension in the room was palpable as the standoff continued, until suddenly, the sound of impact echoed through the air. Kelly had swung the stock of her rifle, striking the boy in the head, rendering him unconscious. The remaining operatives, relieved but on edge, cautiously approached, ready to intervene if needed.

Madison, overwhelmed by rage and contempt, went forward and punched the boy in the face. "That's for the other day," she wailed, her voice tinged with hatred.

The team gathered themselves, checking on one another's well-being. Kelly's attention turned to Enkoth, concern etched on her face.

"Are you alright, Enkoth?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Enkoth, still recovering from the boy's grip, replied, "Yeah... I think I'm having a difficult time breathing."

With the boy securely restrained with a zip tie, the operatives made the decision to bring him back to their headquarters for further interrogation. However, before they could depart, they were approached by the man who had aided them in locating the kid.

"Hey, you got the kid. Good job. And thank you for taking care of those bandits," the man commended, expressing his gratitude.

Rebecca, speaking on behalf of the team, responded, "No problem. We're bringing him in for investigation."

The man's expression soured slightly as he made a request. "Wait, you're not going to hand the kid to us? I mean, we wanted to interrogate him about the bandits too, you know?"

Rebecca, firm in her decision, replied, "Sorry, but we need to bring him to our headquarters first."

Reluctantly, the man conceded, saying, "Fine, alright then. Still, thank you for everything."

With the kid in their custody, the operatives began their journey back to their headquarters, the weight of their recent encounter heavy upon them.

𝚂𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎: TNP 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜

Ludwig, Nikole, and Heinrich strolled casually down the bustling hallway of the TNP headquarters, engaged in light conversation. Their voices echoed against the polished walls as they discussed the recent events. However, their tranquil demeanor was soon interrupted by the arrival of the operatives who had just returned from their mission.

Amelie, her expression a mix of determination and concern, approached the trio, breaking the flow of their conversation.

"Sir, we have caught the suspect, but we still do not know what has happened to Chey," Amelie reported, her voice laden with a sense of urgency.

Ludwig, the commanding officer, considered her words before responding, "Ah, well then. Bring him in for questioning. We may find answers from him."

Heinrich, his eyes fixed on the distance, added, "I would like to see him as well."

Amelie nodded in acknowledgment. "All right then, we will bring him there right now."

The operatives, accompanied by their captive, retraced their steps back to the location from which they had come, making their way to the private investigation room. The atmosphere was tense, the weight of the mission pressing upon them.

Meanwhile, Ludwig, Nikole, and Heinrich continued their conversation, unaware of the gravity that awaited them. Ludwig commented on the successful completion of the mission, a touch of satisfaction in his voice.

"Well, that is another mission completed," he remarked, a hint of relief evident.

Heinrich, still contemplating the situation, chimed in. "That's great. I also heard that they had been hunting him down for quite a while."

Ludwig nodded, acknowledging the significance of the capture. "Indeed, he surely wasn't just an ordinary kid. At least we will finally be able to see his face. Not like the last time."

Curiosity sparked, Heinrich interjected, seeking further information. "Who do you think he might be, ey?"

Ludwig's expression darkened slightly as he replied, "Not sure, but hope it's not Der Schattenkrieger."

Nikole's eyes widened at the mention of the infamous figure. "You mean Ace?"

Ludwig nodded gravely. "Yes, his callsign. Quite a while since we talked about him. He's probably somewhere in the Middle East, defending."

Heinrich, his gaze fixed on some distant point, added his own contemplation. "Indeed." His voice held a mix of nostalgia and concern. "Well, I hope we get to see the kid soon. There is something familiar about him."

As if on cue, Veronica's voice boomed from the distance, urging the operatives to pick up the pace. The three men turned their attention towards the commotion, anticipation and a sense of dread intertwining within them.

Gradually, the operatives came into view, escorting the young teenager down the hallway. Time seemed to slow, each second stretching out as the trio locked eyes with the bleeding boy, his gaze cold and detached. He was pushed forcefully towards the private investigation room, his entrance marked by a trail of crimson droplets.

In that brief moment of eye contact, recognition flickered across the faces of Ludwig, Nikole, and Heinrich. A sense of foreboding settled upon them as they stood, momentarily stunned, realizing that the past had come back to haunt them.

The three spoke in synchrony, their voices filled with a mix of resignation and fear, their words carrying an undeniable truth.

"Oh, bury me dead already."