You Can Have Him

After they were all done preparing dinner, they retired to their bedrooms to freshen up before the rest of the family arrives for dinner. 

Haewon had just finished dressing up when a knock sounded on her door, and she opened the door to see her dad. 

"Dad," She said with a wide smile as he embraced her. 

"I missed you so much, so I had been in a hurry to leave the office just to come see your face and spend some alone time with you before it becomes a madhouse," Tan said, and Haewon giggled. 

"Is mom aware that you're back?" Haewon asked, seeing as he was still holding his briefcase and was completely dressed in his corporate wear. 

"Not yet. She will, eventually. Can I come in?" Tan asked, and Haewon held out the door for him to enter and shut it behind him once he was inside.

"So, how was work today, and how did your day go?" Haewon asked as she took the briefcase from him and set it on the bed before helping him loosen his tie.