Chapter 6

During their conversation, Cato assured Killan that Ackerly is thriving in the Research Facility. Cato commented, "His task is the most advanced of them all."

The Alpha's voice reverberated through the training room as he bellowed at his wolf, his frustration evident. Despite his repeated refusals, the wolf within him persisted in urging him to accept that man as their mate. It was not unheard of for an Alpha to have a male Luna. In fact, there were likely many who had come before him. Never should such an occurrence come to pass!

"His knowledge on the matter of she-wolf infertility was extensive." Cato explained that all he required were proofs of the problem and confirmation.

Killan's fist connected with the punching bag, sending it into a wild sway and causing a cacophony of loud noises to reverberate throughout the room. Alpha Killan came to a sudden stop, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, and lifted his eyes to meet those of Cato.

With a deep sense of frustration, he clenched his teeth tightly together. Killan's fists tightened as he readied himself for a discussion with his Beta.

"Cato, you are under no obligation to tell me what he is up to. Do I have to keep repeating myself until you finally understand what I'm saying, or are you just completely deaf?" With a fierce growl, he bellowed at Cato in his commanding Alpha tone. Cato, recognizing his dominance, took a step back and lowered his head in a gesture of submission.

As Cato's whimpers filled the air, Alpha Killan let out an exasperated sigh and reached for a towel to wipe the beads of sweat from his forehead.

Killan's demeanor shifted abruptly as soon as that person's name was uttered. His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched, betraying a deep-seated agitation that seemed to simmer just beneath the surface. He remained indifferent towards him, even if it resulted in his demise. His ultimate objective was to ensure the she-wolves' fertility, thereby securing the possibility of offspring for their respective mates. Moreover, he harbored the aspiration of discovering a fitting Luna for his Pack, and himself.

Killan's cognitive abilities were insufficient to process the situation in a manner that would lead him to the desired outcome. After much searching, he had at last found the mate he had longed for, all thanks to the benevolent intervention of the Moon Goddess. The gender of Luna is inconsequential. What truly matters is the ability to execute one's responsibilities with precision and empathy towards those whom it concerns. Killan remained entirely oblivious to the fact that Ackerly possessed all of these traits.

"I offer my sincerest apologies, Alpha, and I vow to refrain from repeating my transgression. By the way, Alpha," the Beta spoke in a hushed tone, "I'm still engrossed in a task and must take my leave," conveying to Killan before departing.

With a graceful bow, Cato made his exit from the Pack house. Killan found himself in solitude, left to ponder his choices. The multitude of women who leapt onto his bed was staggering.

The previous evening, he engaged in a physical encounter with a promiscuous member of the Pack. Despite repeatedly thrusting his manhood into her beneath, he remained unsatisfied with his efforts.

"Bullsh*t! Just why does that make you such a jerk, my soul mate? My mate may be a she-wolf for all I care, but why would I want to be with someone who is a man? What is it that you want me to do, Moon Goddess? Could it be that you are punishing me?" Killan stated in a fit of exasperation. He possessed the strength to snap Ackerly's neck like a twig, yet he found himself unable to do so. All he did was wrap his hands around the man's neck and squeeze, cutting off his air supply.

"This is f*cking hell! I'm known for being a fearless Alpha, so why can't I just kill that person and move on?" As he contemplated the situation, he came to the realization that a profound connection would endure between him and the other gentleman, regardless of his decision to sever ties. Such a bond, he mused, would persist until the end of one of their lifetimes.

The price of freedom was steep, for it demanded the sacrifice of one of them. The prospect loomed before Killan, a tantalizing yet treacherous path. But with each passing contemplation, his inner wolf stirred, a restless beast that howled in vehement objection.

The mere thought of being separated from his beloved mate was unbearable to him. Killan's desires were the complete antithesis of this. The wolf within him had fallen deeply in love with their mate, despite the fact that they had yet to truly know him.

"Bullsh*t mate bond!" With a blood-curdling scream, Killan kicked open the door to the training room. Whenever he was in a foul mood, he could be found in this very place. The root of his anger, more often than not, was the man he had spurned.

The man strode out of the training room with a somber countenance. With the resolution of the woman's infertility problem, the Alpha's plan to eliminate him was set in motion.

The wolf of the Alpha emitted a fierce snarl in reply to the Alpha's proposition. Killan exerted his willpower and suppressed the primal instincts of his inner wolf, effectively confining it within the recesses of his psyche. The mournful howl of the wolf echoed through Killan's thoughts as the Alpha strode purposefully towards his sleeping quarters.

Killan strode into the room, his mind preoccupied with the events of the previous night. Unbeknownst to him, a woman was present in the room. He failed to acknowledge her presence, not even sparing a second glance in her direction. As the woman stirred from her slumber, her eyes met with the imposing figure of the Alpha. Without hesitation, she sprang to her feet and strode towards him with purpose.

She embraced Killan tightly, her arms coiling around his neck like a serpent, before pressing her lips against his in a passionate kiss. With a forceful shove, Killan sent her tumbling to the ground.

"Leave my room, or I will kill you! There is no longer a need for your services. You'd be considered a deserter and a rogue if you didn't show up for work!" He roared at the woman with an insulting word.

