Chapter 8

Alpha Killan halted in his tracks as Beta Cato relayed the unsettling news of rogue sightings near the Research Facility edifice. Alpha Killan stood tall and proud as he signed the paperwork on behalf of his Pack. His strong, calloused hands moved with purpose as he carefully penned his name onto the document. The weight of his responsibility as leader of his Pack was evident in his stern expression and unwavering focus. With each stroke of the pen, Alpha Killan solidified his commitment to his Pack and their future.

Alpha was informed of the presence of rogues lurking around the facility. Beta Cato leaned in towards Killan, her eyes darting around the room. "They looked like they were spying on us," he grumbled.

The Alpha was wide awake and alert, despite the late hour. Killan found himself in a weakened state as he made his way to the hospital where his ex-mate was receiving medical attention.

Killan was having trouble getting to sleep. Certain things had the power to ignite a fiery rage within him. For the past few days, he had been neglecting his duties to the Pack. Had it not been for Cato, their adversaries would have launched a surprise attack and taken them captive. Cato drew in a deep breath, feeling the cool air fill his lungs before slowly releasing it in a long exhale. He isn't getting anything from his Alpha, Killan is in dazed while his Beta is talking.

The Alpha stood tall and resolute, his unwavering stance a testament to his unyielding conviction. He pondered the question, his mind consumed with thoughts of the enigmatic deity who had bestowed upon him such a precious gift. Despite her divine grace, he found himself unable to fully embrace the love that she had offered him.

The reasons for his reluctance eluded him, like a mist that refused to be dispelled by the light of day. He knew only that his heart was heavy with a burden that he could not name, and that the Moon Goddess's gift seemed to offer no solace. The notion that a man's masculinity is diminished by having a male partner is a fallacy. The It is entirely up to Alpha to decide how he will manage things for himself and his mate.

'F*cking hell! Why am I so upset?! I've already decided that I'm going to stand for it!' He let out a guttural scream, drowning out the words of his Beta. It was as if he was trying to convince himself that he couldn't hear the message being delivered.

The Beta's words flowed incessantly, detailing their dire predicament at Killan. However, the latter remained indifferent, not bothering to lend an ear to the Beta's plight. Alpha Killan's mind wandered elsewhere at that moment.

"Alpha? Alpha? Are you paying attention to what I'm saying?" Beta Cato's voice echoed through the empty space as he called out to his Alpha, but the silence that followed was deafening. He tried again, his voice growing more urgent with each call, but still there was no answer. The weight of the situation began to settle heavily on his shoulders as he realized that something was amiss.

The Beta found themselves in a state of helplessness, unable to take any action due to the foolishness of Alpha. He made a conscious effort to steer clear of any negative thoughts about the Alpha, knowing full well that such thoughts could lead to disastrous consequences.

After all, the Alpha was not just any ordinary person - he was the Leader, the one who held the fate of their entire community in his hands. The mere thought of harboring any ill will towards him sent shivers down his spine. No, he couldn't afford to let his guard down, not even for a moment. He had to remain loyal and steadfast, no matter what. Killan stole a quick glance over his shoulder, catching the Beta off guard.

"What are you saying?" he queried, having failed to pick up on anything Cato had said. Killan's Beta drew in a deep breath, holding it for a moment before slowly releasing it into the crisp, cool air. As the Alpha remained inert, Beta Cato found himself compelled to once again elucidate his actions.

"In my previous post, I mentioned that our Pack Warriors had reported sightings of rogues in and around the Research Facility; what steps should we take next?" Beta Cato turned to Killan and posed a question.

"I don't want to be the one to make choices for you, Alpha, therefore I'll confer with you before making any decisions," Cato added.

Alpha Killan was drawn in after hearing Beta Cato's statements. He kept his ears perked up, listening intently for any mention of Beta. The Pack's Research Facility held a significant place in their hearts, and he knew it was crucial to keep it safe.

He reasoned that the ex-mate had absolutely nothing to do with anything. He struggled to mask the veracity of his heart's message.

Alpha's knuckles turned white as his hand tightened around the edge of the desk. As he scrutinized the Beta, its sharp claws dug into table, determined to maintain its composure. Alpha Killan's voice boomed across the clearing as he commanded his trusted Beta Cato.

"Spread the word to our Pack Warriors," he ordered, his eyes blazing with a fierce determination. "The rogues must be eliminated. If you find one alive, throw him in prison, and we'll look into what they're doing in our Pack!"

