Apologies Don’t Fix Everything

Haewon had no idea how long she had spent painting, but she looked up when a shadow was cast beside her.

"Good morning, Lottie. How did you know I was here?" she asked with a pleasant smile as she took off her headset.

"I went to your room, and when I didn't find you and you weren't taking your call, I figured I check here. I saw your mom and she also said you might be in here and asked that I find out what you want for breakfast and also confirm from Jake," Charlotte explained.

"What time is it?" Haewon asked as she walked over to the restroom en suite the work studio to wash her hands.

"It's past eight," Charlotte said as she admired the painting which Haewon had been working on. It was a replica of one of her late grandmother's works.

"Already? I should go freshen up for breakfast then. I'm sure my parents are getting ready to leave for their yoga class," Haewon said as she returned to join Charlotte.