Three Is A Crowd

Selena returned from work earlier than usual that Friday, and the moment she walked into the house, she headed directly for Ivy's bedroom.

She knocked once before opening the door, "Guess what?" She asked excitedly as Ivy sat up.

"Uhm, the family is traveling down to see us?" Ivy asked, and Selena shook her head.

"Haewon is coming to spend the weekend?" She asked, and Selena shook her head once again.

"One more guess," Selena urged her.

"Gabe asked you to be his girlfriend?" Ivy asked, and Selena rolled her eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you we don't have that sort of relationship?" Selena hissed at her, and Ivy shrugged.

"It was a guess. So, what's up? And why are you back from work so early anyway? It's not even 4 P.M. yet," Ivy observed as she glanced at her bedside clock to confirm the time.