Episode No.40 Mysterious Smile

A month had flown by, Bahadur Khan had once again calmed down, the little doubt he had about Ramesh was now completely gone. Ramesh had told Bahadur Khan that he was making a big planing and soon the result would be in front of Bahadur Khan which Bahadur Khan was very happy about, he also wanted to see Zarun out of the way.

But Ramesh never said that he was for Plenig Zarun? He had just told that he was planning something, Bahadur Khan had calmed down by mixing half of his words with his mental thoughts, but one thing that was bothering him was the disappearance of Faisal Bakht, where was he? Unknown to anyone, he simply told Bahadur Khan that he wanted to be alone with him for a few months, so Bahadur Khan did not even try to find him.

Blindfolded, Zarun held Gulab's hand and slowly led her into the lounge, which was decorated in every way.

"Should I open the belt?" Gulab asked again

"No, not now!" warned Zaron

"Zaroon!" said Gulab

"Rose!" Zaroon also said as he copied it

Standing him in front of the cake, Zaroon slowly removed the blindfold from his eyes

Before she could speak, applause started ringing in the lounge, everyone started wishing her a happy birthday.

"Zaroon!" There was an element of surprise in Gulab's voice.

"Happy birthday dear wife" Zaroon said with a smile

"How do you know?" Rose's surprise was not diminishing.

"By magic," Zarun said with a smile

Paresh, his parents, Aamir, Zarqa, Zainia, Wijdan and all the other loved ones wished him.

Zarun raised the knife and pointed it towards Gulab who was watching him.

"Hold on," Zarun pointed at the knife

Gulab had put her hand on his hand, her eyes were constantly fixed on Zaroon's face.

Zarun smiled and cut the cake with him. This scene was saved by Paresh in his camera.

"Sister-in-law's cake is in front of him, not on his brother's face!" At Aamir's words, Gulab immediately turned his eyes and bowed his head, while Prishe elbowed him hard in the stomach.

"If nothing happens to you, don't bother others!" Prishe showed his eyes.

"If you give me a chance, I will show you by doing everything!" Aamir's futile words gave him another punch.

"Stay away from this Bahadur Khan, I don't know if the dirt has started filling your mind!"

"Man, I was talking about the birthday, what did you understand?" Aamir said with his hands on his stomach, while Prishe turned to Zaroon and Gulab again.

Zarun fed a small piece of cake to Gulab.

Once again everyone congratulated Gulab, the birthday party lasted till 8 pm.

After all the guests were gone, only the house guests were left, Gulab met Preshe's parents for the second time, the first time was not so special but they were nice and very kind.

Preshe's mother had specially invited Zaroon and Gulab for a feast, in the beginning Zaroon had refused all the invitations, but now their relationship was going well, in this case Zaroon had filled the support, anyway, he needed to talk to Preshe's dad. Had to do.

In a short time, Preshe's parents had gone with permission, while Preshe was the same.

"Brother-in-law, don't open the gifts!" Aamir insisted that the gifts should be opened now.

One by one, Gulab had opened all the gifts, but the one he was waiting for was not in them, after opening all the gifts, the happiness that was in his eyes before was lost.

"What happened?" Zarun asked, suppressing his smile

"My gift?" Gulab immediately turned to Zaroon

"This is the gift that has done so much!" Zaroon pointed to all the decorations

"I want my gifts, this is not a gift!" Rose glared at him.

"Come on!" Zaron got up from his seat

"Where?" Rose was surprised

"Come on, you ask a lot!" Zarun took her hand and led her out of the house towards Annexe.

From his coat pocket he took out another strip

"No, not at all!" Gulab raised both hands and followed immediately

"Don't want a gift?" Zarun frowned

"Should be, but not at all like that." Rose's head quickly shook in the negative

"Okay, let's go!" Zaron opened the door to Annexe

Gulab entered the annex and was looking around, maybe there is a gift! But there was nothing, with her head bowed in despair, she stood by the sliding window from which the lawn was visible.

"Mama" Gulab's eyes widened at an innocent but weak voice, quickly turning her head she turned to see Zarun holding Maan in his arms who was smiling at Gulab.

"Man?" Gulab said in a state of uncertainty

"Mama" Maan opened both arms

Gulab immediately ran towards them and hugged Maan tightly, silent tears flowed from her eyes, she started kissing Maan's entire face, feeling his presence while Maan laughed heartily.

"Your birthday gift wifey!" Zarun smiled as Gulab wiped her moist eyes.

Taking Maan in his arms, he entered the house where everyone was waiting for him with smiles on their faces, even when Maan came, a welcome cake was cut for him.

Maan was laughing with everyone's love while his eyes were repeatedly on the door which Gulab noticed

"Know what happened, what are you looking at?" Gulab asked

"Where did uncle and brother go?" Maan asked

"Brother?" Gulab asked in surprise and looked at Zaroon who started looking around

"Sorry guys, I'm a little late!" Ramesh entered the house with a bag in his hand

"Brother" Maan ran to him, Ramesh laughed and picked him up in his lap and kissed him on the cheek.

"How is my little champ?" Ramesh asked while Maan was just smiling.

A fortnight ago, Ramish had gone to Maan and Ahan to inform Bahadur Khan about the business, Ahan had welcomed him with open heart, in these fortnight Ramish had become close friends with Maan.

Gulab was shocked to see Ramesh there, the color of his face was dull while there was fear in his eyes that he had come to create some drama again.

Putting Maan down, he walked towards Gulab who was holding Zaroon's hand tightly.

