Outskirt Skirmish

As the morning sun continued to rise, casting its warm glow over the group, the tension in the air was palpable. The fighters from Der Strum and The Nachtwache Projekt gathered in the outskirts of Schattenheim town, each one preparing for the impending assault. They were surrounded by thick forests and fields, with the distant sound of birds chirping adding an eerie calm to the scene.

Ace, with his serious and focused expression, took charge of the briefing. His voice carried authority and determination as he laid out the plan for the attack.

"Alright, everyone, listen up! We're taking back the southwest outskirts of Schattenheim today. Our allies are hitting them from the North and Northwest, and Der Strum from Arnstadt is on their way too. Our assault begins promptly at 09 a.m. Make sure you're ready and geared up. This is going to be a tough fight, and there's no guarantee we'll make it out unscathed."

Falk stepped in, his voice firm. "Remember, Eisenfust has armored vehicles in there. We can't afford unnecessary casualties. Taking on such a heavily fortified town won't be a walk in the park, and they'll be expecting us to come at them with full force."

Husin chimed in. "We'll be launching motorized infantry attacks on specific points. We need to gain control of the areas with the most fortification and push them back. Speed is crucial; we can't afford to let them dictate the pace of the battle. Our primary objective is to secure the police station, the most heavily fortified location in the Southwest region. But before we get there, we'll have to deal with Eisenfust troops and smaller fortified buildings."

"The 2 story barn is our biggest challenge," Razali added. "They've got recon and tank barricades in place. Tanks will be up-hill, ready to mow us down. We need to proceed with caution and precision."

"We also need to take control of a building, let's call it a radio house," Ace interjected. "It's not far from our current location and will serve as our attack and marking point. It's going to be a hotly contested area, as the enemy will want to control it as much as we do. We need to set up defense teams to hold the position once we capture it. They'll be the ones clearing out any enemies between the radio house and the barn as we advance."

The group nodded in understanding, fully aware of the gravity of the situation. The beautiful scenery around them seemed to contrast with the seriousness of their mission. But there was no time to dwell on it.

As the sun continued its ascent, casting a warm glow over the battlefield, the tension in the air was obvious. The teams from The Nachtwache Projekt, Der Strum, and KB6 were all gathered, ready for the crucial attack on Schattenheim town. The clearing was surrounded by lush forests and open fields, providing an idyllic contrast to the approaching fight.

Ace, Husin, and the rest of the KB6 team were already seated on their vehicles, gears in place, ready to execute their part of the task. Ace's eyes darted around, taking in the sight of his fellow attackers gearing up and preparing for the fight ahead. He noticed the serious expressions etched on everyone's faces, the weight of the upcoming battle visible in their eyes.

He traded a nod with Husin, who simply gave him a determined thumbs-up. There was no need for words; they both knew what needed to be done. The KB6 team had been through countless fights, and each time, they faced it with unwavering resolve.

The members of the Thunderstrike Battalion were already inside their light tanks and mobile artillery, their eyes focused on the watches strapped to their wrists. Ace, still keeping his usual stoic expression, stood beside his trusty bicycle, his mind sharp and focused on the upcoming operation.

Inside the trucks, the NawOps were on high alert. Their minds raced with thoughts of what lay ahead. How many hits could their cars take before it spelled their doom? However, there was no time to dwell on such thoughts as the clock neared 9 a.m. sharp, the scheduled time for the assault to begin.

As the teams hopped onto the vehicles, anticipation filled the air. The engines roared to life, and the sound of rumbling cars resonated throughout the clearing.


The moment the clock struck 9, engines roared to life as vehicles surged forward, racing towards their intended targets. Heading straight towards the radio house without a second thought. The tanks are right behind them as well as half of Der Strum troops who would act as the defending team.

Ace led the charge with his bicycle. His eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the beauty of the scenery, but he knew he had to stay focused. The lush green fields and thick woods flew by in a blur as he led KB6 towards the radio house.

Amelie's team followed closely, their own cars kicking up dust as they weaved through the terrain. Enkoth, Andorra, Ami, and Stella were all serious and composed, their tactical prowess obvious in every move they made. Strikeforce, too, was on the move, Kelly, Madison, Rebecca, Veronica, and Katie pushing their vehicles to the edge. Each member showed their unique skills and dedication to the cause.

The PhoCo Quick Response team, Marie, Darya, Ivanova, and Chey, rode alongside Der Strum forces, ready to provide support and take on any enemy opposition. The Thunderstrike Battalion followed with their tanks, their presence a formidable force on the ground.

As they neared the radio house, Ace's voice crackled over the radio, "We're almost there."

The radio house was a two-story building set amidst the picturesque scenery, surrounded by tall trees and rolling hills. The morning sun bathed the scenery in a golden glow, making the green fields and vibrant foliage appear even more enchanting. But the beauty of the surroundings was now overshadowed by the intensity of the fight about to unfold.

