Fish Kissing

Even though Haewon had said she was going to take things slow and start as a friend before progressing to being his girlfriend, she had no intention of leaving here without getting that kiss, and this seemed like the perfect moment for it.

His face was only a breath away from hers, and if she shifted only a little, her lips would meet his.

Taking a hint from her romance novels and all the romance movies she had watched, Haewon decided to wet her lips.

It always worked. That would draw his attention to her lips, and if he were drawn to her as she believed he was, he would want to kiss her.

Haewon's heart raced with anticipation as her tongue escaped from her mouth to wet her lips, and automatically Jake's gaze moved to her lips.

Okay. Step one was done. All she had to do was close her eyes now and pucker her lips a little so he would know he was allowed to kiss her. Haewon mused as she slowly closed her eyes and puckered her lips.