A Brief Moment Before

Der Strum Hideout

As the team gathered back at the main Der Strum hideout, the atmosphere was tense yet determined. Ace, The KB6 team, and the rest of Der Strum were in deep discussion, their expressions serious and focused.

"Sorry for the sudden disappearance, folks," Colonel David said with a wry smile. "I've been busy planning the reconstruction of The Nachtwache Projekt Headquarters. We need a strong base of operations to take on our enemies."

LTC Ludwig, standing beside Colonel David, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the new location will provide us with better resources and strategic advantages. We can't afford any weaknesses when taking back Schattenheim City."

Amelie's Team, Strikeforce Group, and PhoCo Quick Response listened intently, absorbing every word. They knew that the success of their mission depended on cooperation and effective planning. Ace listened intently, his expression remaining impassive as he absorbed the information. The KB6 team, still a mystery to the others, stood silently beside him, their faces unreadable. The Nachtwache Projekt operatives, Amelie's team, and the Strikeforce group exchanged glances, their skepticism towards Ace slowly easing as they saw the trust and respect the Colonel had for him.

Amelie, stepping forward, spoke with a determined tone. "Alright, Colonel. We're ready to hear the next plan. We've gathered some valuable intel from our recent attack at Wartburg Castle. The hostages provided us with information about the enemy reinforcements route."

Colonel David nodded, acknowledging the team's efforts. "Good work, Amelie. We can use that information to our advantage. We'll need to strategize carefully and coordinate with Der Strum to execute a successful plan."

Falk, one of the Der Strum Elites, interjected with a sense of urgency. "Time is of the essence. The longer we wait, the stronger our enemies will become. We need to strike before they have a chance to regroup."

Ace, chimed in with his confidence. "We can't afford to delay. Our next move should be swift and decisive, catching them off guard."

Dietrich, another Der Strum Elite, grunted in agreement. "Indeed, we need to hit 'em hard and fast. No room for mistakes."

The conversation continued, with each faction contributing their insights and expertise. The KB6 team, still mostly silent, observed the exchange with sharp focus.

Zain Watson, the British ally, spoke up with a hint of admiration in his voice. "You've got a talented group here, Colonel. It's not every day you see such team working with Ace."

Colonel David smiled, a rare display of warmth. "They're the best we've got. And with Ace's leadership and KB6's expertise, I have no doubt we can pull this off."

Ace nodded, acknowledging the trust placed in him. "We'll do what it takes to take back Schattenheim Town, and we won't leave until it's free."

Outskirt of Schattenheim - Night

The night air was crisp and filled with an air of anticipation as Amelie's team, Strikeforce, and PhoCo Quick Response settled at their camp outside Schattenheim. The groups sat separately, each minding their own business, but the shared purpose of their mission created an unspoken sense of camaraderie among them.

Ace, having just arrived from Der Strum's camps at different areas, approached Chey, who was sitting by the campfire. He had developed a sense of trust and comfort around her, though his expression remained as enigmatic as ever. Chey, while hiding her insecurities, greeted him with a small smile, trying to exude confidence despite being the shortest in the group.

"Hey, Ace," Chey said, trying to keep her tone casual. "Long day, huh?"

Ace nodded, leaning against a nearby tree, his posture relaxed. "Yeah, it's been quite a ride. Der Strum's got some tough operations going on."

Chey chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully. "Tell me about it. Those guys are like a bunch of adrenaline junkies, always seeking the thrill of danger."

"Seems like we're not so different, then," Ace replied, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Chey raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, really? You're saying you enjoy the rush of bullets flying past your head?"

Ace smirked, the closest he ever got to a grin. "Let's just say I'm no stranger to high-stakes situations."

As they chatted, their eyes wandered to the beautiful scenery surrounding them. The moon hung high in the sky, casting a soft glow over the landscape. In the distance, the lights of Schattenheim town twinkled, a reminder of the mission that lay ahead.

"So, Ace," Chey began, trying to sound nonchalant. "You've been with Der Strum for quite some time now. What made you join them in the first place?"

