Chapter 26

Miguel's POV

- 12:17 pm

I just entered my room so is my Carlos, I was going to change my clothes because this suit isn't comfortable even though I insisted on the tailor to make me a little baggy

I unbuttoned my shirt and my eyes saw how embarrassed Carlos is, he lowered his gaze so as not to see my body

" Come on we both are males "

I sarcastically said to take off my shirt, Carlos raised his face at that moment, staring at my body, strange looks, lustful looks that I never expected from him... from a straight person

" Sir... "

Carlos said in a shaky voice, then quickly lowered his gaze as if avoiding looking at me, I turned around completely and moved towards him

" What is going on with you? "

I moved closer to his body and put my fingers on his chin to raise his head towards me. There are only a few centimeters separating us

His skin is eerily hot and his hair, which had become longer than the first time I saw him, is sweating from its roots

" Hey, you! What happened to you? Speak "

" Nothing, Sir "

He said nervously after removing my hand from his chin and unbuttoning his shirt

He smiled and walked with unsteady steps toward that small cupboard at the end of the room

Carlos sat on the floor and put some books on his lap and started browsing them then asked

" So which title? "

" Dark Paradise "

I replied without thinking after putting on a black baggy T-shirt, he looked at me and asked again

" You haven't read it yet? "

" No, I bought it three days ago "

I bought it because it seemed interesting but I wasn't in a good mood that is why I didn't even open it. My life became a mess when Carlos wasn't with me...

" Change your clothes, Cali "

I said in a calm voice and threw one of my shirts and shorts at him. Carlos got up from his place with the book and clothes in his hand

" What did you just call me?? "

" Cali? You don't l... "

" I will change in the bathroom "

- 12:37 pm

Carlos came out of the bathroom, my clothes looked very beautiful on his muscular body, my body is also muscular and the clothes fit me, but Carlos' body is better than mine, his muscles are a little smaller than mine, but tight, his arms and thighs are exaggeratedly sexy

I looked at him with a wandering look, my eyes couldn't leave his face and his body, and my feelings couldn't leave his beautiful soul

" Good lightning "

Carlos said after looking closely at the lamp, which I changed its color from bright white to pale yellow, and closed the curtains to create a suitable atmosphere for reading

I smiled a little and walked towards him with slow steps to give him the book I wanted him to read "Dark Paradise"

" Where should I sit? "

" On my bed of course "

Naively I said, Carlos tensed and moved towards the bed with unbalanced steps. Does it bother him to sit with me on the same bed?

Carlos sat down and began to leaf through the book with his beautiful hands, his long, sculpted fingers, and his carefully trimmed nails

I sat next to him, looking at him without blinking my eyes, how beautiful he is...

" Close the book and let's talk first "

I told Carlos to close the book and talk to me, for a moment I felt I wanted to talk to him about many different subjects

Carlos asked after closing the book with an enigmatic look on his face

" Talk about what? "

" I don't know "

In an instant, I forgot everything I wanted to say and talk about just because of a charming look from Carlos

It is the first time I have seen this look, his eyes widen and his pupils slightly raised... beautiful doe eyes

" Okay, let me ask... Why are you treating me so well all of a sudden? "

Carlos asked again with a small smile on his face, a strangely beautiful smile.

I laughed at his naive tone and then answered him honestly

" I tried to do this from the beginning, but you are stubborn "

" Don't blame me, you came out of nowhere and turned my life upside down "

Carlos crossed his arms and looked at me with his beautiful tired eyes, I felt guilty for what he had just said

I took my eyes away from him, and here I am looking at the ceiling with my hands holding my neck from behind

" I didn't mean to... you caught my eye the first time, I could tell what an honest, brave, loyal... and beautiful person you are, I couldn't go without taking you with me "

There was silence for about a minute, I know that my words make Carlos feel shy, despite his boldness

" Don't call me beautiful again, I am not a woman "

I laughed at what he said in a low voice, rubbing the back of my head and turning my face towards him to see his embarrassed expression

" I know you like being called beautiful, stop pretending "

Carlos sighed deeply, rubbed his eyes gently, turned his head to me, and said

" Well, I love that word, but you say it in a way that makes me feel embarrassed... Please stop embarrassing me "

The silence lasted for few seconds, I had to break it... I smiled and asked him

" Why do you love being called beautiful? "

" We always call women 'beautiful', that is because women are the most beautiful creatures on earth... Do you wanna know how my feelings budge when someone calls me "beautiful"? I feel that I have surpassed women in beauty "

I tilted my head a little so I could see my beautiful boy talking, how his perfect lips move, and how he smiles from time to time, sometimes looking at the ceiling and sometimes looking down while playing with his fingers

" You have outdone them in beauty, Cali "

I said without even thinking...
