Episode No.41 Full Speed

No, Not at all!" This will not happen at all!

"But what's wrong with conscience?" Zarqa put her hand on his shoulder

What's wrong? Are you conscious? Our daughter liked a boy, accepted his proposal and now the marriage has been fixed and now, Masha Allah, we are being ordered? And who is the boy? The son of this Bahadur Khan? My mind is broken, what should I give my daughter to him? Take it as a denial from my side!" Wijdan said angrily

"But papa."

"I just refused, that's the end of it," replied Wijdan, raising his hands

"But you will get intuition once you meet him!" He is very good, he is not like his father" said Zarqa

"I can't believe that he is not like his father" Wijdan shook his head

"When Zaroon Rustam can be different from uncle, why Ramesh not dead?" You gave Zaroon a chance too, didn't you? Was he also tested? It is a different matter that it is not my destiny. But Ramesh! Ramesh is very nice, please meet him once." Xenia held Vijdan's hand

Zarqa also indicated with his eyes, Wijdan exhaled deeply and nodded his head.

"Okay, just for my daughter, but I'll meet her first, tell her to come and meet me for tea this evening."

"I love you Dad, you are the best one in the world!" Xenia said kissing the cheek of Wijdan with love.

Intuition smiled. "I didn't say yes yet, I have given semi-resent!"

"Once we meet, there will be no room for denial" Xenia spoke confidently and went towards her room.

Wijdaan had full confidence in her daughter, she could never choose a wrong person.

Wearing a black frock, with a black hijab on her head, she was fully prepared, she also dressed Maan in a black pant shirt that she had prepared, who was now busy playing with her train.

Glancing at the clock, he once again saw his own reflection in the glass, the earlier Hassan had fallen, but since he was freed from Bahadur Khan's imprisonment, he had started to recover.

"Mama?" When will Baba come?" Maan asked when he got tired of playing with the train.

"Come, you know, just wait a little!" Gulab said, patting his cheek with love

Still how much weight? I remember" Maan said with a smile

"Hey, you missed and we left!" said Zaroon, who had just come home

"Baba!" Maan shouted and ran towards him

"Relax!" said Zaroon, holding him in his arms

"So dear son and wife are both ready?" On Zaroon's words, both of them nodded their heads to which Zaroon laughed.

"So, let's go!" He gestured to Gulab, holding Maan in his arms.

Opening the back seat of the car, he made Maan sit comfortably and fasten the seat belt.

Gulab, who was moving towards the front, Zaroon immediately grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards him

"Where did you go madam?" Zarun raised his eyebrows

"Zaroon!" Gulab showed her eyes

"Hey brother, there is something to see, I won't get away with showing my eyes, yes, there are chances of drowning!"

"Ya Allah Zaroon, what has happened to you?" Gulab immediately checked his head

Zarun laughed.

"I love you!" He put her hand on his forehead and put his lips on his lips.

My life! My wife!" Zaroon said lovingly while kissing her head

"Mama, Baba come!" Maan called out from inside the car

"Please, my lady!" Zarun opened the car door for Gulab, who laughed and sat inside.

Zaroon turned around and came towards the driving seat.

First he took them shopping, then he installed Lion King for Maan's special at the cinema, later he passed through Maan's playland and now he was enjoying a lovely family dinner with them when he got a message from Aamir. received

"It's done bro!" His smile deepened as he read the message

"Whose message is it?" Gulab wanted to see

Zaroon smiled at his action

"No one!" Zarun shook his head

"Zaroon!" Gulab's voice suddenly hardened and his eyes flashed with anger.

"You look like a mature wife!" Zarun teased her

What do you mean by looking like you? It looks like I am your wife and now to avoid the wife's anger tell me clearly who was it!" Gulab stopped eating and turned towards him while Maan was busy doing full justice to his fries.

"I'll tell you tomorrow, let's finish the food, well done, look, Maan has finished everything, now he will get the gift, not you!" Maan's eyes sparkled at Zaroon's words.

"Zaroon you."

"Khana Gulab, where will I tell you tomorrow?" Zaroon said putting the pieces of kebab in her mouth, while Gulab, understanding his normal tone, also closed her mouth.

After spending a beautiful evening, they returned by 11 pm

Maan was asleep while holding the balloons in his hand which he held tight in his small fist.

Placing it on his shoulder, Zarun followed Gulab into the house.

"Lay ase mude de mein cheng kravadon" Gulab moved forward to hold Maan

"They, you go and freshen up, I'll do it!" Zarun forbade

How about you? He will bother you!" Gulab said worriedly

"You still don't know Da Great Zarun, there's nothing I can't do!"

"Well, yes, it's not a big deal now, go and get her changed!" Gulab went into the room with all her happiness in the water.