The Beta's response was a simple nod. The Beta remained tight-lipped, withholding any further information, especially concerning his Alpha's chosen mate. He stood firm in his resolve, refusing to let anyone else handle his troubles but the leader. The matter at hand was a private affair, one that was to be kept between the Alpha Killan and the Packless Omega Ackerly. It was not to be divulged to the public, for it was of a sensitive nature.

With a sense of unwavering loyalty, Beta Cato declared, "In that case, I will instantly obey your commands," as the imposing figure of Sael Boylecrew, the Pack's Third in Command, made his entrance into the room. "Your kindness is much appreciated," Beta Cato expressed with a grateful tone. His gaze shifted towards Sael, who was visibly struggling to catch his breath.

Sael's breath escaped him in a heavy sigh, as though he sensed a shadow trailing him. His countenance betrayed his vexation, etched with visible lines of discontent.

"Alpha, one of the she-wolves was slaughtered by the rogues! The Pack Warriors were taken aback by the unexpected ambush launched by the rogues. They entered the establishment. We've put in place measures to protect the Research Facility and the surrounding area. As a result of what has happened, no one is permitted to enter or exit," Sael informed them.

Alpha Killan and Beta Cato stood in stunned silence as the Third in Command recounted the details of the incident. Their minds raced as they tried to make sense of the situation, struggling to come to terms with the gravity of what had occurred.

Killan rose from his seat, his eyes scanning the room before he strode out of his office. The other two individuals trailed behind him, their footsteps echoing in the empty hallway.

The Alpha asked Sael, "Tell me what else is going on." Without a moment's hesitation, they left the Pack House upon hearing Sael's urgent message regarding the dire situation at the Research Facility.

"We were able to kill six rogues and leave one alive, Alpha; we have already put him in the Pack jail. However, it seems that there are more rogues than we first anticipated. I told the rest of the Pack Warriors to go help out at the Research Facility if they weren't working," Sael said.

Killan and Cato had been locked in a heated debate for what seemed like hours. They had weighed the pros and cons of every possible course of action, but now the time had come to put their plans into motion. With a determined look in their eyes, they set out to execute their carefully crafted strategy.

Alpha Killan placed a gentle hand on Sael's shoulder, causing him to pivot and meet his gaze. Killan said, "Wonderful work, Sael," praising the efforts of the Third in Command.

Sael spoke up, his voice calm and collected. "It's nothing, Alpha," he said, his eyes meeting the leader's. "My main concern at the moment is the well-being of the Research Facility staff. I fear that some of them may have been injured." Killan was caught off guard by Sael's unexpected remarks.

As his gaze fell upon the Beta, a grimace contorted his features. Their eyes met, and in that moment, Killan knew that his Beta was privy to his every thought. They communicated without a word, their unspoken connection stronger than any spoken language.

Alpha Killan's throat tightened as he swallowed the saliva that had accumulated in his mouth. As he ran, a flurry of situations sprang into his mind, unbidden. He had to force himself to confront each one, even as his feet pounded the pavement beneath him.

He nervously cleared his throat before asking, "Might you be able to inform me of the number of individuals who sustained injuries?" He couldn't help but gulp, his anxiety palpable. Their legs pumped furiously, their breaths coming in ragged gasps as they pushed themselves to their limits.

The Facility loomed in the distance, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos that surrounded them. They knew that time was of the essence, and they couldn't afford to slow down. With every step, they drew closer to their goal, their determination unwavering.

Sael turned to Alpha, his eyes filled with concern. "Five Nurses, a Pack Doctor, and three Pack Doctor Assistants are all that I know thus far, Alpha," he said, his voice low. "But I am still in the process of gathering all of the numbers of those who were harmed."

The Alpha's gaze remained fixed on the Third in Command, his every move scrutinized with unwavering attention. Killan's senses heightened as he became acutely aware of a subtle shift in the expression etched on his face.

Sael cast a nonchalant glance at Cato and simply shrugged his shoulders. Cato's lips curled up into a sly grin as he looked at Sael. Sael nods, acknowledging Cato's comprehension. It is evident that the Beta is well-informed about their Alpha Killan's actions.

Killan's lips remained tightly sealed, but his mind was a flurry of profanity. The words he dared not speak aloud were the most venomous of all, seething with a rage that threatened to consume him.

