Negative Energy

Haewon's eyes fluttered open when her stomach rumbled hungrily, letting her know that she had slept enough and it was time to take care of another biological need.

Her eyes moved to the clock in her bedroom, and she groaned when she saw it was already past 9 a.m. It seemed like the exhaustion of the last couple of days had finally caught up with her.

She had dozed off after taking a few bites from the snacks delivered to her bedroom the previous day after she had freshened up.

The snacks were all she had eaten since she had been knocked out from exhaustion and jet lag, so she had slept through dinner, and even when one of the housekeepers had come to serve her dinner in her room, she did not know.

Haewon's stomach rumbled again when her gaze settled on the unfinished snacks, which were sitting pretty on the other edge of her bed.