Amusement Park Or Game Arcade?

The moment Haewon's alarm went off, she quickly got off the bed and hurried into the bathroom to freshen up since she knew Charlotte was also getting ready. She didn't want to be the reason they went to school late. 

It was Tuesday, and even though she didn't have any lectures until 10:30 A.M., she needed to be in school so she could spend some time making use of the library resources in doing her assignments.

Less than thirty minutes later, she joined Charlotte at the dining, dressed in a short black dress with a jean jacket and black-heeled boots.

"Good morning, Hae!" Charlotte greeted cheerfully.

"Best morning. I don't know how you always manage to get it done, but thanks for making breakfast. I have no idea how I would have survive in school without you," Haewon said as she sat down to join Charlotte, who had prepared egg toast for breakfast. 

Charlotte smiled, "I'm sure you would have figured out a way without me…"