Confronting The Past

The moment Gabe stopped in front of Ivy, their eyes widened in shock.

He had come to find Ivy? How did they know each other for someone of his caliber to be visiting Ivy in school like this? These thoughts were what was running through the mind of those around them who knew Gabe.

"Don't you think it's time you came out of your daze?" Gabe asked in amusement as he snapped his fingers in front of her, and Ivy shook her head, blinking rapidly.

"Seeing your reaction, one would think it's your first time meeting me," Gabe said, and she scowled at him.

"You and Lena planned this, right?" She asked, and he smiled.

"We figured you shouldn't be the only one planning surprises. Sorry I haven't called to check on you in these past two days," He said as he handed her the flower.

"You didn't have to get me flowers. I wasn't mad," She said, and he raised a brow.