Ace's expression remained unreadable, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes. "I had my reasons," he replied cryptically. "Let's just say I found myself aligned with their goals."

Chey nodded, not pressing further. She respected Ace's privacy, knowing that he was a man of few words and guarded his past closely. Instead, she decided to lighten the mood.

"You know, for a kid, you've got some serious skills," Chey teased, giving him a playful nudge.

Ace shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "I guess you're right."

As Ace left his conversation with Chey, he made his way towards Amelie's team, who were gathered near a makeshift seating area. Amelie, with a cigarette dangling from her fingers, was engrossed in conversation when she noticed Ace's approach. She flicked away the ash and flashed him a smirk.

"Well, well, look who decided to join the party," Amelie said, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm. "I was starting to think you'd gone all mysterious and vanished into thin air."

Ace's expression remained impassive as he joined the group, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a practiced vigilance. The campsite was nestled in a clearing surrounded by tall trees, their leaves rustling softly in the evening breeze. The faint glow of the moon illuminated the area, casting a silver sheen over everything.

"Couldn't resist the allure of our company, huh?" Enkoth chimed in, his voice laced with a touch of passive aggression. "Must be tough to resist our captivating personalities."

Ami, bouncing with excitement, couldn't contain herself. "Oh, come on, Enkoth! Don't be a sourpuss. Ace here knows we're the life of the party!"

Ace glanced at Ami, his gaze briefly meeting her infectious enthusiasm. He gave a small nod, acknowledging her words, though his stoic demeanor didn't waver.

Amelie took a drag of her cigarette, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So, Ace, spill the beans. Did you find some hidden treasure in the woods? Or maybe you stumbled upon a secret stash of weapons?"

Ace's lips twitched ever so slightly, a hint of amusement creeping into his gaze. "Sorry to disappoint, but no hidden treasure this time. Just some recon and intel gathering."

Amelie playfully punched his arm, a smirk on her face. "Ah, well, can't win 'em all, right? But hey, as long as you're bringing something useful to the table."

The rest of Amelie's team, drawn by the lively conversation, joined in the banter. Enkoth, ever the skeptic, spoke up. "So, Ace, you're really the silent type, huh? Got any secrets you'd like to share?"

Ace's response was succinct, his voice devoid of emotion. "Secrets are for those who can't handle the truth."

Andorra, with a playful glimmer in her eyes, chimed in. "Ooh, mysterious. Guess we'll have to keep digging then, won't we?"

The group erupted into laughter, the joviality filling the air. Amidst the laughter, they couldn't help but take in the beauty of their surroundings. The campfire crackled, casting a warm glow on their faces, while the distant sound of nature echoed through the woods.

Ace approached the Strikeforce group, noticing Kelly looking a bit sleepy and Madison sitting alone with a half-empty bottle in her hand. He hesitated for a moment before making his way towards Madison, who glanced up with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"Well, well, look who's gracing us with their presence," Madison said, her tone slightly slurred from the alcohol. She extended the bottle towards Ace. "Want a swig? It's good stuff."

Ace remained steadfast in his decision. "Hard pass."

Madison shrugged, taking another swig from the bottle. "Suit yourself. More for me then." She paused for a moment before continuing, her voice tinged with a touch of vulnerability. "It's just... with everything that's been going on, the constant battles, the fear and adrenaline, sometimes a drink is the only thing that can help me forget, even if just for a moment."

As they spoke, Kelly, who had been dozing off, stirred awake with a yawn. "Hey, Ace," she said with a sleepy smile. "What's the occasion? Or are you just here to join the party?"

Ace chuckled softly. "Just making the rounds, seeing how everyone's doing."

Veronica, joining in the conversation, teased, "You're like the ghost that appears out of nowhere. Silent and mysterious."

Ace raised an eyebrow, a small smirk playing on his lips. "I prefer to think of it as being efficient."

Rebecca, with her signature bandana, chimed in with a grin. "Efficient, huh? I thought you just liked to keep us on our toes."

