The Interrogation

The dim lighting cast eerie shadows across the room, amplifying the tension that permeated the air. In this private investigation room, the operatives were determined to extract the truth from the young boy who sat before them, his head still bleeding from the earlier encounter. Amelie, the resolute leader of the team, took a step forward, her voice measured but commanding.

Her gaze locked with the boy's, Amelie asserted their authority.

"We have questions, and we need answers," she declared, her voice resonating with authority. "You may find it in your best interest to cooperate."

The boy's face remained impassive, his eyes betraying a mix of defiance and intrigue. The room fell into an expectant silence, the weight of unspoken histories bearing down on them all.

Ami, ever determined, leaned in closer, her voice carrying a subtle intensity.

"We know that you are connected to Chey," she stated, her tone probing. "What happened to her?"

The boy's eyes flickered, a brief moment of vulnerability passing across his features. However, he maintained his silence, refusing to disclose any information.

Kelly, positioned in the corner of the room, her expression steely, interjected with force.

"Don't think you can keep your secrets forever," Kelly asserted, her voice sharp and unyielding. "We've witnessed the chaos you've caused, the pain you've done."

The boy's eyes narrowed, a glimmer of defiance shining through his cold exterior.

"And what is it that I've caused?" he retorted, his voice laced with bitterness. "You massacred the entire town. How long will it take for you to realize that you got nothing in this?"

Enkoth's face hardened, her anger simmering beneath the surface.

"We didn't go there to massacre innocent people," she said sharply. "We went there to look for you. Qevrols Fran is dead because of you. We were supposed to question him, but because of you, decided to kill him, because of you, messing everything up, he's dead, and now you have to take his place."

A cynical smirk danced across the boy's lips, his bitter words tinged with resentment.

"You're not supposed to be there," he scoffed. "You're not even supposed to be there! You have your own battles to fight. Your duty is to handle those commies, and those rogue soldiers. Yet, you were there, triggering the alarm messing everything up."

The door swung open, revealing LTC Ludwig, the founder of TNP. His presence commanded attention as he entered the room, his gaze falling upon the young boy who sat shackled in the chair. Amelie, the leader of the team, quickly addressed LTC, eager to update him on the situation.

"Sir, this is the kid we were talking about," Amelie informed him, her voice tinged with urgency.

LTC's face displayed a nervous grin as he met the unwavering stare of the boy.

"Ah, very well. It's nice to see him," LTC replied, his voice betraying a hint of unease.

Sensing the tension, LTC attempted to diffuse the situation, a glimmer of concern behind his eyes.

"Well, you girls must have been really exhausted, haven't you?" LTC suggested, his tone laced with a hint of sympathy. "Why don't you all take a rest?"

Amelie hesitated, still wary of leaving the boy unattended.

"But the kid-" she began, voicing her concern.

Heinrich, one of the operatives, stepped forward, assuring them that they could handle the interrogation.

"Don't worry about him. We can take care of the interrogation," Heinrich interjected, his voice calm and assured.

Amelie, while still skeptical, considered Heinrich's words.

"I guess we could," she conceded, a note of suspicion lingering in her voice. "You did assign us this mission, after all."

With a nod of agreement, Amelie and the remaining operatives left the room, leaving only Madison and Enkoth behind, their icy gazes fixed upon the young boy.

LTC addressed the two remaining operatives, sensing their reluctance to depart.

"You two don't want to take a rest?" LTC inquired, his voice carrying a hint of understanding.

Enkoth, ever resilient, responded, her voice steady.

"I'll be fine," she assured him.

Madison, her stare unwavering, echoed Enkoth's sentiment.

"I can wait," she stated firmly.

Accepting their determination, LTC urged them to step outside and wait for a while.

"Well, we do have to speak with him in private, so why don't you wait outside for a while?" LTC suggested, his tone gentle yet decisive.

A profound silence filled the room, filled with unspoken thoughts, as Enkoth and Madison silently exited, their presence still lingering in the air. Left behind were LTC Ludwig, the esteemed founder of TNP, Heinrich, the veteran operative, Colonel David, Nikki (Ludwig's secretary), Bess (David's secretary), and Captain Thomas. Taking their respective seats, they prepared themselves for what lay ahead.

