Without Company

Thankfully Jake didn't have to wait for long before Haewon came out and joined them.

Like sunlight on a rainy day, her sunny presence brightened the place and his mood as she smiled at him, "I'm sorry I kept you waiting," Haewon said while Jake's gaze swept over her outfit.

Did she wear this to tease him? Cause if she did, she was succeeding already. Her mere presence near him tormented him, talk more of her dressed in such a provocative outfit.

"Jake?" Haewon called with a grin when he still had not said a word, and he rose.

"It's okay. I didn't wait for long," He said as he handed Haewon a gift bag which Charlotte hadn't taken note of earlier.

"I didn't want to come empty-handed, so I got you this," Jake explained and Haewon flashed him a smile as she opened the bag to see what was in it.

Her smile widened as she took out the single rose flower and a pack of chocolate which was in the bag, making Charlotte aww appreciatively.