Call Her To Order

As Jake walked into his apartment, he couldn't help thinking about all that had happened during their outing and how he had impulsively asked Haewon to be his girlfriend.

Why had she not responded as quickly as he had thought she would, considering how she had been acting like she couldn't wait to be his girlfriend this whole time?

Although her delayed response sort of made him feel anxious, but he was also relieved that she had not said yes yet, since he didn't know what the next step would be for them once she became his girlfriend.

Just as he sat on the bed, his phone started ringing, and he picked it up, hoping it was Haewon who was calling to tell him she was home now.

He took a deep breath when he saw that the call was from his grandmother. He had no doubt that she had called because she had heard from Charlotte. He expected nothing less from the rat.

He received the call, and before he could say anything, she spoke first.