'Bullsh*t! What happens if he gets hurt again?! Why would difficulty chase someone like that?' With a sudden burst of speed, he raced towards the looming structure, his heart pounding in his chest. "F*cking hell!" he muttered under his breath, his frustration and anxiety palpable in the air.

Their fear of being discovered by humans kept them from reverting to their wolf forms.

The Alpha was known to be a highly temperamental individual. He stood there, his mind racing with uncertainty and doubt, especially in the company of his beloved ex-mate. As time passed, his sentiments towards him underwent a transformation. There were moments when he was content with his presence, but there were also moments when he was not.

He struggled with the realization that his intended mate was Ackerly, a fellow male. The weight of societal expectations and his own internalized beliefs made it a formidable challenge to accept this truth. In a moment of misguided judgment, he rejected Ackerly and spurned the Moon Goddess' divine plan for him.

They were on high alert as the three of them arrived at the Research Facility, straining their eyes and changing their sense of smell to compensate for the unfamiliar surroundings. After seeing the befuddled Alpha, the staffs bowed and wished him a pleasant day.

"Alpha," the word echoed through the room. Killan responded with a subtle inclination of his head, indicating his acknowledgement.

Alpha Killan's voice boomed across the clearing, commanding the attention of his Pack Warriors. With a stern expression etched onto his face, he issued a grave order. "Keep a watchful eye on the entire vicinity," he instructed, his voice low and menacing.

"Any rogues that cross our path must be dealt with swiftly and without mercy. Let this serve as a warning to those who dare to trifle with the mighty Sun Forest Pack." The Pack Warriors nodded in unison, their eyes glinting with a fierce determination to protect their pack at all costs. Their responses were laced with a sternness that left no room for argument.

"Rest easy, Alpha," they reassured in unison.

Killan stormed into the building with a sudden burst of energy. The air was thick with tension and anxiety. Killan observed the guards with a keen eye, admiring their unwavering diligence. The Pack Warriors stood watch on the perimeter, their keen senses attuned to any hint of movement. With lightning-fast reflexes, they signaled their comrades at the slightest indication of danger.

The Third in Command stood outside, issuing additional instructions to their colleagues. Meanwhile, the Alpha and Beta remained inside, their presence looming over the room.

Killan was informed that people were assembled in the the same room where he had been previously instructed to go. Moreover, the basement serves as the establishment's refuge in case of a recurrence of such an event in the future.

The door creaked open and in walked Killan, his presence filling the space with an air of anticipation. Despite his actions, he appeared disinterested in everything, as if his mind was elsewhere. As he endeavored to punish himself, his body vehemently refused to comply with his wishes.

As the door creaked open, all eyes in the room fixated on him, save for a pair of emerald orbs that appeared to be lost in contemplation. Alpha Killan remained oblivious to the fact that the vast majority of the beings within his vicinity are all females except for some male staff.

"Alpha," one of the females said, her voice soft and grateful. "May we ascend to the second floor?" she asked with a hopeful tone. "Alpha, some of us wanted to go back to our rooms because we were struggling to breathe." One of the patients divulged her innermost musings.

Killan's gaze remained fixated on the man standing at the far end of the room. Despite the seemingly trivial nature of the wound, a bandage was tightly wound around his forehead. Yet, Killan could not help but feel a magnetic pull towards him. The Alpha's unwavering commitment to his Pack was his foremost priority, above all else.

The wolves within exchanged a fleeting glance, their eyes conveying a silent understanding. The Alpha, with a commanding tone, addressed the she-wolves, "You may return, but should such an incident occur again, do not hesitate to follow suit. We shall ensure that the security at this Facility is reinstated."

One by one, they each bowed and gracefully exited the room. Killan lingered behind, his watchful gaze fixed on them. His true purpose, however, was not to monitor their every move, but rather to bide his time until the one person who truly mattered arrived.

Ackerly didn't just depart from the meeting, he also made his way out of the room after his colleagues. Alpha Killan gazed into his eyes, searching for any hint of emotion, but found none. It was as if the man before him was a mere shell, devoid of any feeling or sentiment.

Ackerly made his way forward, and as he did, Killan came into view, standing directly in front of him. Killan parted his lips, ready to speak his mind, but Ackerly's intense gaze bore into him, silencing him in an instant. Ackerly strode with an air of nonchalance, as if the very concept of an Alpha held no sway in his world.

Killan stood frozen, his jaw hanging open in disbelief, as Ackerly strode out of the room with an eerie calmness in his gaze.