Never Vouch For Anyone

Haewon spent Friday and Saturday taking Jake and Charlotte around Seoul and also shopping for suitable office wears on the request of her mom who wanted them to look their best at the office.

Although Haewon always looked forward to the usual Sunday family barbecue hangout which was to be hosted by Ivy's parents this time, but knowing that Jake wouldn't be comfortable, she decided to skip it.

"I'm not coming with you for the family hangout. I'm staying home with Charlotte and Jake," Haewon informed her parents as she walked into their bedroom an hour before it was time to leave.

"Why? You know they are welcome to join us," her mother said and she nodded.

"Yes, I know they are welcome. But I don't think they will be very comfortable. Especially Jake," Haewon said and her father scowled.

"You are not even dating him yet and you are already skipping family events for his sake," he said with displeasure.