
Spending the weekend together had been quite exciting not just for Gabe but for Selena and Ivy as well, who weren't exactly used to living under the same roof with a man they weren't related to.

Neither of them could believe how quickly the weekend had gone because of all the fun they had together.

After their time in the pool on Saturday, they had spent time watching a couple of movies together, and Gabe had ordered home for lunch and dinner since neither of them wanted to leave the movie to go prepare their meal.

Neither of them had bothered to bring up the subject about Gabe checking Ivy out at the pool, even though it was on all their minds.

After seeing they were done seeing movies, they had unanimously agreed to make Saturday night, Karaoke night and had set up the smaller living room accordingly, even if that meant ordering for the microphone and colored bulbs that would give them the feel like they were really in a karaoke parlor.