Ace's team, KB6, carefully positioned themselves, taking cover behind trees and rocks. Ace's eyes were locked on the enemy's defensive places, his expression focused and calculating. He relayed directions to his team through the radio, making sure they were in sync with the rest of the forces.

The members of The Nachtwache Projekt, Amelie's team, Strikeforce, and PhoCo Quick Response teams were all in position, their vehicles making a protective barrier around the radio house. The Thunderstrike Battalion's tanks loomed behind them, giving a formidable presence on the battlefield.

Ace's voice rang out over the radio, clear and commanding, "Radio house is clear, move on to the next point." The radio house was successfully secured, but the victory was short-lived as the tranquility of the surrounding landscape was shattered by the sudden eruption of gunshots. Ace's sharp instincts kicked in, and he quickly assessed the situation.

"Eisenfust assault troops, incoming!" Ace shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos. The teams swiftly took defensive positions, utilizing whatever cover they could find.

The first wave of enemy assault was well-coordinated, their movements precise and calculated. Der Strum soldiers and NawOps fought back fiercely, but the enemy's tactical approach made it difficult to gain the upper hand.

In the midst of the intense firefight, some of the fighters on both sides were injured. Ace's mind raced as he led KB6, the NawOps, and Der Strum forces, adapting their opfor tactics to counter the enemy's maneuvers.

As the battle raged on, the enemy's tactics became increasingly sophisticated. One of the Eisenfust assault squads managed to infiltrate the radio house through the back door, catching the teams by surprise. They quickly dispatched the intruders, but it was a reminder of the enemy's cunning and resourcefulness.

"Man down!" Razali called, diving to cover as an Eisenfust soldier managed to breach the radio house from the back door.

To make matters worse, another assault squad managed to flank the teams from the direction they had come before. The situation was becoming more dire with each passing moment.

One of Der Strum members gritted his teeth, formulating a plan on the fly. "We're getting flanked! Shift our defense, cover the rear and sides!" he commanded, his voice firm and unwavering.

Amelie's team, Strikeforce, and PhoCo Quick Response teams swiftly adjusted their positions, creating a defensive perimeter to protect their flanks. Der Strum soldiers rallied behind the NawOps, working together to fend off the enemy's relentless assault.

The battle was fierce and unforgiving, with gunfire and explosions echoing through the air. Ace's tactical mind was in overdrive, constantly adapting their OPFOR tactics to counter the enemy's relentless attacks. He kept a close eye on the unfolding battle, issuing commands and coordinating the teams' efforts to maintain their defensive line.

The landscape that had once been so serene was now marred by the scars of battle. Smoke billowed from gunfire, and the once lush fields were trampled under the boots of the fighters.

The battlefield became a frenzy of escalating violence as the enemy increased their aggression. The pulse of the battle beat faster and louder in the ears of the defenders as a menacing Eisenfust Infantry Fighting Vehicle rumbled into view, its 37-mm cannon a deadly promise of destruction. With a deafening roar, the IFV unloaded high-explosive shrapnel rounds at the radio house, ripping through the air with vicious intent and leaving several of their comrades incapacitated.

Attempts to neutralize the armored beast with a handheld rocket propellant only left a blackened scorch mark on its hull, its effectiveness muted by the vehicle's formidable armor. The palpable sense of dread increased tenfold as another thunderous explosion resonated from the direction of the hill. Part of the radio house crumbled under the powerful impact, sending a cloud of dust and debris into the air and trapping more soldiers within the wreckage.

"Contact, hostile MBT on the hill!" someone screamed over the radio. But in the midst of the pandemonium, one crucial figure was conspicuously missing.

"Where's Ace?" Andorra's voice came through the radio, her tone filled with concern.

There was no response. Their attempts to push back the onslaught were futile and perilous. Thunderstrike Battalion's light tank fired an AP round at the IFV, but it merely scraped off the vehicle's ERA with minimal damage.

Erik's voice, steady and commanding, cut through the chaos on the radio. "Back up! Load APFSDS!" His orders rang clear in the tumultuous battleground, directing the retreat and prompting a switch to Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot ammunition in an attempt to penetrate the enemy's defenses.

Tension was heavy in the air, as they waited for the tides of battle to turn. In the midst of it all, the whereabouts of Ace lingered in their minds, a concerning mystery yet to be solved.

Amidst the thick of combat, the barn stood as a formidable structure in the distance. Its once mundane facade now a stark beacon of the strategic importance it held in the escalating war. The crackling of gunshots echoed off its wooden walls, interrupted by the sporadic whizzing of bullets cutting through the air.

Inside, soldiers of the Eisenfust held their positions, alert and prepared for the coming onslaught. Their faces were obscured by masks, their eyes cold and resolute, the only hint of their human aspect. The eerie silence inside the barn was interrupted by the chatter of their radios, and the constant thump of boots on the wooden floor.

