Carter Philips

Jake would never admit it to Haewon, but while it was true that he had never been to one because his grandmother had been too busy preparing him for vengeance, he was also sort of scared.

Who in their right mind wouldn't be scared, especially after seeing a movie like final destination three?

"Why would I be scared?" Jake asked defensively, and Haewon shrugged, choosing to use his ego against him.

"I don't know. I'm wondering the same thing. Maybe you're scared of heights and clowns and all that stuff," She said with a shrug, and Jake glared at her.

"I'm not. I just don't think there is anything fun about games like that," Jake said, and Haewon smiled.

"Prove it then. You can't claim it's not fun when you've never even tried it. So, how about we go to the amusement park? I will prove to you that it's fun, and in return, you prove to me that you're not scared," Haewon said, and Jake shrugged.