Complicated Relationships

"Do you realize this is the same top you were wearing the first time we met?" Jake asked, and Haewon looked at him in surprise.

"It is?"

"Yes. You were wearing it with a jean jacket that night," Jake said, and Haewon eyed him curiously.

"How come you remember, and I don't?" She asked, and he shrugged.

"Let's just say I have a good memory, especially when it comes to you," Jake said, and Haewon smiled.

"That's good to know. Although I'm surprised, you took note of what I was wearing. You didn't seem to be looking at me or paying any attention to me that night," Haewon said, and Jake smirked.

"I have always paid attention to you. You just didn't know it," He said with such intensity in his eyes that Haewon's heart stuttered.

Haewon cleared her throat, "Now that we are alone will you tell me what you care for?" Haewon asked, and he grinned.

"You mean apart from you?" He asked, and Haewon blinked in surprise before giggling.