The whole room was given a blue color theme, the bed was a racing car while the wardrobe was made of Ben-Tan.

After changing his clothes, tying the balloons to the bed, fully satisfied with his sleep, Zaroon had entered the room.

Gulab was sitting on the bed getting lotion on her hands, Zaroon went to freshen up.

"Slept?" Gulab asked as he came to his bed and held his outstretched hand

"Yes!" Zaroon said lost in deep thought

"Hmm!" Rose put her head on his chest

Rose? Be ready tomorrow, we have to go!" said Zaroon looking at him

What? No outing again tomorrow, not at all, I am very tired," Gulab immediately denied

"No, there is no plan for an outing, there is more to go!" replied Zaroon

"Where?" Gulab immediately asked

"That's for me to know and for you to find"

Zaroon said, pressing his eyes

"Zaroon" Gulab Zach Hoi, it is possible for this person to tell something calmly.

"Well come here and tell me it was fun today and what was the best thing?"

He was repeatedly wiping the sweat from his forehead while sitting in front of the intuition

"Do you lack iron?" Wijdan asked with sharp eyes

"Yes?" No!'' Ramesh was shocked at first and then calmed down and said

"Then why is he sweating so much in the cold of the AC?" Ramesh bowed his head in shame at Vijdan's words.

What is conscience doing? The child is becoming uncomfortable" Zarqa scolded him

"Do you think this thirty-four-year-old man is a child?" Wijdan asked in surprise

Xenia lowered her eyes and was just smiling.

"How much do you earn?" Wijdan asked the next question

"For now, I am using some of my savings, I spent so many years unknowingly spending on haram, but nothing else and I am currently unemployed," replied Ramesh with a slow smile.

"So what will you feed my daughter?" Where will you put it? Are you unemployed?" Wijdan asked the next question

"I believe in both hard work and love, uncle. Whatever he earned from hard work is Xinya's" Ramesh smiled

"So will my daughter live on dry bread?" Wijdan frowned

"Uncle Rizk is in the hands of a woman, but at the same time, the labor of a man should also be included. I will not make any big claims, where it was before and now I will say that I will earn as much as I have earned through hard work. "Ramish said with aplomb

"And if yesterday you insulted my daughter's livelihood that she has brought all this along in her destiny?" Wijdan asked further.

"I will never give this taunt!" Ramesh said with confidence

So much confidence? Look, don't fall!" Wijdan sneered sweetly

"I will not give it, my life is dear to me" Ramesh said with a smile then Wijdan also suppressed his smile while Xinya stared at him.

"Will you let my daughter work after marriage or not?" Wijdan asked the last question

"Can't answer that!" Ramesh said immediately

"Why?" Intuition was ninety percent satisfied with this relationship

Afraid of what you think? If he said yes, then he said that he should not think that he will live on his wife's money, and if he refused, then he said that he should not think that there is a job or not, and how stubborn he is, or he said, "Don't think that I am small?" Ramesh shrugged. Achkay, intuition's eyes widened

"Listen, are you really Bahadur Khan's son?"


While the eyes of Zarqa and Ramesh widened at the words of Wijdan, the fountain of laughter of Xinya was missed

"Excuse me!" Controlling her laughter, she left the drawing room.

She smiled brightly as she entered the room.

"I will take revenge for this laugh very soon, soon to be Mrs. Ramesh!" She was shocked to see the message on her mobile phone.

Immediately called Ramesh

"Did you agree?" Xenia immediately asked as she picked up his call

Ramesh's laughter echoed from the other side

"Yes, Miss Zenia Wijdan!" Ramesh said with a smile

"How?" Xenia could not believe

"Why are you not happy?" asked Ramesh

"Oh, don't be crazy, why would you have confessed if you weren't happy?" Xenia lamented her intelligence

"Acha snow date, what has been fixed?" Ramesh's smile deepened on Xenia's words

She was blushing! Ramesh knew.

"Coming Friday" replied Ramesh

"Ok bye!" Zenia cut the call immediately while Ramesh kept shouting.

Smiling, she stood in front of the mirror and took the dupatta off her shoulders and put it on her head like a scarf, a shy smile graced her lips.

"Should I come?" Zarqa asked for permission by knocking on the door

"Come on Mama!" Xenia smiled and said

"Is my daughter happy?" At Zarqa's question, Xenia smiled and nodded and hugged her.

"I'm very happy, Mama, very much!" Zarqa was also relieved by feeling the obvious happiness in Xenia's tone

"May Allah bless you with all the happiness of life, my dear!" She said kissing his forehead with love

"Zaroon, where are we going and why did you leave Maan to Phophu?" Gulab immediately asked seeing him leaving the city.