"Gul. Bhabhi!" Ramesh called her hesitantly

"Happy Birthday!" Ramesh continued

"Sorry!" Ramesh said while holding Gulab's bouquet

"Yes?" Gulab felt that he had heard something wrong

"Me. Forgive me for every rudeness and behavior that happened to me in the past. I am really very ashamed of you. Believe me, it is so little that I apologize. I have been trying for months. I wanted to apologize to you, but I didn't have the courage, do you know if you would forgive me or not! The movement was also similar. I'm sorry! He bowed his head in shame and forced Xenia to laugh

Everyone looked at Zenia's laugh while Ramesh stared at her to which Zenia smiled and bowed her head.

"He's really embarrassed Rose, forgive him!" said Zaron

Gulab glanced at Zarun and then at Ramesh who was standing with his head down looking really embarrassed.

"Ok!" Rose smiled and nodded

"Really?" Ramesh was not convinced

"I got this happiness after losing a lot of things, I don't want to lose them!" Gulab smiled and said, Ramesh also smiled and shook his head.

"Thank you!" Ramesh smiled with moist eyes

"Ok guys, this is sometimes happy, sometimes sad, now finish it. It's enough. I can't handle such a sad environment!"

. . .

After kissing Maan, she entered the room and saw Zaroon standing in the balcony and smiled

"Thank you!" She went to him and stood up

"For what?" Zarun asked in shock

"For ten beautiful gifts" Gulab smiled and rested her head on his chest.

Zaroon ran his hands through his hair, feeling the cool breeze.

"Zaroon?" Rose called out


"I'm ready!" said Gulab

"Why?" asked Zaroon looking at him with his head bowed

"To take this relationship further, I am ready," replied Rose

"Are you Shaver?" There is no compulsion of mains.

"I'm ready, absolutely, no force!" Gulab finished his speech with his hand on his lips

Zaroon looked into her eyes for a moment where there was only love and then smiled and kissed her head.

Will you stop laughing now? Who laughs in such a serious situation?" Ramesh said angrily

"Where are you laughing?" Xenia said with a deep smile

"Yes, it is visible!" said Ramesh

You know what! I really feel proud of you today!'' Xenia said looking at Ramish

"Really?" asked Ramesh, Xenia nodded her head

"So, when will I bring the brat?" On Ramesh's words, Zenia stared at him

"What's the mention of Barat here?" Xenia asked in surprise

Come on Zainya now marry me, I am thirty-four and you yourself are still walking around as if you are eighteen!

"Oh, hello, who's thirty here?" I am now twenty-five!'' Zenia said with a smile while Ramesh's mouth fell open.

"When did this happen?" Ramesh's surprised voice made Xenia laugh.

"Since I joined this industry, now it's obvious that I stopped telling the real age and listen, I will write only twenty-five on the marriage certificate!"

"Nikah Nama?" A smile appeared on Ramesh's lips

"So you agree?" Arham asked uncertainly walking with him, Zainia nodded her head.

"When?" Ramesh asked impatiently

"When Bahadur Khan and his companions will be punished!" Zainia said in a spot tone

"So that means I'm sitting now, virgin!" Ramesh was very upset

"No, we can get engaged," Xenia advised him

"Thank you very much for this useful advice, but take it as a refusal on my part! After being single for thirty-four years, just getting engaged? Curse me" Ramesh was completely shocked.

"Well, what do you want?" Xenia asked with a smile

"At least I am not satisfied with anything less than marriage" Ramesh raised both his hands

"I am ready for marriage, but I don't want Bahadur Khan in my function, there will be Gulab too, I don't want to open his old wounds" Xenia answered clearly.

"It's no problem, I'll handle it!" Ramesh smiled

"How is that?" Xenia asked in shock

"Just look!" Ramesh's eyes had a strange glow.

"So you are going to marry this sheikh's sister and I am not invited, can I know the reason?" This morning, Ramesh had left Shusha that he was going to marry Zainia and also that Bahadur Khan had given him this. Shouldn't be in the function

"Yes, then what kind of life am I going to live with?" He's just a change!" Ramesh said while busy using his mobile phone.

"Your temporary in-laws won't mind that your father was not involved in the marriage?" asked Bahadur Khan.

"No, they have been told that you don't find Zainia perfect for me and you want me to leave her, which is impossible, that's why I am doing this marriage against your will!" Bahadur Khan smiled at Ramesh's words. He nodded his head

"I am proud of you my son, this plan of yours will definitely defeat our enemy" Bahadur Khan patted his shoulder.

"Inshallah Dad, this game will definitely destroy the enemy" said Ramesh with a mysterious smile on his face.

When her eyes opened in the morning, she was alone in the room, a sweet smile touched her lips, the love, respect and trust given by Zaroon last night had breathed a new life into her.

Zaroon felt bad about the uncleanliness in the room, but a single rose and the accompanying letter made it all right

Zarun had written how he had to go because of an urgent work and how embarrassed he was and also That he would come by evening and he and Maan were ready, he had to spend some time with his family.

He barely opened his eyes at the heavy sound of boots, but he knew who was coming

Tied to the wall with chains, his existence had become bloody

Zaroon stood in front of him with a mysterious smile on his face

''Ahh! Look, what has become of you? What happened? How stubborn was not in your behavior and now. Chichchchch" Zarun shook his head and walked towards a table where there were several instruments

"So tell me which game should be played with you today?" Zarun picked up a knife and checked it

"Why don't you separate something today, this knife, cutter, hunter, everything has become old, now something new should be done" Zaroon smiled and said standing in front of him, whose eyes had a strange fear on seeing Zaroon.

Zarun pressed a button as a glass tank came down filled with water.

Zaroon pressed a few more buttons and now Faisal Bakht was in that water tank.

"Hey, don't worry, I won't make you swim, something else for you!" Zarun said with a smile, leaving the current in the water.

The intensity of the current was not so high that Faisal would die, nor was it so low that he would not suffer.

"You are entitled to this!" Zaroon said with an impassive look, just like Rustam Sheikh