Put Herself First

The moment Charlotte got home, she was relieved to see that Haewon was not back yet. She wanted some time to herself before seeing Haewon.

She was still very much annoyed by how Jake had treated her. She couldn't believe that he had not only said she was despicable but had called her trash and thrown the meal she had spent so much time preparing away.

Why did he have to be so mean? Why did he treat her that way?

What was so special about Haewon that made him look at her the way he did, yet when it came to her, he was always so harsh and annoying?

She turned to the door when she heard it being opened and tried to plaster a smile on her face. The last thing she wanted was to start explaining the reason for her foul mood to Haewon.

"Hey! You are back from your group study?" Haewon asked when she walked in to see Charlotte seated on the couch.

"Obviously. I can't be here and there at the same time, can I?" She asked dryly, and Haewon giggled.