"Take this!" Zaroon extended the bubble towards him

"Why is this?" Gulab asked with surprise in his mouth

"You need it!"

"Aap Lege?" Gulab extended one towards him

"No thank you, I can keep quiet even without that!" Zarun replied

Gulab's face turned red, no, not from shame, from embarrassment, she gave Zaroon a hard punch on the arm, which had no effect on him.

In no time they had reached the place of the closed factory where Zarun had killed Ghazan.

Zarun, which place is this? Why have we come here? There was a slight fear in Gulab's voice

"Let me tell you!" Zarun opened the door on his side and led him to the open field outside the factory

"Yes, Aamir, bring him!" Zaroon called Aamir and exactly five minutes later, Aamir dragged Faisal Bakht, who was in a bad condition, out and threw him at Gulab's feet. Ahaan also came out with Aamir, whose hands were full of blood, meaning he had just repaired it.

Gulab screamed and hugged Zaroon and looked at him with fear, whose condition had become pitiful, but time had turned back, earlier he had never felt pity for anyone and now there was no one there to feel pity for him.

"Zaroon this."

"This is your guilty Gulab, who will be punished for what he did today!" Zaroon's tone and style had both changed, Gulab widened his eyes and saw, who was it? It was not his Zaroon.

"Zaroon!" Gulab's lips moved in a whisper-like voice

"Yes, Rose, he will be punished, every person who hurt you, who caused the darkness of the last five years of your life, will get it." Everyone will get a rose, me too." At Zaroon's words, Rose shook her head and hugged him more.

"So tell me, Rose, what should he be punished?"

"Zaroon please!" Seeing Faisal Bakht vomiting blood, Gulab's eyes met hard

"You take the decision, Gulab, otherwise I have to take it!" Zaroon said, ignoring her condition

"I won't do it Zarun!" Gulab said crying

"It's okay, I'm not!" He said with cold, expressionless eyes in Gulab's eyes, wiping her tears

"Stand here madam!" patting his cheek, Zaroon dragged Faisal Bakht towards his car.

Throwing it towards Dicky, Zaron pulled out a thick rope from Dicky.

Are you very fond of watching the race? I have too and today I will too, but in my own way. You chase dogs after humans and I chase humans after cars!" Zaroon tied both his wrists tightly with a rope and tied the other end to the car.

"Aamir, see what Zaroon is doing, stop them!" Gulab shook Amir's arm

"Bhai nahi rikkege, sister-in-law, the effort is futile, you too let them do what they have to do, anyway this person deserves the same!" Aamir replied in a spot tone.

Gulab looked at Aamir with uncertainty, this sweet Aamir was no less than an executioner at that time.

"Brother, at least you."

"The effort is futile Rose!" Ahan raised his hand to stop her from speaking

"Ahan!" At Zaroon's roar, where Gulab's heart trembled, Ahan ran towards him

"Now it's your hand, I have to listen to his screams, I heard you!" At Zaroon's warning, Ahan nodded and sat on the driver's seat.

Zaron now straddled Rose who was shivering and held her close to him.

Ahaan started the car and at full speed he started running on the road where there were thorny bushes, small pointed stones and glass panes.

After some time, they all heard the screams of Faisal Bakht, many small pointed stones were sunk into his body.

"Look at him, rose, and remember the days when he used to oppress you, remember the night when he did not even care about the little soul in your existence and left dogs on you, if on that day Maan Will it happen? Like your first two children, would he have died before coming?" Zarun was playing with him, he could not see even the slightest sympathy for this person in Gulab's eyes.

He would repeatedly trigger Gulab, which had the effect that Gulab had now stopped hiding in Zaron's chest.

"Yes, this is what should happen to him, worse than that, this is what Dezero does!" Zaron's smile deepened at Gulab's words.

An hour later, Ahan stopped the car and got out and straightened Faisal Bakht and started checking his pulse

"It turned out to be very stupid Zaroon is not dead yet, there is still breath in him!" Ahan said kicking him in the stomach.

This is good news! Does that mean he will be tortured and killed more?" Aamir and Ahan also laughed when Zaroon asked with a smile.

Gulab moved towards Faisal Bakht with hatred in her eyes and spat on his face

"You are capable of worse than this, Faisal Bakht, I pray that Allah will give you and Bahadur Khan a painful and difficult death." May your breath be taken away from you every day, but God has mercy on you and calls you to Himself, you go through a new punishment every day. Feel the pain in which you have always kept others!" Gulab sat in the car, speaking angrily

"Ahan, just apply ointment to our guest and give relief for two or three days, I just have to go to my wife." Ahan laughed at Zaroon's words and took Aamir's injured body back to the factory with a nod.

Zarun shook his head and moved towards the car, off mode had to be restored!