A Date?

After the close of work, as Haewon and Charlotte headed home, with Haewon driving the car, Charlotte couldn't help noticing that Haewon's disposition had changed, and she seemed like she was bubbling with excitement.

Why was she so excited? Had she heard from Jake? Or did something happen at the office? Charlotte mused.

After their lunch break, all Charlotte had thought about was what Haewon had said about meeting with Regina. She was still very much curious to know what they had discussed and why Haewon was keeping it from her.

"You seem pretty excited. Did something happen? Or did Jake call you?" Charlotte asked, and Haewon turned and beamed a happy smile as she turned to spare Charlotte a glance.

"Yep. He called," Haewon said before returning her gaze to the road, and Charlotte raised a brow.

Jake called her? Did he perhaps tell her everything already? Charlotte mused but then shook her head.