Gabe's Talk

Selena and Ivy felt emotional as they stood there watching Gabe's back as he left.

Ivy would never have believed it was possible to form an attachment to a person in such a short time, but here she was, feeling like she was watching her best friend leave. Now she knew just why Selena had been stuck up on their friendship for the past twelve years.

She couldn't imagine how Selena must be feeling if even she felt that way. Ivy turned to look at Selena, who had tears on her cheeks, and before Ivy knew it, Selena pulled her into an unexpected hug.

"Thank you, Ivy. I'm grateful you made an effort to reconnect us. Thanks for not listening to me when I said I no longer needed his friendship. That doesn't mean I'm asking you to go behind me next time. But thanks to you, I have my best friend back," Selena said, and Ivy smiled as she pulled away.