Ace's gaze flickered towards Madison, who was quietly listening to the banter. "Maybe a bit of both," he replied cryptically.

"So, Ace, what's your deal?" Kelly asked, her sleepy eyes narrowing slightly. "You're always so serious"

Ace's response was cryptic as always. "I work better alone."

Madison scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Typical. You think you're better than all of us, don't you?"

Ace's expression remained neutral, unfazed by Madison's hostility. "I never said that."

Madison huffed, taking another swig from the bottle. "Well, you act like it. Always off doing your own thing, never bothering to connect with the rest of us."

"Where's the other girl?" Ace asked.

Kelly, who had been rubbing her eyes due to sleepiness, chimed in, "Oh, Katie's probably off somewhere exploring. You know how she is, always curious about everything."

Madison scoffed, taking another sip from her bottle. "Yeah, that girl can't sit still for a second. She's like a little tornado."

Rebecca smirked, playfully nudging Madison. "You just jealous she's got a soft spot for Ace here."

Madison's cheeks flushed slightly, and she shot a glare at Rebecca. "As if! I don't have a soft spot for anyone."

Enkoth, who had been quietly listening, chimed in, "Sure, Madison. Whatever you say."

Ami, ever the troublemaker, giggled. "Oh, come on, Madison! We all know you secretly adore Ace."

Ace's stoic expression betrayed nothing, but he couldn't help but notice Madison's reaction. She seemed to be both irritated and embarrassed by their teasing.

"So, you're a pedophile?" Ace asked.

As soon as Ace's question slipped out, the camp fell into an awkward silence. Madison's face turned beet red, and she sputtered, "What?! No way! That's not what I meant at all!"

Ami burst into uncontrollable laughter, barely able to speak between giggles. "You really know how to stir things up!"

Madison shot daggers at Enkoth. "You guys are impossible! Can we please talk about something else?"

As they all gazed up at the twinkling stars, the atmosphere lightened, and the teasing was momentarily forgotten. The campfire crackled, and the scent of pine trees filled the air.

Ace remained unfazed, his expression unchanged. "Alright, I'll be taking my leave now."

As Ace hopped on his bicycle, the moonlight bathed the camp in a soft glow. The night was calm, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the nearby trees. He pedaled away from the camp, the sound of his tires crunching on the dirt path.

As he rode, his radio crackled to life, and he heard LTC Ludwig's familiar voice on the other end.

LTC Ludwig: "How's it going, kid?"

Ace: "I think I've made some progress, potato face commander."

LTC Ludwig let out a gruff chuckle. "Potato face, huh? You really know how to flatter me, don't you?"

Ace's tone remained casual. "Hey, you've earned that nickname, haven't you?"

LTC Ludwig: "Fair enough. So, how's the team holding up?"

Ace: "They're a tough bunch. They've been through a lot, but they stick together. I think they trust me a bit more now."

LTC Ludwig: "That's good to hear. You know, I may have trained them, but you're the one they look up to now. You have a way of earning people's trust, even without saying much."

Ace: "I just do what I have to do."

LTC Ludwig: "Well, keep doing it. They need a leader like you. And don't forget, I trust you too, Ace."

Ace remained silent for a moment before replying, "I know."

LTC Ludwig: "Listen, I wish I could be there with you all, but someone's got to keep things in order here."

Ace: "I get it. You've got your own battles to fight. Just make sure the job I gave you was done. I'll be keeping an eye on you."

LTC Ludwig: "Alright. But don't think I'm not keeping an eye on you as well. You're doing great, kid. Keep up the good work."

Ace: "Thanks, old man. I'll do my best."

The moonlight guided his way as he pedaled through the darkness, each turn of the wheels taking him closer to the other camps. Ace managed to whisper some phrases before he disappeared into the night:

"Amidst the stars that shimmer bright,

forging ahead, guided by their light.

With trust and faith, facing the unknown,

In the moonlit night, our strength is shown."