Heinrich, his hands trembling slightly, cautiously approached the young boy, revealing the key to the handcuffs he had used to secure him. Nervously, he extended the key towards the boy, his voice betraying a mix of apprehension and curiosity.

"Do you need this?" Heinrich asked, his tone uncertain.

The boy, maintaining his cold expression, stared at the key for a moment before responding in a dismissive tone.


To their surprise, the boy then revealed that he had actually broken free from the handcuffs long ago, and his compliance had been nothing more than a ruse. Heinrich couldn't help but acknowledge the growth the boy had undergone since their last encounter.

"You seem to have grown up now," Heinrich remarked, trying to establish a connection.

The boy's reply was laced with a touch of bitterness.

"You seem much, much older."

Heinrich attempted to bridge the gap between them, his voice tinged with genuine concern.

"So, how are things?" he asked, his nerves palpable.

The boy's response was biting, his anger evident.

"Where were you when I needed your help?" he questioned, his voice filled with accusation.

Heinrich faltered for a moment, caught off guard by the boy's words.

"Well... I didn't expect-" he began, his voice trailing off.

Interrupting him, the boy's cold tone pierced through the room.

"Do you know what your girls have done?!" he demanded, his anger palpable.

Heinrich tried to regain his composure, his voice carrying a hint of understanding.

"I don't expect the person they were talking about was you. So, you've been hunting down Qevrols?" Heinrich inquired, attempting to steer the conversation towards a more productive path.

Sighing in frustration, the boy confirmed his involvement.

"Yes," he responded curtly.

LTC Ludwig, the founder of TNP, intervened, offering the boy a tissue to wipe the blood from his face, a gesture of goodwill.

"Here," LTC offered, his voice filled with genuine concern. "All the recordings of you were corrupted, so we couldn't find out who it was."

The boy's response was terse, his guard still firmly in place.


Seemingly ready to leave the room, the boy made a move towards the exit, but Heinrich, determined to elicit some form of cooperation, interjected.

"Wait," Heinrich called out, placing a picture of Chey on the table. "I know you had met her before. Please, if whoever you're fighting with has captured her, could you find her?"

The boy's gaze lingered on the photograph, his expression softening momentarily.

"So, her name is Chey?" he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of recognition.

Heinrich nodded, his eyes pleading.

"I know we may have failed you in the past," Heinrich admitted, his voice filled with remorse. "But we really need your help."

Nikki, LTC Ludwig's secretary, interjected, her voice sincere.

"For the things in the past, we were just too afraid. We know that we won't stand a chance if anything goes wrong. We understand that your enemies are on a different level," Nikki explained, her words laden with regret.

Exhaling in frustration, the boy contemplated their plea, his anger mixing with a begrudging sense of obligation.

"Fine," he finally conceded, his voice laden with reluctance. "But this time, you have to fix what you have destroyed."

A collective breath escaped the room, a glimmer of hope flickering in their eyes as they embarked on a path of potential redemption. Heinrich, feeling the weight of the kid's frustration and anger, struggled to find the right words to explain the complexities they faced.

"It would be a very difficult thing to do," Heinrich admitted, his voice tinged with a sense of helplessness.

The kid's expression hardened, his voice filled with bitterness and disappointment.

"Then what do you think of me?!" he exclaimed, his frustration palpable. "For four years, I've had to fight for my life, constantly being hunted down. Some civilians are willing to sacrifice as well! Why couldn't you help?!"

Heinrich's voice softened as he tried to convey their perspective.

"It's not that we wouldn't want to help," he explained earnestly. "But the risks are immense. We fear that intervening could worsen the situation or even lead to the collapse of TNP."

The kid shook his head in disbelief, a mix of anger and resignation on his face.

"Forget it," he muttered bitterly. "It's hard to talk to you all."

With that, the kid made a decision and moved towards the door, intending to leave. However, before he could reach his freedom, Enkoth and Madison, who had been standing guard outside, swiftly intervened.

Madison stepped forward, her tone assertive.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" she demanded, her eyes fixed on the teenager.

Realizing his escape attempt had been thwarted, the kid sighed in frustration. Enkoth and Madison wasted no time in restraining him, firmly cuffing his hands and leading him away towards confinement.