Ha-nuel’s friend.

After Jake's phone call with Haewon outside the hospital, he headed inside to go check on his grandmother since he had not returned to her ward after he left her room the previous night after listening to the recorded conversation.

After his breakfast with his mother, Min-Jung he had decided to take a nap before returning to the hospital since he had been feeling pretty much exhausted, and it wasn't until the cab dropped him off at the hospital that he remembered that he was yet to give Haewon a call.

"You are here," his grandmother said with a welcoming smile when he walked into the room carrying a food pack.

Jake had decided not to give out the food that Min-Jung had prepared for them this time and instead had brought the porridge meant for his grandmother along with him.

He didn't have to tell his grandmother where the food had come from. All he had to do was serve the meal, and she would eat.