Try as she might, the woman's attempts to hold onto the blanket were in vain as Alpha forcefully tore it away, leaving her exposed and vulnerable. The hapless lady emerged unclothed from Alpha's room.

Killan's countenance betrayed no hint of concern regarding the situation at hand. As soon as he forcefully shut the door, every member of the Pack House sprang up from their seats. The benefits of possessing the acute auditory abilities of a werewolf are manifold.

The heightened sense of hearing allows one to detect even the faintest of sounds, from the rustling of leaves to the softest whispers. This can prove to be a valuable asset in a variety of situations, such as tracking prey or detecting the approach of a potential threat.

Additionally, werewolf hearing can provide a greater appreciation for the nuances of sound, allowing one to fully immerse themselves in the auditory landscape of their surroundings. Overall, the advantages of possessing such a keen sense of hearing are undeniable.

Alpha Killan wasted no time in taking a refreshing bath and donning fresh attire. All those who cross paths with the Alpha in the Pack steer clear of him as if he were a contagious disease. The fear of being consumed by Killan's persistent depression, which has persisted for several days, looms over them.

Should one ever find themselves in the position of having to approach or communicate with Alpha, Beta Cato would strongly advise against doing so, as there exists a very real possibility of sustaining harm. Unbeknownst to Killan, he was driving himself to the very place where he had spurned his mate. He navigated the familiar roads with little thought, his mind preoccupied with the day ahead.

He stood in front of the Sun Forest Research Facility, his mind racing as he tried to piece together the events that had led him there. It was only then that he realized he had no idea what he had done to end up in this place. As soon as the Pack members caught sight of his vehicle, they instinctively lowered their heads in a show of deference. Alpha Killan stood as the unwavering force behind the establishment.

Nestled within the verdant expanse of the forest lies a structure that belongs to none other than the Sun Forest Pack. The facility was shrouded in secrecy, guarded by fierce Pack warriors who stood watch to ensure that no human eyes bore witness to the tests being conducted on the subjects within. Their vigilance was also necessary to keep the facility safe from the clutches of rogues and other enemies who sought to infiltrate and destroy it.

As Killan stepped out of his car, he was approached by one of the three Pack Doctors. The doctors, who had been transferred to oversee the Pack Hospital and Research Facility, assumed full responsibility for its management. Despite the early hour, beads of sweat had already formed on her forehead.

"Good day, Alpha," she greeted, her voice warm and friendly. She inquired if there was anything she could assist with, her eyes fixed on his, waiting for his response. She ensured to bow respectfully at her Alpha.

Killan averted his gaze from the Pack Doctor and proceeded towards the edifice. Alpha Killan was a figure of formality, his very presence exuding a menacing aura that caused all who came into contact with him to shrink back in fear and retreat. He dons a formal suit and tie, his strikingly handsome face betraying no emotion.

The Pack Doctor let out a deep sigh, her shoulders slumping in defeat as she conceded to the situation. A deep sigh escaped her lips, conveying a sense of helplessness. The Alpha's position towered above theirs, leaving them with little recourse. Merely executing his commands, they proceeded with unwavering obedience.

Alpha Killan surveyed the room, his sharp gaze fixed on each and every werewolf present. He had no intention of delving into the depths of his own being. As the Alpha gazes intently, his devious eyes scour for a particular something - or rather, someone - whom he adamantly refuses to get rid of. Agitated, the Doctor Pack followed the Alpha.

Killan's senses were heightened as he caught a whiff of his mate's alluring scent emanating from a nearby door. Without hesitation, he felt compelled to investigate and discover what secrets lay beyond. The man breathed in deeply, savoring the familiar fragrance of his ex-mate. The unmistakable aroma of his mate lingered in the air, intermingled with the musky scent of fellow werewolves.

"Can you describe what's on the other side of that door?" The Alpha's interest was piqued as he queried. As he strode along, the Pack Doctor kept pace with him, their conversation flowing easily between them.

Not a single member of the staff could be found lingering in any corner of the facility. The Pack Doctor implores them to return to their duties. The Doctor let out a deep sigh before uttering a word.

"That," she declared, gesturing towards the room beyond, "is the locker room designated for the esteemed physicians and their diligent assistants."

Without a moment's hesitation, Killan swung open the door upon hearing her words. And that, precisely, was what he believed he sought. Only upon further reflection did he come to the realization that a pair of individuals were situated within, partaking in their morning meal.

The Alpha's attention was immediately captivated by a particular locker, its scent reminiscent of his mate.

He knew the locker belonged to Ackerly, but he inquired, "Who owns this locker?" with a cold expression on his face. Killan's behavior in the locker room was rather peculiar.

"Alpha, the owner of that locker is an Omega named Ackerly Ciro Galeno, and you, Alpha, have given him permission to stay with the Pack. Ackerly isn't here because his landlord called to say he passed out and had to be rushed to Pack Hospital, where he is still recovering," the woman said.

Killan swiftly dashed out of the room with the speed of a lightning bolt, interrupting the Doctor before he could complete her sentence. The Pack Doctor and the other two individuals were caught off guard, their minds muddled with confusion and uncertainty as they struggled to comprehend the situation at hand.