Hidden amongst the bales of hay and farm machinery, one figure separated himself from the pack. His black tactical outfit blended with the shadows, and a customized assault rifle was held with a deadly precision only years of training could perfect.

Ace had slipped away from the chaos at the radio house and had silently infiltrated the barn. His eyes scanned the room, studying the positions of the enemy soldiers. His mind ran through countless strategies and possible outcomes, as he prepared himself to single-handedly take control of the barn, and turn the tide of the battle. His heart pounded against his ribs, but his expression remained cool, his eyes sharp and focused.

Little did the Eisenfust soldiers know that their secure fortress was about to be breached by a lone warrior, a silent predator lurking in their midst.

As Ace moved stealthily through the barn, his presence did not go undetected for long. An Eisenfust soldier, his senses honed from years of service, noticed a slight movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned to face the shadowy figure that had silently infiltrated their stronghold. For a moment, surprise flickered across his face. Then he squinted, recognizing the figure in the dim light.

"D-Der Schattenläufer?" he stuttered, the infamous title slipping from his lips. His voice was barely a whisper, yet it seemed to echo through the barn.

Seeing him in the flesh, however, was a different matter. The whispering soldier's companions turned to look at him, and their eyes widened in shock. Their confident stances wavered as they recognized the figure standing in their midst.

They had trained for many scenarios, fought numerous battles, but nothing could have prepared them for this. The arrival of 'Der Schattenläufer', the Shadow Warrior, was a chilling omen. And as the reality of their situation sunk in, a wave of nervous anticipation swept through the barn.

Despite the heavy tension in the air, an unmistakable undercurrent of intrigue slipped through. It was the kind of fascination one feels when coming face-to-face with the unknown. A mixture of fear, and curiosity. Who was this lone figure who dared infiltrate their stronghold single-handedly? The legend of 'Der Schattenläufer' suddenly seemed a lot more real to them.

As Ace remained hidden in the shadows, unbeknownst to the Eisenfust soldiers, he was not an operative of The Nachtwache Projekt. He was part of a separate entity, the KB6, working in alliance with the Nachtwache and Der Strum. The full depth of his association and his true identity remained a tightly guarded secret, contributing to the enigma surrounding him.

Yet for all the mystery, one thing was certain: Ace was a force, an F = ma (Force = mass x acceleration), where despite his small mass, his acceleration would kept increasing, a game changer on the battlefield, and the Eisenfust soldiers were about to witness his prowess first hand.

The Thunderstrike Battalion's light tanks rumbled forward, crunching rubble under their tracks, the thunder of the IFV's annihilation still echoing in their ears. Relief flashed swiftly across their features - one less armoured threat to be concerned about. The rest of the regiment, including the Nachtwache Projekt teams and Der Strum troops, quickly followed, charging forth with fresh zeal.

A loud explosion ripped through the air, coming from the hill near to their attack site. It jolted their bones and froze them in their tracks, perplexity etched on their features. The sound wave was so powerful that it seemed to reverberate off the surrounding terrain, knocking away dust and dirt from the eaves of the old barn.

The crew rushed towards the barn without wasting any time, their desperation driving them. The peaceful, pastoral setting had devolved into a war, with chaos and pandemonium taking hold. When they arrived, they were met with an unexpected scene.

The barn, previously swarming with Eisenfust soldiers, was now less densely populated than anticipated. The place was in chaos, with remnants of what looked to be a fierce skirmish evident everywhere. Stray bullets, shattered wood, and the groaning of the injured and dying filled the air. The dust hadn't settled yet, making it difficult to determine the full extent of the situation.

And the most puzzling part? The remains of a tank scattered around the top of the hill, still smoking from the intensity of the explosion. It seemed as though it had been blown apart from the inside, metal shards and parts strewn everywhere. There were no signs of Ace anywhere.

Ludwig's voice, calm yet laden with concern, cut through the static of their radios, "Was ist passiert? Report. Und wo zum Teufel ist Ace?" (What happened? Report. Where is Ace?)

A crackle on the radio momentarily disrupted the confusion, and Ace's voice sliced through the chatter, as calm and unflappable as ever.

"Ace here, I'm already Oscar Mike towards the town," his voice came in clear and determined over the radio. "We need to secure the town before they can regroup. The enemy won't be taking this lying down. I reckon it's time for the rest of you to shake a leg and keep up."

His message hung in the air for a moment, a thin thread of communication tying the team together amidst the chaotic aftermath. Ace's words, simple as they were, bore the weight of their mission, reminding each and every one of them of the urgency of their task.

The radio chatter died down for a moment, as if everyone was taking a collective breath, regaining their bearings. Then, like a well-oiled machine, the team sprung into action, their objectives clear. It was time to press forward and take back Schattenheim.